Compensação de reserva legal no Estado de São Paulo: uma análise da equivalência ecológica
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
A compensação extrapropriedade é uma das alternativas legais para regularização de imóveis rurais com déficit de reserva legal. Com a recente revogação do Código Florestal, as compensações podem envolver imóveis localizados até em distintos Estados, considerando apenas a correspondência entre biomas. Do ponto de vista ambiental, no entanto, as compensações só fazem sentido se ocorrer entre áreas com equivalência ecológica (composição, estrutura e função) e o mais próximas possível entre si. Este estudo buscou contribuir para o aprimoramento do mecanismo de compensação, considerando aspectos da equivalência ecológica (composição), tendo o Estado de São Paulo como área de estudo. Para tanto foram analisadas: (i) se as compensações ocorrem entre áreas com equivalência da vegetação, (ii) e qual seria a distância máxima para que as trocas ocorram entre áreas com maior equivalência. Foram consultados 104 processos de compensação de reserva legal para a coleta de informações sobre os imóveis, como localização. As fitofisionomias de cada área foram identificadas segundo o mapa da vegetação remanescente do Estado. A distância máxima a ser permitida foi estimada comparando-se a similaridade florística de remanescentes de Cerrado e Floresta em relação à distância geográfica por meio do teste de Mantel. Verificou-se que dos 117 casos analisados, 72 não apresentam equivalência no âmbito do bioma (13) ou das fitofisionomias (59). A conservação de florestas ombrófilas próximas ao litoral é priorizada em detrimento das áreas de floresta estacional, de cerrado e ecótono do interior paulista. Estas reservas estão distantes da origem do passivo (200-400 km), reforçando os contrastes na paisagem em termos de vegetação. Não houve correlação entre similaridade florística e distância geográfica, o que não permitiu precisar um limite (em km) para as compensações. Contudo, recomenda-se que estas ocorram entre áreas de grupos de municípios limítrofes, onde é provável que haja maior uniformidade ambiental e, consequentemente, maior similaridade em termos de composição florística.
The mechanism of compensation is one of the legal alternatives to regulate rural properties with deficit of legal reserve. After the recent repeal of the Forest Code, compensation can involve areas of different states, considering only the correspondence of biomes. From the environmental standpoint, however, compensation makes sense only if it occurs between areas with ecological equivalence (in composition, structure and function) and as near as possible to each other. This study aimed at contributing to the improvement of the mechanism of compensation, taking into account aspects of ecological equivalence (composition), considering the state of São Paulo (BRA) as study area. It was analyzed: (i) if compensations occur between areas with equivalence of vegetation and (ii) which would be the maximum distance to allow exchanges between areas of higher equivalence. 104 processes of compensation of legal reserve were consulted to collected information about the properties, such as localization. The phytophysiognomies of each area were identified according to the map of remnant vegetation of the state. The maximum distance to be allowed was estimated by comparing the floristic similarity of the remnants of Cerrado and Forest in relation to the geographical distance by using the Mantel test. 72 of the 117 studied cases have no equivalence considering the biome (13) or the phytophysiognomies (59). Conservation of ombrophylous forests near the coast is prioritized in detriment of seasonal semideciduous forests, cerrado and ecotone of the paulist interior. These reserves are very distant from the origin of the passive (200-400 km), reinforcing contrasts in the landscape. There was no correlation between floristic similarity and geographical distance, which did not allow to determinate a limit (in km) for compensation. However, it is recommended that the compensations occur between neighboring municipalities, which are likely to be more environmentally uniform and, consequently, more similar in terms of floristic composition.
The mechanism of compensation is one of the legal alternatives to regulate rural properties with deficit of legal reserve. After the recent repeal of the Forest Code, compensation can involve areas of different states, considering only the correspondence of biomes. From the environmental standpoint, however, compensation makes sense only if it occurs between areas with ecological equivalence (in composition, structure and function) and as near as possible to each other. This study aimed at contributing to the improvement of the mechanism of compensation, taking into account aspects of ecological equivalence (composition), considering the state of São Paulo (BRA) as study area. It was analyzed: (i) if compensations occur between areas with equivalence of vegetation and (ii) which would be the maximum distance to allow exchanges between areas of higher equivalence. 104 processes of compensation of legal reserve were consulted to collected information about the properties, such as localization. The phytophysiognomies of each area were identified according to the map of remnant vegetation of the state. The maximum distance to be allowed was estimated by comparing the floristic similarity of the remnants of Cerrado and Forest in relation to the geographical distance by using the Mantel test. 72 of the 117 studied cases have no equivalence considering the biome (13) or the phytophysiognomies (59). Conservation of ombrophylous forests near the coast is prioritized in detriment of seasonal semideciduous forests, cerrado and ecotone of the paulist interior. These reserves are very distant from the origin of the passive (200-400 km), reinforcing contrasts in the landscape. There was no correlation between floristic similarity and geographical distance, which did not allow to determinate a limit (in km) for compensation. However, it is recommended that the compensations occur between neighboring municipalities, which are likely to be more environmentally uniform and, consequently, more similar in terms of floristic composition.
Compensação de reserva legal, Conservação em terras privadas, Equivalência ecológica, Política ambiental, Compensation of legal reserve, Conservation in private lands, Ecological equivalence, Environmental policy