Projeto de um modulador sigma-delta de baixo consumo para sinais de áudio
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Este trabalho descreve o projeto de um modulador Analógico-Digital (A/D) Sigma-Delta de 16 bits (98 dB de SNR) de baixo consumo em tecnologia CMOS para a aquisição de sinais de áudio. Para projetar o modulador foi utilizada a metodologia top down, a qual consiste em projetar desde o nível de sistema até os blocos básicos em nível de transistores. O sistema foi analizado e projetado utilizando equacões e modelos comportamentais para obter as especificações de cada bloco do modulador. Considerando um baixo consumo de potência foi escolhida a topologia CIFF (do inglês Chain of Integrator with FeedForward) de terceira ordem e quatro bits implementado com capacitores chaveados. O modulador projetado é composto por três integradores chaveados, um somador analógico, um weigthed DAC e um quantizador de quatro bits. A técnica de Chopper é incluida no modulador para diminuir o ruído Flicker na entrada do modulador. Os blocos de maior consumo dentro do modulador são as OTAs. Por esta razão eles são projetados utilizando a metodologia gm/ID reduzindo assim o consumo de potência. O projeto foi realizado na tecnologia IBM 0,18 \'mü\'m sendo utilizado o simulador spectre do Cadence. O modulador Sigma-Delta atinge um SNR de 98 dB para uma banda de 20 kHz e um consumo de potência de 2,4 mW para uma fonte de alimentação de 1,8 V.
This work describes the design of a 16 bits low power Sigma-Delta modulator (98 dB SNR) in a CMOS technology for the acquisition of audio signals. To design the modulator it was used the top-down methodology, which consists on the design from system level to the transistor-level basic blocks. The system was analyzed and designed using behavioral models and equations to obtain the specifications of each block of the modulator. Considering a low power consumption it was chosen a third-order four bits CIFF topology (Chain Integrator with feedforward) implemented with switched capacitors. The modulator is composed by three integrators, one analog adder, one weigthed DAC and one four bit quantizer. The Chopper technique is included in the modulator to reduce the Flicker noise at the input of the modulator. The blocks of higher consumption within the modulator are the OTAs. Hence, they was designed using the methodology gm/ID to reduce power consumption. It was designed on the 0.18 \'mü\'m IBM technology and using the Cadence Spectre simulator. The Sigma-Delta modulator achieves a SNR of 98 dB for a bandwidth of 20 kHz and a power consumption of 2.4 mW with a 1.8 V power supply.
This work describes the design of a 16 bits low power Sigma-Delta modulator (98 dB SNR) in a CMOS technology for the acquisition of audio signals. To design the modulator it was used the top-down methodology, which consists on the design from system level to the transistor-level basic blocks. The system was analyzed and designed using behavioral models and equations to obtain the specifications of each block of the modulator. Considering a low power consumption it was chosen a third-order four bits CIFF topology (Chain Integrator with feedforward) implemented with switched capacitors. The modulator is composed by three integrators, one analog adder, one weigthed DAC and one four bit quantizer. The Chopper technique is included in the modulator to reduce the Flicker noise at the input of the modulator. The blocks of higher consumption within the modulator are the OTAs. Hence, they was designed using the methodology gm/ID to reduce power consumption. It was designed on the 0.18 \'mü\'m IBM technology and using the Cadence Spectre simulator. The Sigma-Delta modulator achieves a SNR of 98 dB for a bandwidth of 20 kHz and a power consumption of 2.4 mW with a 1.8 V power supply.
Baixo consumo, Metodologia gm/ID, Metodologia top-down, Modulador sigma-delta, Ggm/ID methodology, Low power, Sigma-delta modulators, Top-down methodology