Caracterização limnológica do rio do Peixe (microrregião geográfica de Botucatu - SP), em duas épocas do ano (períodos de seca e chuva)
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
O rio do Peixe, um dos principais afluentes do rio Tietê (Reservatório de Barra Bonita/Hidrovia Tietê Paraná), juntamente com seus formadores (microrregião geográfica de Botucatu - SP) constituem os principais mananciais das cidades que se localizam em suas bacias. A maior parte da bacia hidrográfica do rio do Peixe desenvolve-se sob rochas sedimentares arenosas, favoráveis às atividades de extração de areia, fato que aliado ao manejo incorreto do solo favorece a ocorrência de processos erosivos. Foram realizadas amostragens de água durante dez dias consecutivos e de sedimento durante três dias alternados, em dois períodos hidrológicos (seca e chuva), para a determinação de variáveis físicas, químicas e biológicas,com o objetivo principal de caracterizar do ponto de vista limnológico esse rio e sua foz. As análises das diferentes variáveis seguiram os métodos que são utilizados rotineiramente no Laboratório de Limnologia do CRHEA/EESC/USP. As águas do rio do Peixe apresentaram, principalmente altas concentrações de sólidos em suspensão. Os maiores valores de turbidez, condutividade, alcalinidade, HCO3-, CO3-, nitrito, nitrogênio amoniacal, nitrogênio Kjedhal, fosfato inorgânico, carbono orgânico e sólidos em suspensão foram obtidos durante o período de chuvas, influenciados principalmente pelo escoamento superficial que promove o carreamento de materiais da bacia hidrográfica. Foi possível ainda através das características limnológicas, agrupar as estações de amostragem ao longo do contínuo do rio em três regiões (alto, médio e baixo curso), e diferenciar do ponto de vista trófico as estações da foz com o rio Tietê. Um aumento da biomassa fitoplanctônica, no período de seca, no baixo curso do rio do Peixe foi favorecido pela menor vazão na barragem de Barra Bonita.
Peixe river, one of the main Tietê river\'s tributaries (Barra Bonita Reservoir/ Hydrovia Tietê Paraná), connected to its formers (geographic micro region of Botucatu- SP) are the main water sources to the cities located in their basins. Most of the Peixe river hydrographic basin runs through sandy sedimentary rocks, propitious to sand extraction activity. This fact, allied to improper use of the soil, lead to erosive processes occurrence. In the present work, water and sediment samples (dry and raining season) were taken during ten consecutive days and three alternate days, respectively. Physical, chemical and biological analyses were determined to characterize, under the limnological point of view, this river and its mouth; all these analysis were made following the methodology used in the Limnology Laboratory of CRHEA/EESC/USP. Peixe River waters showed high concentrations of suspended solids. The higher values of turbidity, conductivity, alcalinity, HCO3-, CO32-, nitrite, ammonium, Kjeldahl nitrogen, inorganic phosphate, organic carbon and suspended solids were obtained during the raining season, influenced by the surface water running that causes an input of material from the hydrographic basin. It was possible, by using the limnological characteristics, to duster the sampling stations throughout the river continuum in three regions: high, medium and low course, setting them apart from the Tietê\'s mouth sampling stations in account of distinct trophic state. Phytoplankton biomass increased during the dry season, in the low course of Peixe river, due to the lower flow towards Barra Bonita reservoir.
Peixe river, one of the main Tietê river\'s tributaries (Barra Bonita Reservoir/ Hydrovia Tietê Paraná), connected to its formers (geographic micro region of Botucatu- SP) are the main water sources to the cities located in their basins. Most of the Peixe river hydrographic basin runs through sandy sedimentary rocks, propitious to sand extraction activity. This fact, allied to improper use of the soil, lead to erosive processes occurrence. In the present work, water and sediment samples (dry and raining season) were taken during ten consecutive days and three alternate days, respectively. Physical, chemical and biological analyses were determined to characterize, under the limnological point of view, this river and its mouth; all these analysis were made following the methodology used in the Limnology Laboratory of CRHEA/EESC/USP. Peixe River waters showed high concentrations of suspended solids. The higher values of turbidity, conductivity, alcalinity, HCO3-, CO32-, nitrite, ammonium, Kjeldahl nitrogen, inorganic phosphate, organic carbon and suspended solids were obtained during the raining season, influenced by the surface water running that causes an input of material from the hydrographic basin. It was possible, by using the limnological characteristics, to duster the sampling stations throughout the river continuum in three regions: high, medium and low course, setting them apart from the Tietê\'s mouth sampling stations in account of distinct trophic state. Phytoplankton biomass increased during the dry season, in the low course of Peixe river, due to the lower flow towards Barra Bonita reservoir.
Bacia hidrográfica, Rio do Peixe, Período de seca, Período de chuva, Variáveis limnológicas, Peixe river, Limnological variables, Hydrographic basin, Raining season, Dry season