Estudo para a reutilização do resíduo sólido constituído pelas areias de fundição aglomeradas com argila, através da técnica de solidificação/estabilização em matrizes de cimento Portland, para aplicação no setor da construção civil
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
A presente pesquisa realizou um estudo que investiga a viabilidade técnica para a reciclagem do resíduo sólido gerado pelo descarte das areias de fundição aglomeradas com argila, para aplicação no setor da construção civil. Para isso, o trabalho estabelece uma metodologia, a qual avalia a estabilização do resíduo em matrizes solidificadas de cimento Portland, melhoradas através de adições de argila bentonita sódica e/ou sílica ativa. A estabilização do resíduo foi verificada através de ensaio de solubilização, o qual submete as matrizes solidificadas a contatos dinâmico e estático com água destilada. Os desempenhos mecânico e físico das matrizes foram avaliados em ensaios de resistência à compressão, absorção de água e permeabilidade ao ar. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que, tanto a bentonita sódica, quanto a sílica ativa contribuem para o aumento da eficiência de fixação dos metais \'AL\', \'FE\' e \'CR\' por parte das matrizes de cimento Portland. As composições que obtiveram os melhores desempenhos mecânico, físico e químico foram utilizadas na confecção de tijolos maciços, visando aplicação na execução de alvenarias. Para a moldagem dos tijolos foi empregada uma prensa hidráulica, o que possibilitou manter a regularidade dimensional das faces. Ao mesmo tempo, o formato dos tijolos foi concebido com design diferenciado, proporcionando modulação e encaixes que podem reduzir significativamente o consumo da argamassa de assentamento. Os tijolos foram submetidos aos ensaios de solubilização, resistência à compressão e absorção de água, apresentando resultados satisfatórios e comprovando a viabilidade técnica para aplicação na execução de alvenarias.
In this research, a study that investigates the technical feasibility for the recycling of solid waste generated by the disposal of the foundry sands bonded with clay, for implementation in the construction industry, was conducted. For this reason, the work establishes a method, which assesses the stabilization of waste in solidified matrices of Portland cement, improved by the additions of sodium bentonite clay and/or silica fume. The stabilization of the waste was verified by solubilization test, which puts the solidified matrices in static and dynamic contacts with distiled water. The mechanical and physical performances of the matrices were evaluated in tests of resistance to compression, absorption of water and air permeability. The results show that both the sodium bentonite, and the active silica contribute to increase the fixation efficiency of the metals \'AL\', \'FE\' and \'CR\' by the matrices of Portland cement. The compositions that have the best mechanical, physical and chemical performance were used in the manufacture of massive bricks, seeking their use in the implementation of masonry. For the molding of bricks a hydraulic press was used, which allowed to keep the dimensional regularity of the faces. At the same time, the format of the bricks was designed with different shapes, providing modulation and fitting that can significantly reduce the consumption of settlement mortar. The bricks were subjected to tests of solubilization, resistance to compression and absorption of water, showing satisfactory results that confirm the technical feasibility for being used in the implementation of masonry.
In this research, a study that investigates the technical feasibility for the recycling of solid waste generated by the disposal of the foundry sands bonded with clay, for implementation in the construction industry, was conducted. For this reason, the work establishes a method, which assesses the stabilization of waste in solidified matrices of Portland cement, improved by the additions of sodium bentonite clay and/or silica fume. The stabilization of the waste was verified by solubilization test, which puts the solidified matrices in static and dynamic contacts with distiled water. The mechanical and physical performances of the matrices were evaluated in tests of resistance to compression, absorption of water and air permeability. The results show that both the sodium bentonite, and the active silica contribute to increase the fixation efficiency of the metals \'AL\', \'FE\' and \'CR\' by the matrices of Portland cement. The compositions that have the best mechanical, physical and chemical performance were used in the manufacture of massive bricks, seeking their use in the implementation of masonry. For the molding of bricks a hydraulic press was used, which allowed to keep the dimensional regularity of the faces. At the same time, the format of the bricks was designed with different shapes, providing modulation and fitting that can significantly reduce the consumption of settlement mortar. The bricks were subjected to tests of solubilization, resistance to compression and absorption of water, showing satisfactory results that confirm the technical feasibility for being used in the implementation of masonry.
Areia de fundição, Resíduos sólidos, Reutilização, Solidificação/estabilização, Foundry sands, Reuse, Solid wastes, Solidification/stabilization