Como esquecer? Memórias de um desastre vivenciado
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
No Brasil, os desastres relacionados às chuvas são recorrentes visto que estes compõem, aproximadamente, um quarto dos eventos oficialmente registrados (VALENCIO; VALENCIO, 2010). A ineficácia em torno das atuações para mitigação dos desastres torna este cenário preocupante, visto que no período de janeiro de 2003 a dezembro de 2013, foram decretadas 20.766 portarias de reconhecimento de Situação de Emergência e Estado de Calamidade Pública no país. Na perspectiva das Ciências Sociais, o desastre consiste em um acontecimento multidimensional, que possui caráter social, ambiental, cultural, político, econômico, físico ou tecnológico (OLIVER-SMITH, 1998), e que não pode ser compreendido, portanto, como evento pontual, por deflagrar uma crise instaurada no corpo social (VALENCIO, 2012a). Em vista de compreender as dimensões materiais e simbólicas do desastre, o presente trabalho analisou a memória social de idosos em relação ao desastre deflagrado no município de São Luiz do Paraitinga/SP em janeiro de 2010, sob uma perspectiva do desastre vivenciado (MARTINS, 1992, 2000). Este estudo se caracterizou como pesquisa sociológica de base qualitativa, consistindo em três partes, a saber: a revisão bibliográfica, a pesquisa documental, e a pesquisa de campo. A pesquisa bibliográfica, consistiu na análise dos principais autores no tema de desastres, vida cotidiana, memória social e idosos. Já a pesquisa documental, caracterizou-se pela preparação e fundamentação para a pesquisa de campo, por meio da análise do discurso institucional sobre o desastre no município de São Luiz do Paraitinga/SP. E, a pesquisa de campo, foi realizada a partir da observação direta e participante, da coleta de relatos orais (QUEIROZ, 1987) e da fotodocumentação (MARTINS, 2008). A partir dos resultados analisados, após quatro anos do chamado dia do desastre, percebeu-se que este ainda permanece na vida dos que o vivenciaram (VALENCIO, 2012a). Além da reconstrução no plano material, no plano simbólico, os medos e anseios ressurgem ao relembrar aspectos essenciais de um modo de vida que foi perturbado. Com isso, as pessoas já não se reconhecem no território, caracterizando-se, portanto como um processo de desrritualização, o qual desfaz diversos significados dentro da estrutura simbólica (THORNBURG; KNOTTNERUS; WEBB, 2007). E, de modo geral, a memória do desastre vivenciado se configura, por meio da conciliação entre as memórias oficiais e as individuais (POLLAK, 1992). Sendo assim, são pelos desencontros, pelas constantes rupturas, construções e reelaborações do passado, forjados pelos diferentes sujeitos, que a memória social acontece. Tal memória não permanece intacta nem coesa, pois é uma constante representação de algo já vivido e reacomodado.
In Brazil, the rain related disasters are recurrent since these represent, approximately, one-fourth of events officially registered (VALENCIO; VALENCIO, 2010). The ineffectiveness around the work for mitigation of disasters makes this a troubling scenario, since in the southeast of Brazil, from January 2003 to December 2013, were enacted 20.766 administrative rules in the Recognition of Emergency and State of Public Calamity. From the perspective of the social sciences, disaster consists of a multidimensional event that has social, environmental, cultural, political, economic, physical or technological (OLIVER-SMITH, 1998) aspects, and cannot be understood as a punctual event by triggering a crisis into the social structure (VALENCIO, 2012a).In order to understand the material and symbolic dimensions of disaster, this dissertation analyzed the social memory of the elderly regarding the disaster happened in São Luiz do Paraitinga / SP in January 2010, from the perspective of experienced disaster (MARTINS, 1992 , 2000).This study was characterized as a qualitative sociological research base, consisting of three parts, namely: literature review, desk research and field research. The bibliographic research consisted in the analysis of the main authors on the topic of disaster, everyday life, social memory and the elderly people. The desk research was characterized by the preparation and justification for field research, by analyzing the institutional speech about the disaster in São Luiz do Paraitinga / SP. And the fieldwork was done from direct and participant observation, the collection of oral histories (QUEIROZ, 1987) and photo documentation (MARTINS, 2008). From the analyzed results, after four years since the day of the disaster, it was noticed that this still remains in the lives of those who experienced it (VALENCIO, 2012a).Besides the material reconstitution, on the symbolic level, the fears and anxieties rise in recalling key aspects of a way of life that has been disturbed. Therefore, people no longer recognizes themselves in the territory, characterized, thus, as a process of deritualization, which undoes many meanings within the symbolic structure (THORNBURG; KNOTTNERUS; WEBB, 2007). And, generally, the memory of experienced disaster is configured by means of conciliation between official and individual memories (POLLAK, 1992). Thus, due to divergence, constant disruptions, constructions and reworkings of the past, constructed by different individuals, that social memory happens. Such memory does not remain intact nor cohesive as it is a constant representation of something already lived and resettled.
In Brazil, the rain related disasters are recurrent since these represent, approximately, one-fourth of events officially registered (VALENCIO; VALENCIO, 2010). The ineffectiveness around the work for mitigation of disasters makes this a troubling scenario, since in the southeast of Brazil, from January 2003 to December 2013, were enacted 20.766 administrative rules in the Recognition of Emergency and State of Public Calamity. From the perspective of the social sciences, disaster consists of a multidimensional event that has social, environmental, cultural, political, economic, physical or technological (OLIVER-SMITH, 1998) aspects, and cannot be understood as a punctual event by triggering a crisis into the social structure (VALENCIO, 2012a).In order to understand the material and symbolic dimensions of disaster, this dissertation analyzed the social memory of the elderly regarding the disaster happened in São Luiz do Paraitinga / SP in January 2010, from the perspective of experienced disaster (MARTINS, 1992 , 2000).This study was characterized as a qualitative sociological research base, consisting of three parts, namely: literature review, desk research and field research. The bibliographic research consisted in the analysis of the main authors on the topic of disaster, everyday life, social memory and the elderly people. The desk research was characterized by the preparation and justification for field research, by analyzing the institutional speech about the disaster in São Luiz do Paraitinga / SP. And the fieldwork was done from direct and participant observation, the collection of oral histories (QUEIROZ, 1987) and photo documentation (MARTINS, 2008). From the analyzed results, after four years since the day of the disaster, it was noticed that this still remains in the lives of those who experienced it (VALENCIO, 2012a).Besides the material reconstitution, on the symbolic level, the fears and anxieties rise in recalling key aspects of a way of life that has been disturbed. Therefore, people no longer recognizes themselves in the territory, characterized, thus, as a process of deritualization, which undoes many meanings within the symbolic structure (THORNBURG; KNOTTNERUS; WEBB, 2007). And, generally, the memory of experienced disaster is configured by means of conciliation between official and individual memories (POLLAK, 1992). Thus, due to divergence, constant disruptions, constructions and reworkings of the past, constructed by different individuals, that social memory happens. Such memory does not remain intact nor cohesive as it is a constant representation of something already lived and resettled.
Desastres, Idosos, Memória social, Disasters, Elderly, Social memory