Estudo de cálice de fundação com ênfase nos esforços nas paredes transversais do colarinho
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Este trabalho apresenta uma análise da ligação pilar-fundação por meio de cálice em estruturas de concreto pré-moldado, focando os esforços nas paredes transversais do colarinho. No programa experimental foram ensaiados dois protótipos submetidos à flexão com grande excentricidade: um com interface pilar-colarinho lisa e o outro com interface rugosa por meio de chaves de cisalhamento. Foi adotado um detalhamento diferenciado para as armaduras verticais principais concentrando as mesmas próximas aos cantos, bem como foi adotada, para o colarinho, uma espessura inferior à recomendada pela literatura técnica. Com os resultados experimentais foi possível analisar a resistência dos protótipos, as deformações das armaduras e os deslocamentos das paredes. Foi realizada uma análise dos resultados experimentais com um modelo de cálculo da literatura técnica, no que diz respeito às forças resultantes nas armaduras verticais principais e nas armaduras horizontais principais situadas nas paredes transversais do colarinho, considerando duas situações distintas de comportamento para as paredes transversais: flexo-tração e tração. Em função dos resultados foi verificado que as armaduras verticais situadas próximo aos cantos contribuíram efetivamente para a resistência do protótipo com interface lisa. Comprovou-se que as paredes transversais foram submetidas a uma flexo-tração e que o modelo teórico aplicado considerando 15% de flexão e 85% de tração apresenta os melhores resultados, se comparados com os valores obtidos experimentalmente.
This research presents an analysis of socket base connections of precast concrete structures, with emphasis on the e orts of transverse walls. In the experimental program were tested two prototypes subjected to bending with great eccentricity: one with smooth interface, and other with rough interface through shear keys. It adopted a different detail for main vertical reiforcement, concentrating them around the corner, and was adopted for the socket, a thickness less than that recommended by the technical literature. Based on experimental results were performed the analysis of the strenght of prototypes, the deformations of the reinforcement, and the deflection of the walls. It was performed an analysis of experimental results with a design model of the technical literature regarding to the forces resulting in main vertical and horizontal reinforcement located on the transverse walls of socket, considering two different situations of behavior to transverse walls: bending-tension and tension. Analyzing the results, it was verified that the vertical reinforcement located near the corners effectively contributed to the strength of the prototype with smooth interface. It has been proved that the walls were subjected to a bending tension and that the theoretical model applied with 15% of bending and 85% of tension gives the best results, when compared with the values obtained experimentally.
This research presents an analysis of socket base connections of precast concrete structures, with emphasis on the e orts of transverse walls. In the experimental program were tested two prototypes subjected to bending with great eccentricity: one with smooth interface, and other with rough interface through shear keys. It adopted a different detail for main vertical reiforcement, concentrating them around the corner, and was adopted for the socket, a thickness less than that recommended by the technical literature. Based on experimental results were performed the analysis of the strenght of prototypes, the deformations of the reinforcement, and the deflection of the walls. It was performed an analysis of experimental results with a design model of the technical literature regarding to the forces resulting in main vertical and horizontal reinforcement located on the transverse walls of socket, considering two different situations of behavior to transverse walls: bending-tension and tension. Analyzing the results, it was verified that the vertical reinforcement located near the corners effectively contributed to the strength of the prototype with smooth interface. It has been proved that the walls were subjected to a bending tension and that the theoretical model applied with 15% of bending and 85% of tension gives the best results, when compared with the values obtained experimentally.
Cálice de fundação, Paredes transversais, Ligação, Concreto pré-moldado, Colarinho, Chave de cisalhamento, Connection, Pedestal walls, Precast concrete, Shear keys, Socket foundation, Transverse walls