A otimização da rede de transporte de RSU baseada no uso do SIG e análise de decisão multicritério para a localização de aterros sanitários
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
A Política Nacional dos Resíduos Sólidos (PNRS) instituída em 2010 previa a destinação final ambientalmente adequada dos resíduos, no entanto, o prazo venceu em 2014 e o objetivo não foi alcançado. O aterro sanitário, na hierarquia da gestão integrada de Resíduos Sólidos Urbanos (RSU), é a última opção, mas não a menos importante dentre as possibilidades de destinação final ambientalmente adequada, pois é a infraestrutura de tratamento e destino final que pode receber uma gama variada de RSU de forma ambientalmente segura. O Consórcio Público é um instrumento previsto na PNRS para que os municípios possam se associar, obtendo economia de escala viabilizando a operação de aterros sanitários de forma compartilhada. Porém, com o compartilhamento dos aterros sanitários surge a questão do custo de transporte do RSU, uma vez que os municípios depositarão seus resíduos fora do seu território. Dessa forma este trabalho objetivou identificar áreas adequadas para a localização de aterros sanitários, considerando os aterros sanitários já existentes na Unidade de Gerenciamento de Recursos Hídricos (UGRHI) 5 e, utilizar modelos matemáticos que minimizem os custos de transporte de RSU e operação dos aterros sanitários. Para alcançar os objetivos propostos utilizou-se do método de seleção de áreas adequadas para a localização de aterros sanitários, desenvolvido em ambiente SIG e composto pelo estabelecimento de critérios ambientais, sociais e econômicos que foram classificados de acordo com níveis de adequação e ponderados através de Análise de Decisão Multicritério (MCDA), resultando em um mapa de adequação, que foi cruzado com o mapa de áreas de restrição, gerado em cenários de escalas diferentes, obtendo assim, o mapa final de adequação - cenário 1 e 2. A esses cenários, foram sobrepostos os aterros sanitários existentes. A otimização da rede de transporte de RSU consistiu em um modelo matemático de estrutura de Programação Quadrática Inteira Mista (MIQP). Na função objetivo foram incorporadas as distâncias para a obtenção da localização ótima dos aterros sanitários existentes em áreas adequadas, estando sujeita as restrições de ordem física e comportamental. No cenário 1, identificou-se que 62% da área da UGRHI 5 é classificada como adequada para a localização de aterros sanitários, 15% como de média adequação e 23% como de restrição e, dos 18 aterros sanitários existentes, 14 estão localizados em áreas adequadas. No cenário 2, identificou-se que 30% da área é considerada adequada, 5% como de média adequação e 65% como de restrição e, apenas 7 aterros sanitários estão localizados em áreas adequadas. A aplicação do modelo de otimização para o cenário 1, resultou em 5 aterros sanitários como solução ótima, já no cenário 2 a solução ótima é de 4 aterros. Considerando que o cenário 2 possui características mais restritivas que o 1; que o aumento do custo total diário do cenário 1 para o 2 é de apenas 7,56% e que a capacidade total atual dos aterros sofreria uma redução de apenas 1,5%, pode-se concluir que o cenário 2 é o mais apropriado para a formação de consórcios públicos na UGRHI 5.
The National Policy of Solid Waste (NPSW) established in 2010 provided for the environmentally suitable final destination of waste, however, the deadline expired in 2014 and the goal was not achieved. The landfill, in the hierarchy of the integrated management of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW), is the last option, but not the least important one amongst the possibilities for environmentally suitable final destination, because it is the infrastructure of treatment and final destination which can receive a varied range of MSW in an environmentally safe way. The Public Consortium is an instrument provided for in the NPSW so that the cities can join in, achieving scale economy allowing the shared landfill operation. However, with the share of landfills comes the problem of MSW transportation costs, since the cities will deposit their waste outside their territories. Thus, this study aimed to identify appropriate areas for the setting of landfills, considering the landfills already existing in the Water Resources Management Units (WRMU) 5, and use mathematical models that minimize the MSW transportation costs and landfill operation. To achieve the proposed goals it was used the selection method of suitable areas for landfill setting, developed in GIS environment and consisting of the establishment of environmental, social and economic criteria which were classified according to the adequacy levels and considered by the Multi Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA), resulting in an adequacy map, which was cross-checked with the restriction area map generated at different scale scenarios, thereby obtaining the final adequacy map - scenarios 1 and 2. On these scenarios, the existing landfills were overlapped. The MSW transportation network optimization consisted of a mathematical model of Mixed Integer Quadratic Programming structure (MIQP). In the objective function the distances were incorporated to obtain the optimal location of the existing landfills in appropriate areas, which are subject to restrictions of physical and behavioral order. In scenario 1, it was identified that 62% of the WRMU 5 area is classified as adequate for the setting of landfills, 15% as average adequate and 23% restricted, and from the 18 existing landfills, 14 are located in suitable areas. In scenario 2, it was identified that 30% of the area is considered adequate, 5% average adequate and 65 % restricted, and only 7 landfills are located in suitable areas. The application of the optimization model for scenario 1 resulted in 5 landfills as an optimal solution, yet, in scenario 2 the optimal solution is of 4 landfills. Considering that scenario 2 has more restrictive characteristics than scenario 1; the total daily cost increase of scenario 1 compared with 2 is only 7.56% and that the total current capacity of the landfills would suffer a reduction of only 1.5%, it can be concluded that scenario 2 is the more suitable for the formation of public consortium in WRMU 5.
The National Policy of Solid Waste (NPSW) established in 2010 provided for the environmentally suitable final destination of waste, however, the deadline expired in 2014 and the goal was not achieved. The landfill, in the hierarchy of the integrated management of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW), is the last option, but not the least important one amongst the possibilities for environmentally suitable final destination, because it is the infrastructure of treatment and final destination which can receive a varied range of MSW in an environmentally safe way. The Public Consortium is an instrument provided for in the NPSW so that the cities can join in, achieving scale economy allowing the shared landfill operation. However, with the share of landfills comes the problem of MSW transportation costs, since the cities will deposit their waste outside their territories. Thus, this study aimed to identify appropriate areas for the setting of landfills, considering the landfills already existing in the Water Resources Management Units (WRMU) 5, and use mathematical models that minimize the MSW transportation costs and landfill operation. To achieve the proposed goals it was used the selection method of suitable areas for landfill setting, developed in GIS environment and consisting of the establishment of environmental, social and economic criteria which were classified according to the adequacy levels and considered by the Multi Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA), resulting in an adequacy map, which was cross-checked with the restriction area map generated at different scale scenarios, thereby obtaining the final adequacy map - scenarios 1 and 2. On these scenarios, the existing landfills were overlapped. The MSW transportation network optimization consisted of a mathematical model of Mixed Integer Quadratic Programming structure (MIQP). In the objective function the distances were incorporated to obtain the optimal location of the existing landfills in appropriate areas, which are subject to restrictions of physical and behavioral order. In scenario 1, it was identified that 62% of the WRMU 5 area is classified as adequate for the setting of landfills, 15% as average adequate and 23% restricted, and from the 18 existing landfills, 14 are located in suitable areas. In scenario 2, it was identified that 30% of the area is considered adequate, 5% average adequate and 65 % restricted, and only 7 landfills are located in suitable areas. The application of the optimization model for scenario 1 resulted in 5 landfills as an optimal solution, yet, in scenario 2 the optimal solution is of 4 landfills. Considering that scenario 2 has more restrictive characteristics than scenario 1; the total daily cost increase of scenario 1 compared with 2 is only 7.56% and that the total current capacity of the landfills would suffer a reduction of only 1.5%, it can be concluded that scenario 2 is the more suitable for the formation of public consortium in WRMU 5.
Aterro sanitário, SIG, Seleção de áreas, Resíduos sólidos urbanos, Otimização, Optimization, Municipal solid waste, Landfill, GIS, Sites selection