Algoritmo de agrupamento Fuzzy C-Means para aprendizado e tomada de decisão em redes ópticas de próxima geração
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
As redes ópticas têm evoluído de forma contínua dentro de um paradigma de aumento das taxas de transmissão e extensão dos enlaces, devido à demanda crescente de banda em função do crescimento do tráfego da Internet. Além disso, atualmente, diversas propostas vêm sendo implementadas visando torná-las mais dinâmicas e flexíveis. Uma destas propostas que atualmente está no âmbito de pesquisa e desenvolvimento refere-se às redes ópticas definidas por software (Software Defined Optical Network, SDON). Nas SDONs, o plano de controle é desacoplado do plano de encaminhamento de dados possibilitando que controladores remotos configurem em tempo real diversos parâmetros dos canais ópticos, tais como a taxa de transmissão, o formato de modulação, a largura do espectro, entre outros. Nestas redes, o sistema de controle torna-se bastante complexo, uma vez que diversos parâmetros têm que ser ajustados de forma dinâmica e autônoma, ou seja, com a mínima intervenção humana. O emprego de técnicas de inteligência computacional em tal controle possibilita a configuração autônoma dos parâmetros dos equipamentos com base em dados coletados por monitores de rede e o aprendizado, a partir de eventos passados, visando a otimização do desempenho da rede. Esta arquitetura de controle constitui um novo paradigma na evolução das redes ópticas, as denominadas Redes Ópticas Cognitivas. A escolha de uma técnica de inteligência computacional adequada para tomada de decisão em redes ópticas é importante para se obter vantagens no uso da cognição. Esta técnica deve possibilitar o aprendizado e ainda minimizar a complexidade computacional, uma vez que a configuração dos parâmetros da rede deve ocorrer em tempo real. Neste contexto, esta tese investiga o uso do algoritmo de agrupamento Fuzzy C-Means (FCM) para aprendizado e tomada de decisão em redes ópticas flexíveis de próxima geração. FCM possibilita a geração automática de regras com base na experiência adquirida no meio de operação (aprendizado) e a tomada de decisão a partir destas regras. Uma comparação de desempenho entre os algoritmos FCM e CBR (Case-Based Reasoning) é apresentada. O algoritmo CBR foi escolhido para esta comparação devido a ter sido utilizado recentemente, com sucesso, em redes ópticas cognitivas. Por fim, um conceito de rede óptica cognitiva é apresentado.
Optical networks have evolved continuously increasing the transmission rate and the extension of links due to the increased bandwidth consuming. Moreover, currently, several proposals are under development to make the next generation optical network more dynamic and flexible. The term \"flexible\" refers to the ability of dynamically adjust the parameters of the optical network such as modulation format, transmission rate, optical bandwidth and others, according with the quality of transmission of each lightpath. In this scenario, a Software Defined Optical Network (SDON) emerges as a new optical network paradigm, where the control plane is decoupled from the data plane, enabling remote controllers to configure network equipment from different hardware vendors, which allows a degree of software programmability to the network. In SDON, the control plane needs to include functionalities to operate autonomously, i.e, with minimal human intervention. The use of the computational intelligence techniques in such control plane enables the autonomous operation and learning based on past events, in order to optimize the network performance. This architecture represents a new paradigm in the evolution of optical networks, resulting in so-called Cognitive Optical Networks. The choice of a computational intelligence technique for learning and decisionmaking in such optical networks is essential to bring advantages with the use of cognition. This technique should minimize the computational complexity, since the configuration of the network parameters must occur in real time.In this context, this thesis investigates the use of Fuzzy C-Means clustering algorithm (FCM) for learning and decision-making in the software defined optical networks context. FCM enables the automatic generation of rules, based on the experience gained during the network operation. Then, these rules are used by the control plane to take decisions about the lightpaths\' configuration. A comparison of performance between the FCM and the CBR (Case-Based Reasoning) algorithm. CBR algorithm was chosen because it has been successfully used in cognitive optical networks. Finally, we propose a concept for optical cognitive network.
Optical networks have evolved continuously increasing the transmission rate and the extension of links due to the increased bandwidth consuming. Moreover, currently, several proposals are under development to make the next generation optical network more dynamic and flexible. The term \"flexible\" refers to the ability of dynamically adjust the parameters of the optical network such as modulation format, transmission rate, optical bandwidth and others, according with the quality of transmission of each lightpath. In this scenario, a Software Defined Optical Network (SDON) emerges as a new optical network paradigm, where the control plane is decoupled from the data plane, enabling remote controllers to configure network equipment from different hardware vendors, which allows a degree of software programmability to the network. In SDON, the control plane needs to include functionalities to operate autonomously, i.e, with minimal human intervention. The use of the computational intelligence techniques in such control plane enables the autonomous operation and learning based on past events, in order to optimize the network performance. This architecture represents a new paradigm in the evolution of optical networks, resulting in so-called Cognitive Optical Networks. The choice of a computational intelligence technique for learning and decisionmaking in such optical networks is essential to bring advantages with the use of cognition. This technique should minimize the computational complexity, since the configuration of the network parameters must occur in real time.In this context, this thesis investigates the use of Fuzzy C-Means clustering algorithm (FCM) for learning and decision-making in the software defined optical networks context. FCM enables the automatic generation of rules, based on the experience gained during the network operation. Then, these rules are used by the control plane to take decisions about the lightpaths\' configuration. A comparison of performance between the FCM and the CBR (Case-Based Reasoning) algorithm. CBR algorithm was chosen because it has been successfully used in cognitive optical networks. Finally, we propose a concept for optical cognitive network.
Fuzzy C-Means, Redes ópticas reconfiguráveis, Redes ópticas elásticas, Redes ópticas definidas por software, Redes ópticas de próxima geração, Redes ópticas cognitivas, Plano de controle cognitivo, WDM, Reconfigurable optical networks, Elastic optical networks, Cognitive optical networks, Software defined optical networks, WDM