Avaliação da microfiltração tangencial como alternativa de tratamento avançado de efluente gerado em sistema de tratamento de esgoto sanitário constituído de reator UASB (Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket) seguido de tanque de aeração
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
A proposta desta pesquisa consistiu na avaliação da microfiltração tangencial para o tratamento avançado de efluente gerado em sistema de tratamento de esgoto sanitário constituído de reator UASB (Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket) seguido de tanque de aeração. Neste trabalho foram avaliados métodos de limpeza física (retrolavagem com ar comprimido) e química (ácida e básica) das membranas, bem como análise comparativa da colmatação e do desempenho de membranas de tamanhos de poro de 0,2 e 1,0 'mü'm, quando aplicadas ao pós-tratamento de efluentes do tanque de aeração em diferentes concentrações de SST. Foram contemplados ainda estudos de desinfecção de efluentes da microfiltração por radiação UV e aplicação do processo de coagulação antecedendo a microfiltração tangencial. Os experimentos foram realizados em unidade piloto com membranas tubulares de polipropileno com área efetiva de filtração de 0,036 'M POT.2'. Constatou-se que a limpeza física foi essencial para obtenção de maiores valores de fluxo de permeado na unidade de microfiltração. A limpeza química das membranas por solução básica foi mais eficiente quando comparada a limpeza ácida. Foram obtidos melhores resultados com a membrana de 0,2 'mü'm, quando comparada a membrana de 1 'mü'm, a qual apresentou intensa colmatação interna de seus poros. Para membrana de 0,2 'mü'm obteve-se permeado de excelente qualidade microbiológica (E.Coli < 1 UFC/100 mL e Colifagos < 16 UFP/100 mL), bem como valores de turbidez inferiores a 1,46 uT e remoção praticamente completa de SST. A prévia coagulação das amostras de licor misto do tanque de aeração contribuiu para obtenção de maiores taxas e melhor remoção de P-'PO IND.4'POT.3-' e DQOt na unidade de microfiltração. Para dosagem de 40 mg/L de cloreto férrico obteve-se a maior taxa média (139,7 L/'M POT.2'.h), concentrações residuais de P-'PO IND.4'POT.3-' inferiores a 1,4 mgP/L e DQOt menor que 33 mg/L. A radiação UV permitiu inativação completa de E.Coli e Colifagos das amostras de permeado. Concluiu-se que a microfiltração tangencial apresentou grande potencialidade para ser aplicada no tratamento avançado de efluente gerado em sistema de tratamento de esgoto sanitário constituído de reator UASB (Upflow Anerobic Sludge Blanket) seguido de tanque de aeração.
The proposal of this research was to evaluate the crossflow microfiltration as an alternative for an advanced treatment of effluent generated in a system of sewage treatment composed by a UASB (Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket) reactor followed by an aeration tank. This work aimed to evaluate the membranes physical cleaning methods (backwashing with compressed air) and the chemical ones (acid and basic), as well as the comparative analysis between the fouling event and the 0,2 and 1,0 'mü'm pore size membranes performance, when applied to the aeration tank effluents in a post-treatment stage at TSS different concentrations. Studies for microfiltration effluents disinfection by UV radiation and the application of the coagulation process preceding the crossflow microfiltration were also developed. The experiments were performed in a pilot unit with polypropylene tubular membranes with 0.036 'M POT.2' of effective filtration area. It was verified that the physical cleaning was essential to the attainment of higher permeate flux values in the microfiltration unit. The chemical cleaning of the membranes through basic solution was more efficient when compared to their acid cleaning. Better results were attained when the 0,2 'mü'm membrane was employed in comparison with the 1 'mü'm membrane, which presented intense internal blocking of its pores. It was attained an excellent microbiological quality (E.Coli < 1 FCU/100 mL and Coliphages < 16 FPU/100 mL) for the 0,2 'mü'm membrane, as well as turbidity levels under 1,46 uT and almost total removal of TSS. The previous mixed liquor samples coagulation of the aeration tank contributed to the attainment of higher rates and better removal of P-'PO IND.4'POT.3-' and CODt in the microfiltration unit. It was attained, for the ferric chloride 40 mg/L dosage, the higher mean rate (139,7 L/'M POT.2'.h), P-'PO IND.4'POT.3-' remaining concentrations under 1,4 mgP/L and CODt lesser than 33 mg/L. The UV radiation allowed the complete inactivation of E.Coli and Coliphages from the permeate samples. It was concluded that the crossflow microfiltration presents great possibilities of application in the advanced treatment of effluent generated in a system of sewage treatment composed by a UASB (Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket) reactor followed by an aeration tank.
The proposal of this research was to evaluate the crossflow microfiltration as an alternative for an advanced treatment of effluent generated in a system of sewage treatment composed by a UASB (Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket) reactor followed by an aeration tank. This work aimed to evaluate the membranes physical cleaning methods (backwashing with compressed air) and the chemical ones (acid and basic), as well as the comparative analysis between the fouling event and the 0,2 and 1,0 'mü'm pore size membranes performance, when applied to the aeration tank effluents in a post-treatment stage at TSS different concentrations. Studies for microfiltration effluents disinfection by UV radiation and the application of the coagulation process preceding the crossflow microfiltration were also developed. The experiments were performed in a pilot unit with polypropylene tubular membranes with 0.036 'M POT.2' of effective filtration area. It was verified that the physical cleaning was essential to the attainment of higher permeate flux values in the microfiltration unit. The chemical cleaning of the membranes through basic solution was more efficient when compared to their acid cleaning. Better results were attained when the 0,2 'mü'm membrane was employed in comparison with the 1 'mü'm membrane, which presented intense internal blocking of its pores. It was attained an excellent microbiological quality (E.Coli < 1 FCU/100 mL and Coliphages < 16 FPU/100 mL) for the 0,2 'mü'm membrane, as well as turbidity levels under 1,46 uT and almost total removal of TSS. The previous mixed liquor samples coagulation of the aeration tank contributed to the attainment of higher rates and better removal of P-'PO IND.4'POT.3-' and CODt in the microfiltration unit. It was attained, for the ferric chloride 40 mg/L dosage, the higher mean rate (139,7 L/'M POT.2'.h), P-'PO IND.4'POT.3-' remaining concentrations under 1,4 mgP/L and CODt lesser than 33 mg/L. The UV radiation allowed the complete inactivation of E.Coli and Coliphages from the permeate samples. It was concluded that the crossflow microfiltration presents great possibilities of application in the advanced treatment of effluent generated in a system of sewage treatment composed by a UASB (Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket) reactor followed by an aeration tank.
Colmatação, Microfiltração tangencial, Reatores biológicos de membrana, Tratamento avançado, Advanced sewage treatment, Crossflow microfiltration, Fouling, Membrane biological reactors