Tentativas de enraizamento: arquitetura brasileira e formação nacional
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Esse estudo se configura como um intento de deslindar uma mirada sobre a arquitetura brasileira a partir das estratégias discursivas postas em curso no processo de sua objetivação. Mais especificamente, nos interessa problematizar os discursos e representações que entre meados do século XIX e a década de 1930 se elaboraram em torno do tópico da identidade arquitetônica, inextricável das questões de formação nacional no sentido mais amplo dessa ideia, cultural, racial e histórica, e que se apresentaram em dados momentos e sob certas contingências como interpretações legítimas do que seria nacional, brasileiro, próprio e peculiar em arquitetura, buscando assim assegurar-lhes um lugar privilegiado de enunciação. Para tanto, consideramos oportuna e profícua uma aproximação dos debates no campo arquitetônico àqueles conduzidos em torno da questão da nação e da identidade nacional, na perspectiva da investigação dos diálogos, deslizamentos conceituais e imbricações entre arquitetura e pensamento social brasileiro em temas como nação, identidade, influência do meio, raça, herança portuguesa, etc., e seu sentido formativo nas representações da arquitetura brasileira, arranjados no esforço de fixação de uma feição peculiarmente brasileira na arquitetura.Operando de forma produtiva uma investigação assente no reconhecimento das imbricações, diálogos, afinidades conceituais e teóricas entre, de um lado, um campo disciplinar com elementos historicamente constituídos como a arquitetura e a vasta e rica produção intelectual desdobrada das inquietações de artistas, arquitetos, engenheiros, historiadores, pensadores sociais, etc., acerca da formação brasileira, em cujo cerne do emaranhado teórico e conceitual daí resultante se pode entrever a centralidade que o discernimento de uma identidade constituída ocupou historicamente nas reflexões sobre o país.
This study is designed as an attempt to unravel a glance on Brazilian architecture from the discursive strategies put in their way in the process of objectification. More specifically interested in questioning the discourses and representations between the mid-nineteenth century and the 1930s was developed around the topic of architectural identity, inextricable from questions of national training in the broadest sense of this idea, cultural, racial, historical, and who performed at certain times and under certain contingencies as legitimate interpretations of what is \"national\", \"Brazilian\", \"own\" and \"peculiar\" in architecture, thus seeking to ensure them a privileged place of enunciation. To this end, we consider an approach and fruitful discussions in the architectural field to those conducted on the issue of nation and national identity from the perspective of research of the dialogues, landslides and conceptual overlaps between architecture and Brazilian social thought on issues such as nation, identity Influence of environment, race, Portuguese heritage, etc. Operating productively a research based on recognition of superposes, dialogues, conceptual and theoretical affinities between, on the one hand, a disciplinary field consisting of elements like architecture, manipulating formal languages within a universe of possibilities, and on the other hand, the vast and rich intellectual production of sawn of anxieties, architects, engineers, artists, historians, social thinkers, etc., about the \"Brazilian\" nation-building in the heart of the theoretical and conceptual tangle resulting can glimpse the centrality that wisdom of an identity formed historically occupied in reflections on the nation.
This study is designed as an attempt to unravel a glance on Brazilian architecture from the discursive strategies put in their way in the process of objectification. More specifically interested in questioning the discourses and representations between the mid-nineteenth century and the 1930s was developed around the topic of architectural identity, inextricable from questions of national training in the broadest sense of this idea, cultural, racial, historical, and who performed at certain times and under certain contingencies as legitimate interpretations of what is \"national\", \"Brazilian\", \"own\" and \"peculiar\" in architecture, thus seeking to ensure them a privileged place of enunciation. To this end, we consider an approach and fruitful discussions in the architectural field to those conducted on the issue of nation and national identity from the perspective of research of the dialogues, landslides and conceptual overlaps between architecture and Brazilian social thought on issues such as nation, identity Influence of environment, race, Portuguese heritage, etc. Operating productively a research based on recognition of superposes, dialogues, conceptual and theoretical affinities between, on the one hand, a disciplinary field consisting of elements like architecture, manipulating formal languages within a universe of possibilities, and on the other hand, the vast and rich intellectual production of sawn of anxieties, architects, engineers, artists, historians, social thinkers, etc., about the \"Brazilian\" nation-building in the heart of the theoretical and conceptual tangle resulting can glimpse the centrality that wisdom of an identity formed historically occupied in reflections on the nation.
Arquitetura brasileira, Formação nacional, Identidade arquitetônica, Nação e raça, Architectural identity, Brazilian architecture, Nation and race, National-building