Reator híbrido associando reator UASB e reator radial de leito fixo (RRLF), em escala piloto, no tratamento de esgoto sanitário
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Os sistemas combinados anaeróbio/aeróbio para tratamento de esgotos sanitários têm sido considerados alternativas viáveis do ponto de vista técnico-econômico em relação aos sistemas tradicionais. Este trabalho apresenta os resultados obtidos com uma nova configuração de reator, composto por uma unidade central - um reator anaeróbio de manta de lodo (UASB) modificado de 286 L, associado a um reator radial aerado de leito fixo (RRLF) de 215 L, disposto de maneira a circundar a zona de separação sólido/líquido/gás do reator UASB. A principal modificação no reator UASB foi, portanto, a incorporação, junto à sua parede externa, do RRLF. A alimentação do RRLF com o efluente do UASB dá-se através de aberturas laterais na parede do UASB, o que permitiu eliminar as calhas de coleta e sistemas de alimentação do segundo reator. Esse sistema foi alimentado com esgoto sanitário obtido da rede coletora de esgotos do campus da USP de São Carlos. Esperava-se obter remoção considerável de matéria orgânica solúvel e particulada, bem como a remoção parcial de nitrogênio. Foram obtidas eficiências médias de remoção de matéria orgânica (expressa como demanda química de oxigênio - DQO) e de sólidos suspensos voláteis (SSV), de 80% e 89%, respectivamente. Em condições de operação estável, os valores de DQO e SSV no efluente atingiram 110 mg/L e 16 mg/L, respectivamente. Observou-se, também, que o sistema apresentou grande estabilidade operacional, tendo a taxa de carregamento orgânico volumétrica atingido valores da ordem de 4,0 Kg DQO.m-3d-1. Nessas condições, o sistema atingiu eficiências de remoção de DQO e SSV da ordem de 90%. O sistema misto ensaiado mostrou ser uma configuração promissora, pois promoveu a remoção eficiente de matéria orgânica e de sólidos suspensos. Considera-se, no entanto, a necessidade de se introduzirem modificações no projeto RRLF que permitam o estabelecimento dos processos de nitrificação e desnitrificação nesse reator, uma vez que foi obtida baixa eficiência de nitrificação e, conseqüentemente, a remoção de nitrogênio foi prejudicada.
Integrated anaerobic/aerobic systems have been considered feasible alternatives concerning technical and economic aspects for treating domestic wastewaters. This paper presents the results obtained from the operation of this new reactor configuration, made up of a central unit - an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor (UASB), with a working volume of 286 L, associated to a radial-flow aerobic immobilized-biomass (RAIB), with a working volume of 215 L. The RAIB reactor circles the solid/liquid/gas separation zone. The main modification in the UASB reactor concerns this association with the RAIB. The UASB effluent was distributed through openings along its side walls to the RAIB, allowing the elimination of collecting channels and feeding devices from the latter reactor. The objective of this work was to promote organic matter (raw and soluble) and nitrogen removal from domestic sewage. Organic matter (as COD) and volatile suspended solids removal achieved efficiencies of 80% and 89%, respectively. Under stable operational conditions, the system effluent presented COD and volatile suspended solids values of 110 mg/L and 16 mg/L, respectively. Efficiencies of 90% for COD and volatile suspended solids removal were achieved with a organic loading rate of 4,0 Kg COD.m-3.d-1. This integrated system has shown to be a valid configuration, efficiently removing organic matter and suspended solids from the domestic wastewater. However, contrarily to expectations based on the previous studies with RAIB, nitrification was poor. Therefore, modifications to the RAIB design must be considered for the establishment of nitrogen removing processes.
Integrated anaerobic/aerobic systems have been considered feasible alternatives concerning technical and economic aspects for treating domestic wastewaters. This paper presents the results obtained from the operation of this new reactor configuration, made up of a central unit - an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor (UASB), with a working volume of 286 L, associated to a radial-flow aerobic immobilized-biomass (RAIB), with a working volume of 215 L. The RAIB reactor circles the solid/liquid/gas separation zone. The main modification in the UASB reactor concerns this association with the RAIB. The UASB effluent was distributed through openings along its side walls to the RAIB, allowing the elimination of collecting channels and feeding devices from the latter reactor. The objective of this work was to promote organic matter (raw and soluble) and nitrogen removal from domestic sewage. Organic matter (as COD) and volatile suspended solids removal achieved efficiencies of 80% and 89%, respectively. Under stable operational conditions, the system effluent presented COD and volatile suspended solids values of 110 mg/L and 16 mg/L, respectively. Efficiencies of 90% for COD and volatile suspended solids removal were achieved with a organic loading rate of 4,0 Kg COD.m-3.d-1. This integrated system has shown to be a valid configuration, efficiently removing organic matter and suspended solids from the domestic wastewater. However, contrarily to expectations based on the previous studies with RAIB, nitrification was poor. Therefore, modifications to the RAIB design must be considered for the establishment of nitrogen removing processes.
Desnitrificação, Reator UASB, Escala piloto, Esgoto sanitário, Nitrificação, Reator radial, Denitrification, Radial reactor, Pilot scale, Nitrification, Domestic sewage, UASB