Implementação de ensaios de arrancamento cíclico de geossintéticos
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Os ensaios de arrancamento cíclicos são utilizados para avaliar o comportamento de sistemas de solo reforçado quando submetidos a carregamentos cíclicos, podendo ser aplicados na área de pavimentos reforçados com geossintéticos ou em comportamento sísmico de solos reforçados com geossintéticos. O comportamento de sistemas de solo reforçado submetidos a carregamentos cíclicos ainda não é bem compreendido. Em vista disso, equipamentos de arrancamento cíclicos de geossintéticos são desejáveis para o estudo deste comportamento. O equipamento de arrancamento de geossintéticos existente no laboratório de geossintéticos da Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos da Universidade de São Paulo foi modificado para a realização de ensaios de arrancamento cíclico de geossintéticos. Dois tipos de ensaios foram implementados para avaliar o comportamento cíclico de sistemas de solo reforçado com geogrelhas: o ensaio de módulo de cisalhamento de resiliência de interface solo-geogrelha, Gi, e o ensaio de resistência pós-ciclagem. Foram realizados 20 ensaios, entre ensaios de arrancamento monotônico, cíclicos e de testes, de geogrelhas. Foram avaliados dois sistemas, um deles de inclusão longa, de 510 mm de comprimento e 310 mm de largura; e o outro de inclusão curta, de 240 mm de comprimento e 310 mm de largura. Os ensaios para a obtenção de Gi mostraram que para o sistema de inclusão longa, foi possível ajustar os valores obtidos através de vários modelos de calibração e no caso do sistema de inclusão curta, foi impossível realizar medidas de deslocamento devido à precisão dos LVDT. Os ensaios de resistência pósciclagem foram realizados em um sistema análogo ao sistema de inclusão curta do ensaio para obtenção de Gi. Os resultados dos ensaios de resistência pós-ciclagem mostraram-se consistentes com os valores esperados em termos de resistência e deslocamentos cíclicos. Os ensaios de resistência pós-ciclagem mostram que o sistema de solo reforçado avaliado é susceptível a atingir a condição de ruína quando submetidos a carregamentos cíclicos de amplitude alta, mesmo sendo estáveis para carregamentos monotônicos de serviço. No entanto, sob uma amplitude de ciclagem baixa o sistema se comporta de maneira estável em termos de evolução de deslocamentos mesmo em condições cíclicas. As incertezas de medição, as vibrações transmitidas, a ausência de representatividade do comprimento da inclusão, presença de ruídos elétricos, bem como as limitações do equipamento evidenciam a necessidade de melhoria dos procedimentos de ensaio recomendados para a obtenção de Gi, e melhorar a qualidade da avaliação do comportamento da resistência pós-ciclagem.
Cyclic pull out tests have been used to evaluate the behavior of reinforced soil systems when subjected to cyclic loading. These tests are applied in areas such as geosynthetic reinforced pavements or geosynthetics reinforced soil systems when subjected to seismic loadings. Cyclic behavior of reinforced systems is not yet well understood. In this sense, cyclic test apparatus are desirable to study this behavior. Pull out test apparatus of the School of Engineering of São Carlos of the University of São Paulo was modified to perform cyclic pull out tests of geosynthetics. Two types of tests were conducted to evaluate cyclic behavior of geogrid reinforced systems: soil-geogrid interface resilient shear modulus test, Gi, and postcycling resistance test. Twenty tests were carried out such as monotonic, cyclic and calibration tests of geogrids. Two systems were evaluated: the first called long inclusion, with 510 mm length and 310 mm width, and the second system called short inclusion, with 240 mm length and 310 mm width. Concerning the long inclusion system, Gi tests showed that it was possible to adjust the values obtained through various calibration models; the short inclusion system presented deficiency to measure displacements due to LVDTs accuracy. Post-cycling resistance tests were performed on a system similar to the short inclusion test. Post-cycling resistance tests showed good performance when compared to the literature values regarding to resistance and cyclic displacements. These tests showed that the reinforced system evaluated could suffer rupture when subjected to high amplitude cyclic loading, even when this system is stable for the same monotonic load levels. Besides that, the system behaved stably under a low amplitude cyclic loading in terms of cyclic displacements evolution, even under cyclic condition. Uncertainty in measures, transmitted vibrations, lack of inclusion length representativeness, electric noises, and equipment limitations need improvements in test procedures to evaluate Gi as well to enhance the evaluation quality of the post-cycling resistance.
Cyclic pull out tests have been used to evaluate the behavior of reinforced soil systems when subjected to cyclic loading. These tests are applied in areas such as geosynthetic reinforced pavements or geosynthetics reinforced soil systems when subjected to seismic loadings. Cyclic behavior of reinforced systems is not yet well understood. In this sense, cyclic test apparatus are desirable to study this behavior. Pull out test apparatus of the School of Engineering of São Carlos of the University of São Paulo was modified to perform cyclic pull out tests of geosynthetics. Two types of tests were conducted to evaluate cyclic behavior of geogrid reinforced systems: soil-geogrid interface resilient shear modulus test, Gi, and postcycling resistance test. Twenty tests were carried out such as monotonic, cyclic and calibration tests of geogrids. Two systems were evaluated: the first called long inclusion, with 510 mm length and 310 mm width, and the second system called short inclusion, with 240 mm length and 310 mm width. Concerning the long inclusion system, Gi tests showed that it was possible to adjust the values obtained through various calibration models; the short inclusion system presented deficiency to measure displacements due to LVDTs accuracy. Post-cycling resistance tests were performed on a system similar to the short inclusion test. Post-cycling resistance tests showed good performance when compared to the literature values regarding to resistance and cyclic displacements. These tests showed that the reinforced system evaluated could suffer rupture when subjected to high amplitude cyclic loading, even when this system is stable for the same monotonic load levels. Besides that, the system behaved stably under a low amplitude cyclic loading in terms of cyclic displacements evolution, even under cyclic condition. Uncertainty in measures, transmitted vibrations, lack of inclusion length representativeness, electric noises, and equipment limitations need improvements in test procedures to evaluate Gi as well to enhance the evaluation quality of the post-cycling resistance.
Arrancamento cíclico, Resiliência de interface, Resistência pós-ciclagem, Geossintéticos, Geogrelha, Geogrid, Interface resilience, Post-cycling resistance, Cyclic pullout, Geosynthetics