Equacionamento das componentes do erro volumétrico em máquinas de medir a três coordenadas
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
As Máquinas de Medir a Três Coordenadas (MM3Cs) possuem erros inerentes à sua estrutura que afetam a exatidão e a repetibilidade das medições. Dos erros presentes nessas máquinas, os erros geométricos são, na maioria das vezes, os de maior influência. O resultado da combinação destes erros em cada uma das direções preferenciais é denominado componente do erro volumétrico. Assim, torna-se de vital importância conhecer a relação existente entre as variáveis envolvidas num processo de medição qualquer, ou seja, a relação entre as coordenadas dos pontos medidos, os erros geométricos e as componentes do erro volumétrico. Diversos métodos foram propostos para modelar o comportamento dos erros nas MM3Cs. Entretanto não existem, ainda, modelos matemáticos obtidos a partir de dados experimentais que descrevam e caracterizem estes erros. Por tal motivo este trabalho apresenta uma metodologia geral para equacionar as componentes do erro volumétrico em MM3Cs, utilizando técnicas de regressão múltipla. Esta ferramenta permite de forma simples equacionar e prever o erro volumétrico da máquina avaliada. A metodologia foi aplicada a uma MM3C do tipo \"Ponte Móvel\". Foram obtidas três equações de regressão, uma para cada componente do erro, a partir de dados levantados através da calibração direta, especificamente o método do volume dividido. A adequabilidade do modelo foi avaliada estatisticamente. Os resultados obtidos foram discutidos e comparados com os resultados obtidos através da calibração utilizando-se uma barra de esferas, constatando-se uma excelente capacidade do modelo na previsão do erro total da máquina. Ainda, efetuo-se a compensação do erro volumétrico em duas diagonais do volume de trabalho da máquina avaliada utilizando-se o modelo proposto, neste caso, o erro foi diminuído sensivelmente.
The accuracy and the repeatability of measurements of Three Coordinates Measuring Machines (CMM) are affected by several errors. Among them, geometrical errors are the most influents in the most experimental cases. The result of geometric errors combination in each of the preferentials directions is denominated of volumetric error components. Thus, its possible to know the existent relationship between coordinates of measured points and volumetric error components. Several methods have been proposed to model the behavior of the volumetric error in CMM as a function of the X, Y and Z coordinates. However, sofar from experimental measurements of the volumetric error has bem proposed mathematical model for the descriptions and characterizations of errors was obtained. In this work is presented a general methodology to obtain a mathematical equation and prediction of them components of the volumetric errors, using multiple regression. The methodology was applied at a of \"Moving Bridge\" CMM type. Were obtained three regression equations, one for each component of the error, starting from data collected by direct calibration, specifically by the divided volume method. The model was evaluated statistically. The simulated results were evaluated, discussed and compared with the results obtained through the ball bar calibration, showing an excellent capacity of the model in the prediction of the volumetric error of the machine. Besides was made the compensation of the volumetric error in two diagonals of the working volume of the appraised machine using the proposed model, in this case the error was minimized sensibly.
The accuracy and the repeatability of measurements of Three Coordinates Measuring Machines (CMM) are affected by several errors. Among them, geometrical errors are the most influents in the most experimental cases. The result of geometric errors combination in each of the preferentials directions is denominated of volumetric error components. Thus, its possible to know the existent relationship between coordinates of measured points and volumetric error components. Several methods have been proposed to model the behavior of the volumetric error in CMM as a function of the X, Y and Z coordinates. However, sofar from experimental measurements of the volumetric error has bem proposed mathematical model for the descriptions and characterizations of errors was obtained. In this work is presented a general methodology to obtain a mathematical equation and prediction of them components of the volumetric errors, using multiple regression. The methodology was applied at a of \"Moving Bridge\" CMM type. Were obtained three regression equations, one for each component of the error, starting from data collected by direct calibration, specifically by the divided volume method. The model was evaluated statistically. The simulated results were evaluated, discussed and compared with the results obtained through the ball bar calibration, showing an excellent capacity of the model in the prediction of the volumetric error of the machine. Besides was made the compensation of the volumetric error in two diagonals of the working volume of the appraised machine using the proposed model, in this case the error was minimized sensibly.
Calibração, Função de transferência, Máquina de medir a três coordenadas (MM3C), Calibration, Three coordinates measuring machines (CMM), Transfer function