Avaliação do comportamento mecânico de um solo arenoso fino laterítico reforçado com fibras para uso em pavimentação
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
O objetivo do estudo apresentado nesta dissertação é avaliar a influência da inserção de fibras curtas, dispostas aleatoriamente, nas resistências à compressão e tração, na deformabilidade e no módulo de resiliência de um solo arenoso fino laterítico (SAFL) visando sua utilização na base de pavimentos. Foram estudadas fibras de vidro e de polipropileno. A primeira foi adicionada nos teores de 0,5%, 1,0% e 1,5% com comprimentos de 13 mm e 24 mm, já para a segunda, utilizaram-se os teores de 0,2%, 0,4% e 0,6% com comprimentos de 12 mm e 30 mm. O ensaio de compactação resultou em pouca variação da umidade ótima e leve decréscimo da massa específica máxima para as duas fibras. Para se determinar o comportamento mecânico do solo e dos compósitos, realizaram-se ensaios de compressão simples, compressão diametral e compressão triaxial cíclico. Previamente à realização destes ensaios, os corpos-de-prova eram mantidos ao ar durante um dia e posteriormente em câmara úmida, selados, durante dois dias. Esta condição procura aproximar a situação de laboratório às condições de campo. Ensaios complementares na umidade ótima de compactação foram realizados com algumas misturas. Para os ensaios de compressão simples, observou-se que a adição de fibra de polipropileno não influencia a tensão de ruptura, aumenta a deformação de ruptura e diminui o módulo tangente inicial e máximo. Já a adição da fibra de vidro, reduz a tensão de ruptura, aumenta a deformação de ruptura e diminui o módulo tangente inicial e máximo. No caso dos ensaios de compressão diametral, não houve alteração na resistência para a fibra de vidro, enquanto que para a fibra de polipropileno, observa-se um ganho de resistência para os teores mais elevados de fibra. Foram calibrados quatro modelos para representação do módulo de resiliência com o estado de tensão, sendo que o modelo composto foi aquele que apresentou melhor desempenho. Resultados de uma simulação numérica de um pavimento constituído com base de SAFL mostraram que a inclusão de fibras, em qualquer das condições acarreta em diminuição do módulo de resiliência. Finalmente conclui-se que, nas condições e com os materiais utilizados, o emprego de fibras não seria indicado para o reforço de SAFL destinado à base de pavimento.
The propose of this study is to evaluate the effect of the randomly distributed fiber reinforcement in the compression and tension resistances, deformability and resilient modulus of a fine sandy lateritic soil (FSLS) for base layer of pavements. Glass fibers and polypropylene fibers were studied. The first was added in contents of 0,5%, 1,0% and 1,5% with lengths of 13 mm and 24 mm. For the second, the contents of 0,2%, 0,4% and 0,6% were used with lengths of 12 mm and 30 mm. The compaction tests show slight variation of optimum moisture content and a decrease of the maximum dry unit weight for both fibers. Unconfined compression tests, brazilian tension tests and cyclic triaxial compression tests were carried out to determine the mechanic behavior of the soil and composite materials. The samples were dried in ambient condition for 24 hours and than wrapped up in film paper and stored for 48 hours in humid camera to homogenize the humidity. This procedure was adopted intending to simulate the constructive process adopted in pavement with lateritic soil bases. With some mixtures, complementary tests in the optimum moisture content were carried out. For the unconfined compression tests, the reinforcement with polypropylene fiber did not influence in the rupture tension, increased the rupture deformation and decreased the initial and maximum tangent modulus. The glass fiber reduced the rupture tension, increased the rupture deformation and decreased the initial and maximum tangent modulus. In the diametrical compression tests, there was not any alteration for the resistance adding the glass fiber, while for the polypropylene fiber there was an increase of the resistance for highest fiber contents. Four models were used to represent the resilient modulus behavior with relationship to the tensions state, and, between those, the compost model had the best performance. A simulation of a pavement composed with FSLS bases show that adding fibers, in any condition, the resilient modulus decrease. Finally, concluded that, with the conditions and materials used I this research, the fiber reinforcement would not be indicated for a FSLS apply in a base layer of pavement.
The propose of this study is to evaluate the effect of the randomly distributed fiber reinforcement in the compression and tension resistances, deformability and resilient modulus of a fine sandy lateritic soil (FSLS) for base layer of pavements. Glass fibers and polypropylene fibers were studied. The first was added in contents of 0,5%, 1,0% and 1,5% with lengths of 13 mm and 24 mm. For the second, the contents of 0,2%, 0,4% and 0,6% were used with lengths of 12 mm and 30 mm. The compaction tests show slight variation of optimum moisture content and a decrease of the maximum dry unit weight for both fibers. Unconfined compression tests, brazilian tension tests and cyclic triaxial compression tests were carried out to determine the mechanic behavior of the soil and composite materials. The samples were dried in ambient condition for 24 hours and than wrapped up in film paper and stored for 48 hours in humid camera to homogenize the humidity. This procedure was adopted intending to simulate the constructive process adopted in pavement with lateritic soil bases. With some mixtures, complementary tests in the optimum moisture content were carried out. For the unconfined compression tests, the reinforcement with polypropylene fiber did not influence in the rupture tension, increased the rupture deformation and decreased the initial and maximum tangent modulus. The glass fiber reduced the rupture tension, increased the rupture deformation and decreased the initial and maximum tangent modulus. In the diametrical compression tests, there was not any alteration for the resistance adding the glass fiber, while for the polypropylene fiber there was an increase of the resistance for highest fiber contents. Four models were used to represent the resilient modulus behavior with relationship to the tensions state, and, between those, the compost model had the best performance. A simulation of a pavement composed with FSLS bases show that adding fibers, in any condition, the resilient modulus decrease. Finally, concluded that, with the conditions and materials used I this research, the fiber reinforcement would not be indicated for a FSLS apply in a base layer of pavement.
Fibras comportamento mecânico, Reforço com fibras, Solo arenoso fino laterítico, Fiber reinforcement, Fibers, Fine sandy lateritic soil, Mechanic behavior, Pavements