Avaliação da qualidade ambiental: mercado municipal de São Carlos/SP
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
O Mercado Municipal de São Carlos é um centro comercial bastante importante, reunindo diversos tipos de lojas e serviços. Um grande número de pessoas frequenta o local diariamente, além de ser o ambiente de trabalho de vários comerciantes. Foi realizado diagnóstico da qualidade do ambiente interno do Mercado Municipal da cidade de São Carlos/SP, através do monitoramento dos seguintes parâmetros: MP10; MP2,5; \'CO IND.2\'; CO; COV; temperatura; umidade relativa e ruído. As coletas de dados foram realizadas durante o ano de 2011. Para todos os parâmetros analisados foram escolhidos 12 pontos amostrais internos e um ponto amostral externo, com exceção do ruído, que teve 9 pontos internos. Os dados amostrais internos de MP10 e de MP2,5 revelaram concentrações médias de 44,55 \'mü\'g/m³ e 31,96 \'mü\'g/m³, respectivamente. As concentrações externas médias foram de 35,60 \'mü\'g/m³ para MP10 e de 25,91 \'mü\'g/m³ para MP2,5. As concentrações médias observadas de material particulado estiveram abaixo dos valores recomendados pela OMS. A razão MP2,5/MP10 esteve acima de 70% indicando predominância de particulado superfino na fração MP10 do material particulado em suspensão. Análises químicas por fluorescência de raios-X foram realizadas no material particulado coletado e os elementos químicos identificados foram: Si, Al, S, Ca, Fe, Ti, Cu, Zn e V. Observou-se que os dados de \'CO IND.2\' ficaram abaixo do limite recomendado pela Resolução ANVISA 09, que é de 800 ppm, os dados internos também foram maiores que os externos. Para o CO e COV, os pontos com maiores concentrações foram os próximos dos acessos ao Mercado pela Rua Episcopal, sendo também maiores os dados internos que o externos. Os dados de temperatura e umidade relativa se mostraram, em geral, fora das faixas de recomendações da Resolução ANVISA 09, o que indica que o ambiente interno do Mercado pode ser desconfortável em relação a esses dois parâmetros. Os níveis internos de ruído observados estiveram acima daqueles recomendados pela Norma Técnica L11.032 (CETESB), que é de 50 dBA. Obteve-se pontos com médias acima de 70 dBA, evidenciando que o local é ruidoso, o que pode acarretar problemas à saúde de seus frequentadores.
The Municipal Market of São Carlos city is a very important commercial center, bringing together different types of shops and services. A large number of people attends the local daily, and it is the work environment of several merchants. A diagnostic of the quality of the indoor environment of the Municipal Market of Sao Carlos/SP was conduct, by monitoring the following parameters: PM10, PM2,5; \'CO IND.2\', CO, VOCs, temperature, humidity and noise. The data collections were performed during the year 2011. For all analyzed parameters were chosen 12 sampling indoor points and an outdoor point, with the exception of noise, which had 9 indoor points. The indoor data of PM10 and PM2,5 showed average concentrations of 44.55 \'mü\'g/m³ and 31.96 \'mü\'g/m³, respectively. The outdoor medium concentrations were 35.60 \'mü\'g/m³ for PM10 and 25.91 \'mü\'g/m³ for PM2,5. The average concentrations of particulate matter observed were below the values recommended by WHO. The reason MP2,5/MP10 was above 70%, indicating the predominance of fine particulate matter at the PM10 fraction. Chemical analysis by X-rays fluorescence was performed in the particulate matter collected and the chemicals identified were: Si, Al, S, Ca, Fe, Ti, Cu, Zn and V. It was observed that the \'CO IND.2\' data were below the limit recommended by ANVISA Resolution 09 which is 800 ppm, the indoor data were also higher than outdoor data. For CO and VOCs, the points with the highest concentrations were the ones near the accesses to the Market by the Episcopal Street, and also higher indoor data that the outdoor. The data of temperature and relative humidity proved generally outside the ranges of the recommendations ANVISA Resolution 09, which indicates that the indoor environment of the market may be uncomfortable considering these two parameters. The indoor noise levels were observed above those recommended by the Technical Standard L11.032 (CETESB), which is 50 dBA. There were some points with averages above 70 dBA, showing that the Market can be a noisy environment, which can cause health problems for their users.
The Municipal Market of São Carlos city is a very important commercial center, bringing together different types of shops and services. A large number of people attends the local daily, and it is the work environment of several merchants. A diagnostic of the quality of the indoor environment of the Municipal Market of Sao Carlos/SP was conduct, by monitoring the following parameters: PM10, PM2,5; \'CO IND.2\', CO, VOCs, temperature, humidity and noise. The data collections were performed during the year 2011. For all analyzed parameters were chosen 12 sampling indoor points and an outdoor point, with the exception of noise, which had 9 indoor points. The indoor data of PM10 and PM2,5 showed average concentrations of 44.55 \'mü\'g/m³ and 31.96 \'mü\'g/m³, respectively. The outdoor medium concentrations were 35.60 \'mü\'g/m³ for PM10 and 25.91 \'mü\'g/m³ for PM2,5. The average concentrations of particulate matter observed were below the values recommended by WHO. The reason MP2,5/MP10 was above 70%, indicating the predominance of fine particulate matter at the PM10 fraction. Chemical analysis by X-rays fluorescence was performed in the particulate matter collected and the chemicals identified were: Si, Al, S, Ca, Fe, Ti, Cu, Zn and V. It was observed that the \'CO IND.2\' data were below the limit recommended by ANVISA Resolution 09 which is 800 ppm, the indoor data were also higher than outdoor data. For CO and VOCs, the points with the highest concentrations were the ones near the accesses to the Market by the Episcopal Street, and also higher indoor data that the outdoor. The data of temperature and relative humidity proved generally outside the ranges of the recommendations ANVISA Resolution 09, which indicates that the indoor environment of the market may be uncomfortable considering these two parameters. The indoor noise levels were observed above those recommended by the Technical Standard L11.032 (CETESB), which is 50 dBA. There were some points with averages above 70 dBA, showing that the Market can be a noisy environment, which can cause health problems for their users.
Umidade relativa, Compostos orgânicos voláteis, Dióxido de carbono, Material particulado, Monóxido de carbono, Temperatura, Ruído, Carbon dioxide, Temperature and relative humidity, Particulate matter, Noise, Carbon monoxide, Volatile organic compounds