Interpolação por splines para modelação de inomogeneidades no método de elementos analíticos: implementação por programação orientada a objetos
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
O método de elementos analíticos simula escoamentos subterrâneos por meio da superposição de soluções conceituais. No contexto do método, inomogeneidade é uma região bem definida de condutividade hidráulica constante. A diferença de condutividade hidráulica entre a inomogeneidade e o meio em que está inserida causa uma descontinuidade (salto) no potencial de descarga. Tradicionalmente este salto é simulado usando polinômios de primeiro ou segundo grau. O presente trabalho usa polinômios splines quadráticos para interpolar os saltos ocorridos no potencial de descarga ao longo das bordas de inomogeneidades. Paralelamente, a formulação tradicional de interpolação dos saltos no potencial de descarga é estendida para qualquer grau. Os principais elementos que compõe o método são descritos e implementados. O programa computacional resultante (AEM) foi desenvolvido integrado a um sistema de informações geográficas de código-aberto (JUMP). O programa permite a integração com outros sistemas de informações geográficas baseados em JAVA, guardando independência do SIG residente. O projeto do programa AEM/JUMP é baseado na programação orientada a objetos e apresentou grande afinidade com o método de elementos analíticos, havendo identificação entre os conceitos de elemento (usado pelo método) e de objeto (usado pela programação). Conceitos de padrões de projeto são utilizados objetivando ampliar as facilidades de leitura, entendimento, otimização e modificação do código fonte, já disponibilizadas pela programação orientada a objetos. Problemas conceituais são abordados usando as formulações propostas. A interpolação por splines quadráticas mostrou-se eficiente e precisa. Considerando as soluções exatas, o erro médio sobre a área de estudo foi inferior a 0,12%. O AEM/JUMP foi aplicado à região da Lagoa do Bonfim - RN com o objetivo de determinar as isolinhas de cargas hidráulicas. Os resultados foram comparados com estudo anterior, onde obteve resultados compatíveis, comprovando a aplicação do método e de sua implementação. Foram incorporadas ao problema da Lagoa do Bonfim características geométricas do contorno do oceano e de aluviões existentes no entorno da lagoa, demonstrando a utilidade do programa para gerar diferentes cenários de simulação.
The analytical elements method simulates underground draining through the superposition of conceptual solutions. In the method\'s context, inhomogeneity in defined as a clearly set region of constant hydraulic conductivity. Inhomogeneity hydraulic conductivity differences and the environment in which they are inserted cause a discontinuity (jump) in the discharge potential. Traditionally, this jump is simulated using first or second degree polynomials.The present work presents a formulation that uses quadratic spline polynomials to interpolate jumps occurred in the discharge potential through inhomogeneity borders. At the same time, the traditional formulation of discharge potential jump interpolation is extended to any degree. The main elements that compose the method are described and implemented. The resulting computational program (AEM) was developed integrated to an open code geographic information system (JUMP). The program permits the integration with other geographic information systems based on JAVA, keeping its independence from resident SIG. The architecture project program AEM/JUMP is based on object-oriented programming and presented great affinity with the analytical element method, showing identification among element concepts (used by the method) and the object (used by the program). Standard project concepts are used, seeking to widen source code reading possibilities, understanding, optimization and modifications already available through the object-oriented programming. Conceptual problems are approached with proposed formulations. Quadratic spline interpolation proved to be efficient and precise. Considering exact solutions, average mistake on study area was lower than 0.12%. AEM/JUMP was applied to the Lagoa do Bonfim (RN) lake region with the aim of establishing hydraulic charge isolines. Results were compared with the previous study, where compatible results had been obtained, thus proving method feasibility and implementation. Geometric features of surrounding areas and alluvion regions present around the lake area were incorporated to the original problem, demonstrating the usefulness of the program to generate different simulation scenarios.
The analytical elements method simulates underground draining through the superposition of conceptual solutions. In the method\'s context, inhomogeneity in defined as a clearly set region of constant hydraulic conductivity. Inhomogeneity hydraulic conductivity differences and the environment in which they are inserted cause a discontinuity (jump) in the discharge potential. Traditionally, this jump is simulated using first or second degree polynomials.The present work presents a formulation that uses quadratic spline polynomials to interpolate jumps occurred in the discharge potential through inhomogeneity borders. At the same time, the traditional formulation of discharge potential jump interpolation is extended to any degree. The main elements that compose the method are described and implemented. The resulting computational program (AEM) was developed integrated to an open code geographic information system (JUMP). The program permits the integration with other geographic information systems based on JAVA, keeping its independence from resident SIG. The architecture project program AEM/JUMP is based on object-oriented programming and presented great affinity with the analytical element method, showing identification among element concepts (used by the method) and the object (used by the program). Standard project concepts are used, seeking to widen source code reading possibilities, understanding, optimization and modifications already available through the object-oriented programming. Conceptual problems are approached with proposed formulations. Quadratic spline interpolation proved to be efficient and precise. Considering exact solutions, average mistake on study area was lower than 0.12%. AEM/JUMP was applied to the Lagoa do Bonfim (RN) lake region with the aim of establishing hydraulic charge isolines. Results were compared with the previous study, where compatible results had been obtained, thus proving method feasibility and implementation. Geometric features of surrounding areas and alluvion regions present around the lake area were incorporated to the original problem, demonstrating the usefulness of the program to generate different simulation scenarios.
Água subterrânea, Sistemas de informações geográficas, Programação orientada a objetos, Polinômios, Splines, Método de elementos analíticos, Aqüíferos, Geographic information systems, Polynomials, Aquiferous areas, Analytic element method, Splines, Object-oriented programming