Análise da composição, abundância e distribuição da comunidade fitoplanctônica nos reservatórios do sistema em cascata do Médio e Baixo rio Tietê/SP
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Com a finalidade de atender a demanda energética, muitos reservatórios foram construídos no Brasil e, notadamente na região Sudeste, as construções das barragens não somente atenderam aos usos múltiplos (geração de energia, irrigação, lazer e abastecimento público), como também foram elementos propulsores da economia regional, contribuindo para a expansão das atividades industriais e rurais, bem como, um desordenado crescimento urbano. Em conseqüência da falta de planejamento, áreas naturais foram desmatadas, sendo substituídas por formas de plantio inadequadas e por projetos de especulação imobiliária não condizentes com a sustentabilidade ambiental. No decorrer das últimas décadas, os impactos aumentaram em magnitude e extensão, ocasionando sérios problemas aos recursos hídricos, culminando em conflitos pelo uso da água. Dentro deste contexto, destaca-se o rio Tietê, o qual percorre importantes cidades e extensas áreas rurais no Estado de São Paulo, sendo que, neste longo percurso, recebe a contribuição de diversos tributários (poluídos ou não) e efluentes urbanos, industriais e aqueles derivados de fontes não pontuais, além do processo de fragmentação que foi instalado a partir da construção de inúmeras barragens. De forma conjunta, todos os fatores promoveram alterações significativas no sistema e, procurando avaliar a situação atual dos reservatórios, desenvolveu-se uma pesquisa direcionada à análise da composição, densidade e distribuição da comunidade fitoplanctônica e sua relação com as variáveis limnológicas, climatológicas e hidrodinâmicas dos reservatórios da Barra Bonita, Bariri, Ibitinga, Promissão, Nova Avanhandava, Três Irmãos, além dos rios Tietê e Piracicaba e parte do rio Paraná (reservatório de Jupiá e a Jusante do reservatório de Ilha Solteira). Para tanto, foram realizadas coletas nos meses de fevereiro, maio, julho e outubro de 2000 e os resultados obtidos demonstram uma elevada concentração de nutrientes, com redução na seqüência dos reservatórios, além da variabilidade temporal, com efeito significativo da precipitação no transporte de materiais, promovendo alterações no estado trófico de cada sistema. A disponibilidade de nutrientes, transparência da água, vazão e tempo de residência, associados aos fatores climatológicos, foram elementos importantes no estabelecimento das populações, influenciando a composição, densidade e distribuição da comunidade fitoplanctônica, a qual apresentou maior dominância das classes Cyanophyceae e Chlorophyceae, com maior contribuição em densidade e riqueza de espécies, respectivamente.
For the purpose to attend the energy requirement, many reservoirs had been constructed in Brazil, and mostly in Southeast, the barrages construction not only attended to the multiple uses (energy generation, irrigation, leisure and public supply) but were propellant elements for the regional economy, contributing to the expansion of industrial and rural activities, as well as to an disarranged urban development. In consequence of the absence of planning, natural areas had been cleared and replaced by inadequated types of plantation and by land speculation projects not suitable to the environmental sustainability. During the last decades, the impacts increased in magnitude and extension, causing serious problems to the water resources, culminating with disagreements with regards to the water utilization. In this context, Tietê River should be pointed out, since it goes through important cities and large rural areas of São Paulo State and receives, through this long route, the contribution of several tributaries (contaminated or not) and urban, industrial and other effluents, derivated from not punctual sources, besides the calving that occurred after the construction of countless barrages. Conjunctly, all the factor promoted expressive alterations in the system. Aiming to evaluate the actual reservoir situation, a research was developed, focalizing the analysis of composition, density and distribution of the planctonic community and their relationship with limnological, climatic and hydrodinamical variables from Barra Bonita, Bariri, Ibitinga, Promissão, Nova Avanhandava, and Três Irmãos reservoirs, besides Tietê and Piracicaba rivers and part of Paraná River (Jupiá Reservoir, downstream Ilha Solteira Reservoir). For this, collections had been accomplished in February, March, May, July and October 2000. The results demonstrated a high nutrient concentration, which reduces through the reservoir sequence, besides the temporal variability, with significant effect of precipitation in the material transportation, promoting alterations in the trophic condition of each system. Nutrient availability, water transparency, flow, and residence time, associated to the climatic factors, were important elements in the populations establishment, influencing composition, density and distribution of the planctonic community, which presented highest dominance of Cyanophyceae and Chlorophyceae classes, with highest density and species richness contribution, respectively.
For the purpose to attend the energy requirement, many reservoirs had been constructed in Brazil, and mostly in Southeast, the barrages construction not only attended to the multiple uses (energy generation, irrigation, leisure and public supply) but were propellant elements for the regional economy, contributing to the expansion of industrial and rural activities, as well as to an disarranged urban development. In consequence of the absence of planning, natural areas had been cleared and replaced by inadequated types of plantation and by land speculation projects not suitable to the environmental sustainability. During the last decades, the impacts increased in magnitude and extension, causing serious problems to the water resources, culminating with disagreements with regards to the water utilization. In this context, Tietê River should be pointed out, since it goes through important cities and large rural areas of São Paulo State and receives, through this long route, the contribution of several tributaries (contaminated or not) and urban, industrial and other effluents, derivated from not punctual sources, besides the calving that occurred after the construction of countless barrages. Conjunctly, all the factor promoted expressive alterations in the system. Aiming to evaluate the actual reservoir situation, a research was developed, focalizing the analysis of composition, density and distribution of the planctonic community and their relationship with limnological, climatic and hydrodinamical variables from Barra Bonita, Bariri, Ibitinga, Promissão, Nova Avanhandava, and Três Irmãos reservoirs, besides Tietê and Piracicaba rivers and part of Paraná River (Jupiá Reservoir, downstream Ilha Solteira Reservoir). For this, collections had been accomplished in February, March, May, July and October 2000. The results demonstrated a high nutrient concentration, which reduces through the reservoir sequence, besides the temporal variability, with significant effect of precipitation in the material transportation, promoting alterations in the trophic condition of each system. Nutrient availability, water transparency, flow, and residence time, associated to the climatic factors, were important elements in the populations establishment, influencing composition, density and distribution of the planctonic community, which presented highest dominance of Cyanophyceae and Chlorophyceae classes, with highest density and species richness contribution, respectively.
Eutrofização, Fitoplâncton, Reservatórios, Rio Tietê, Eutrophication, Phytoplancton, Reservoirs, Tietê river