Problemática dos metais e sólidos no tratamento de água (estação convencional de ciclo completo) e nos resíduos gerados
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
O aumento da demanda de água potável e por conseqüência dos resíduos gerados, tem levado a indústria da água no Brasil, composto por aproximadamente 7500 ETAs, a deparar-se com dispendiosos ônus técnicos e financeiros no gerenciamento destes resíduos. Os sólidos, e, inclusive metais são os principais constituintes dos resíduos gerados durante o tratamento de água, sejam nos decantadores ou filtros. A compreensão da produção dos metais e sólidos em um ETA, assume grande importância. Apresenta-se neste estudo, os aspectos que envolvem a presença de metais e sólidos no tratamento de água. Realizou-se a avaliação dos metais nas diferentes etapas do tratamento de água. Realizou-se a avaliação dos metais nas diferentes etapas do tratamento, assim como a estimativa de produção de sólidos suspensos totais e em metais em uma ETA convencional que utiliza como coagulante sulfato de alumínio. Para tanto foram coletadas amostras de água de diferentes etapas do tratamento (captação, coagulação, floculação/sedimentação, filtração e estabilização final) e dos resíduos de decantadores e água de lavagem dos filtros ETA/São Carlos-SAAE. Os metais foram determinados em espectrofotômetro de absorção atômica, com pré-concentração de metais em coluna de troca iônica (resina catiônica fortemente ácida). A liberação de material dissolvido foi observada, ao longo das unidades de tratamento; parcela dos sólidos dissolvidos liberados são constituídos de metais dissolvidos ressolubilizados e/ou não removidos. Entretanto, tais afirmações são passíveis de estudos complementares. Na água tratada foram verificadas concentrações de chumbo, acima do limite de 10 μ/L estabelecido pelo Padrão de Potabilidade, Portaria nº 1469/2000. A partir do balanço de massa e de análises realizadas nos resíduos estimou-se a produção diária de sólidos e de metais, e verificou-se retenção, nos decantadores, principalmente da fração particulada dos metais. A adição de produtos químicos contribuiu com cerca de 37% dos sólidos produzidos na ETA/São Carlos.
The increase in the demand for drinking water and consequently in the generated residues, has taking the Brazilian industry of water, composed of approximately 7500 WTPs, to come across high technical and financial costs in the management of these residues. Metals and solids are the main constituents of the residues generated during the water treatment, either in the sedimentation tank or in filters. Thus the understanding of the production of metals and solids in a WTP is of assumes great importance. This study presents the aspects that involve the presence of metals and solids in the water treatment. The evaluation of the metals in different stages of the treatment, as well as the estimate of the production of solids and metals in a conventional ETA using aluminum sulfate as coagulant have been carried out. Samples of water were collected in different stages of the treatment (raw water, coagulation, flocculation/sedimentation, filtration and finished water) from sludge coagulant and filter backwash waters of WTP/São Carlos-SAAE. The metals were determined in spectrophotomic of atomic absorption, with pre-concentration of metals in column ofionic change (strongly acid resin cationic). The release of dissolved material was observed, along the units of treatment; part of the relesead dissolved solids is constituted by ressolubilized and/or removed dissolved metals. However, such statements are susceptible to complementary studies. In the treated water lead concentrations were verified, above the limit of 10 μg/L established by the Standard for Drinking Water, nº 1469/2000. From the mass balance and the analyses accomplished in the residues the daily production of solids and metals, was estimated and retention of mainly particulate fraction of metals was verified, in sedimentation tanks. The addition of chemical products contributed with approximately 37% of the solids produced at WTP/São Carlos.
The increase in the demand for drinking water and consequently in the generated residues, has taking the Brazilian industry of water, composed of approximately 7500 WTPs, to come across high technical and financial costs in the management of these residues. Metals and solids are the main constituents of the residues generated during the water treatment, either in the sedimentation tank or in filters. Thus the understanding of the production of metals and solids in a WTP is of assumes great importance. This study presents the aspects that involve the presence of metals and solids in the water treatment. The evaluation of the metals in different stages of the treatment, as well as the estimate of the production of solids and metals in a conventional ETA using aluminum sulfate as coagulant have been carried out. Samples of water were collected in different stages of the treatment (raw water, coagulation, flocculation/sedimentation, filtration and finished water) from sludge coagulant and filter backwash waters of WTP/São Carlos-SAAE. The metals were determined in spectrophotomic of atomic absorption, with pre-concentration of metals in column ofionic change (strongly acid resin cationic). The release of dissolved material was observed, along the units of treatment; part of the relesead dissolved solids is constituted by ressolubilized and/or removed dissolved metals. However, such statements are susceptible to complementary studies. In the treated water lead concentrations were verified, above the limit of 10 μg/L established by the Standard for Drinking Water, nº 1469/2000. From the mass balance and the analyses accomplished in the residues the daily production of solids and metals, was estimated and retention of mainly particulate fraction of metals was verified, in sedimentation tanks. The addition of chemical products contributed with approximately 37% of the solids produced at WTP/São Carlos.
Balanço de massa, Tratamento de água, Sólidos, Resíduos, Metais, Residuals, Metals, Solids, Mass balance, Water treatment