Corpos compósitos de poli(metacrilato de metila) com microfibra de biovidro e poros para reparo de defeitos ósseos
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Este trabalho está baseado no desenvolvimento do compósito poli(metacrilato de metila) (PMMA) microfibra de biovidro 45S5® (BV) com porosidade para aplicação direcionada a implantes ósseos. O PMMA é um material do tipo bioinerte amplamente utilizado na fabricação de implantes. O biovidro 45S5® é um biomaterial bioativo classe-A, que significa ser capaz de integração com tecidos moles e ósseos. O presente trabalho objetiva a conjugação das propriedades destes dois materiais em um conceito que introduz microfibra de biovidro 45S5® e porosidade em uma matriz de PMMA na busca de um material com elevada osteointegração e que permita a manufatura de implantes com adequada resistência a carregamentos mecânicos. Foram manufaturados e avaliados fisicamente e in vivo corpos de prova de PMMA com introdução de 20% de microfibra de biovidro (densos e porosos a 80%), corpos de PMMA com introdução de hidroxiapatita (densos e porosos a 80%) e de PMMA (densos e porosos a 80%) para controle. Foram realizados testes mecânicos de compressão e de flexão a três pontos para medidas de resistência e rigidez. Também foram realizadas medidas da microdureza Vickers e da densidade das amostras. Os resultados médios obtidos da tensão de escoamento e módulo elástico para os corpos de prova com introdução de 20% de microfibra de biovidro nos ensaios de compressão foram de 44 MPa e 1403 MPa respectivamente para as amostras densas e de 8 MPa e 13 MPa para as amostras porosas e nos ensaios de flexão foram de 48 MPa e 8129 MPa para os corpos densos e de 5 MPa e 97 MPa para os corpos porosos. A modelagem matemática a partir dos resultados permite a determinação antecipada da formulação para o atendimento específico de cada proposta de implante. Os implantes ensaiados in vivo com adição de microfibra de Biovidro 45S5® foram os que apresentaram os melhores resultados em integração óssea e controle da inflamação local.
This work is based on the development of poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) - bioglass 45S5® microfibers composite with porosity for bone implants application. PMMA is a bioinert material widely used in the manufacture of biological implants. The 45S5® bioglass is a bioactive class-A biomaterial which indicates ability to integrate with bone and soft tissues. The present study aims to combine the properties of these two materials on a concept that introduces bioglass 45S5® microfibers and porosity in a matrix of PMMA in order to find a material with high bone integration and capable of manufacture implants with adequate resistance to mechanical loads. Samples of PMMA with the introduction of 20% of bioglass microfiber (dense and 80% of porous), PMMA with introduction of hydroxyapatite (dense and 80% of porous), and PMMA (dense and 80% of porous) for control were fabricated and evaluated both physically and in vivo. Mechanical tests such as compression and three points bending have been performed for measurements of strain and stiffness. Measurements of Vickers microhardness and density of the samples also were performed. The average results of yield stress and elastic modulus for the samples with the introduction of 20% microfiber bioglass in compression tests were 44 MPa and 1403 MPa respectively for dense samples and 8 MPa and 13 MPa for porous samples and in bending tests were 48 MPa and 8129 MPa for dense bodies and 5 MPa and 97 MPa for the porous bodies. The mathematical modeling based on the results allows the early determination of the formulation to meet the specific needs of each implant proposal. The implants tested in vivo with addition of 45S5® bioglass microfiber presented the best results in bone integration and control of local inflammation when compared with all the other groups with the scaffold presence.
This work is based on the development of poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) - bioglass 45S5® microfibers composite with porosity for bone implants application. PMMA is a bioinert material widely used in the manufacture of biological implants. The 45S5® bioglass is a bioactive class-A biomaterial which indicates ability to integrate with bone and soft tissues. The present study aims to combine the properties of these two materials on a concept that introduces bioglass 45S5® microfibers and porosity in a matrix of PMMA in order to find a material with high bone integration and capable of manufacture implants with adequate resistance to mechanical loads. Samples of PMMA with the introduction of 20% of bioglass microfiber (dense and 80% of porous), PMMA with introduction of hydroxyapatite (dense and 80% of porous), and PMMA (dense and 80% of porous) for control were fabricated and evaluated both physically and in vivo. Mechanical tests such as compression and three points bending have been performed for measurements of strain and stiffness. Measurements of Vickers microhardness and density of the samples also were performed. The average results of yield stress and elastic modulus for the samples with the introduction of 20% microfiber bioglass in compression tests were 44 MPa and 1403 MPa respectively for dense samples and 8 MPa and 13 MPa for porous samples and in bending tests were 48 MPa and 8129 MPa for dense bodies and 5 MPa and 97 MPa for the porous bodies. The mathematical modeling based on the results allows the early determination of the formulation to meet the specific needs of each implant proposal. The implants tested in vivo with addition of 45S5® bioglass microfiber presented the best results in bone integration and control of local inflammation when compared with all the other groups with the scaffold presence.
Substitutos ósseos, PMMA, Biovidro 45S5®, Hidroxiapatita, Materiais biocompatíveis, PMMA, Hydroxyapatite, Bone substitutes, Biocompatible materials, 45S5® bioglass