Caracterização da ictiofauna e aplicação do índice de integridade biótica no Parque Nacional do Pantanal Mato-grossense, Poconé, MT
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
O Pantanal é um complexo de ecossistemas que exibe grande diversidade de ambientes aquáticos. O objetivo geral deste estudo foi caracterizar a estrutura da comunidade de peixes no Parque Nacional do Pantanal Mato-grossense (PNPM), uma Unidade de Conservação federal localizada no município de Poconé, MT, a fim de apoiar a construção de um instrumento de monitoramento baseado na integridade biótica do ambiente aquático. Tal objetivo foi obtido através da adaptação do Índice de Integridade Biótica para o PNPM (IIBPNPM). Previamente ao capítulo sobre a construção do IIBPNPM, que se espera representativo para uma porção ainda intocada do Pantanal, os dois primeiros capítulos fornecem os dados necessários para subsidiar a aplicação do índice. O primeiro trata da caracterização dos diferentes ambientes que ocorrem no PNPM, agrupados em quatro estratos ambientais: rios principais (rios Cuiabá e Paraguai), corixos (canais de ligação da planície de inundação), baías permanentes (não perdem a conexão na seca) e baías temporárias (aquelas que perdem conexão com os outros elementos da planície). Essa caracterização foi realizada na primeira campanha exploratória ao PNPM, em setembro de 2009, quando foram definidos os pontos de amostragem de água e de peixes. Testes estatísticos foram realizados para verificar a existência de associação entre os diferentes estratos e os fatores abióticos (variáveis físicas e químicas da água), porém, não foram significativos, indicando que os ambientes são homogêneos. As coletas de peixes foram realizadas em 12 pontos dentro do PNPM, no período seco, no final de outubro e início de novembro de 2010 e 2011. No segundo capítulo, foram identificadas 154 espécies de peixes, totalizando 19.839 indivíduos, das quais 146 espécies (18.954 exemplares) foram consideradas para a construção do IIBPNPM, por questões de padronização dos petrechos de pesca. Testes estatísticos também não evidenciaram associação entre a estrutura das assembleias de peixes e os estratos, reforçando a hipótese da homogeneidade dos ambientes. No entanto, os índices de diversidade de Shannon (H) e equabilidade de Pielou (J) foram significativamente diferentes entre os estratos. A homogeneidade dos ambientes pode ser explicada pelo fato do PNPM estar situado num pantanal de alta inundação, que pode durar até oito meses de um único ciclo hidrológico. Analisando o que os resultados indicaram, os poucos meses de estiagem parecem não ser suficientes para gerar variablidade ambiental detectável pelos métodos utilizados. O IIBPNPM final é composto por nove métricas e três classes de integridade biótica: excelente, regular e pobre, com intervalos específicos de pontuação. A maioria das métricas se enquadrou na classe excelente, algumas na classe regular e nenhuma na classe pobre, o que era esperado pelo fato de não haver indícios de degradação ambiental no interior do PNPM. A comunidade de peixes, portanto, é bem estruturada, rica e abundante. Não houve diferença significativa nas pontuações do IIBPNPM entre os anos (2010 e 2011). Embora a localização privilegiada do PNPM amorteça o efeito dos impactos antrópicos, eles estão presentes de maneira difusa em todo o Pantanal, com intensidade e magnitude diversas. Aliado a isso, há de se levar em conta que o PNPM é uma área de berçário de muitas espécies de peixes, e exerce papel fundamental no recrutamento de recursos pesqueiros. Por isso, recomenda-se aos gestores do PNPM a implementação de um programa de monitoramento ambiental que tenha a ictiofauna como indicadora dos processos ecológicos. Nesse sentido, a aplicação sistematizada do IIBPNPM pode auxiliar na síntese das informações e na comunicação dos resultados à sociedade.
The Pantanal is a complex of ecosystems that displays high diversity of aquatic habitats. The overall objective of this thesis was to characterize the structure of the fish assemblages in the Pantanal National Park, a federal protected area located in the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil, to back up the construction of a monitoring instrument based on the biotic integrity of the aquatic environment. This objective was achieved by adapting the Index of Biotic Integrity for the Pantanal National Park habitats. Prior to the chapter on the construction of this index (IIBPNPM), expected to be representative of a quite pristine Pantanal portion, the first two chapters provide the necessary data to support the application of the index. The first one deals with the characterization of the different hábitats that occur in PNPM, grouped into four environmental strata: main rivers (Cuiabá and Paraguai rivers), corixos (channels that connect the floodplain elements), permanent bays (do not lose the river connection in the dry season) and temporary bays (lose the connection in the dry season). This characterization was performed in the first PNPM exploratory campaign, in September 2009, when the future sampling sites were defined by collecting water and fish. Statistical tests were performed aiming to detect the existence of an association between the different strata and abiotic factors (water quality variables). However, they were not significant, indicating that the hábitats are homogeneous. Fish sampling were performed at 12 points within the PNPM, during the dry season in late October and early November of 2010 and 2011. In the second chapter, we identified 154 species of fish, totaling 19,839 individuals from which 146 species (18,954 individuals) were considered for the IIBPNPM framing for reasons of standardization of the fishing gears. Statistical tests also showed no association between the structure of the fish assemblage and strata, reinforcing the hypothesis of homogeneity of environments. However, the Shannon diversity index (H\') and evenness (J) were significantly different between the strata. The homogeneity of the environments can be explained by the PNPM being located in a wetland of high flooding, which can last up to eight months of a single hydrological cycle. Analyzed results indicate that the few dry months are not sufficient to generate environmental variability detectable by the methods used. The final IIBPNPM consists of nine metrics and three classes of biotic integrity: \"excellent\", \"regular\" and \"poor\", with specific ranges of scores. Most metrics are framed in \"excellent\" class, some in \"regular\" and none in \"poor\" one, which was expected because there was no evidence of environmental degradation within the PNPM. The fish community is well structured, rich and abundant. There was no significant difference in scores between IIBPNPM years (2010 and 2011). Although the location of PNPM cushions the effect of human impacts, they are present in a diffuse manner throughout the Pantanal, with various intensities and magnitudes. Allied to this, one should take into account that the PNPM is a nursery area for many fish species, and plays an essential role in the recruitment of fishery resources. Therefore, we emphatically recommend to the PNPM managers that implement an active monitoring program considering the fish assemblage as an indicator of ecological processes. The periodic performance of IIBPNPM can assist in summarizing information and to communicate the results to society.
The Pantanal is a complex of ecosystems that displays high diversity of aquatic habitats. The overall objective of this thesis was to characterize the structure of the fish assemblages in the Pantanal National Park, a federal protected area located in the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil, to back up the construction of a monitoring instrument based on the biotic integrity of the aquatic environment. This objective was achieved by adapting the Index of Biotic Integrity for the Pantanal National Park habitats. Prior to the chapter on the construction of this index (IIBPNPM), expected to be representative of a quite pristine Pantanal portion, the first two chapters provide the necessary data to support the application of the index. The first one deals with the characterization of the different hábitats that occur in PNPM, grouped into four environmental strata: main rivers (Cuiabá and Paraguai rivers), corixos (channels that connect the floodplain elements), permanent bays (do not lose the river connection in the dry season) and temporary bays (lose the connection in the dry season). This characterization was performed in the first PNPM exploratory campaign, in September 2009, when the future sampling sites were defined by collecting water and fish. Statistical tests were performed aiming to detect the existence of an association between the different strata and abiotic factors (water quality variables). However, they were not significant, indicating that the hábitats are homogeneous. Fish sampling were performed at 12 points within the PNPM, during the dry season in late October and early November of 2010 and 2011. In the second chapter, we identified 154 species of fish, totaling 19,839 individuals from which 146 species (18,954 individuals) were considered for the IIBPNPM framing for reasons of standardization of the fishing gears. Statistical tests also showed no association between the structure of the fish assemblage and strata, reinforcing the hypothesis of homogeneity of environments. However, the Shannon diversity index (H\') and evenness (J) were significantly different between the strata. The homogeneity of the environments can be explained by the PNPM being located in a wetland of high flooding, which can last up to eight months of a single hydrological cycle. Analyzed results indicate that the few dry months are not sufficient to generate environmental variability detectable by the methods used. The final IIBPNPM consists of nine metrics and three classes of biotic integrity: \"excellent\", \"regular\" and \"poor\", with specific ranges of scores. Most metrics are framed in \"excellent\" class, some in \"regular\" and none in \"poor\" one, which was expected because there was no evidence of environmental degradation within the PNPM. The fish community is well structured, rich and abundant. There was no significant difference in scores between IIBPNPM years (2010 and 2011). Although the location of PNPM cushions the effect of human impacts, they are present in a diffuse manner throughout the Pantanal, with various intensities and magnitudes. Allied to this, one should take into account that the PNPM is a nursery area for many fish species, and plays an essential role in the recruitment of fishery resources. Therefore, we emphatically recommend to the PNPM managers that implement an active monitoring program considering the fish assemblage as an indicator of ecological processes. The periodic performance of IIBPNPM can assist in summarizing information and to communicate the results to society.
Parque Nacional do Pantanal Matogrossense, Monitoramento e conservação ambiental, Integridade biótica, Índices multimétricos, Diversidade de peixes, Fish diversity, Monitoring and nature conservancy, Multimetric index, Pantanal National Park, Biotic integrity