Reciclando cinzas: estudo de viabilidade para produção de blocos para a construção civil a partir da cinza volante residual de um reator de leito fluidizado
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
A reciclagem de resíduos tem sido tema de diversos estudos e pesquisas, já que o meio ambiente vem sofrendo muitos impactos ambientais por conta do desenvolvimento da indústria mundial. Nessa linha, muitas empresas têm adotado estratégias mercadológicas ditas sustentáveis, procurando atender a um requisito que, atualmente, interessa a toda a sociedade: desenvolvimento sustentável. E uma das maneiras de haver desenvolvimento econômico sustentável, minimizando os impactos ao meio ambiente, é utilizar os resíduos gerados aplicandoos em outros processos de produção. Sendo assim, o presente trabalho propõe utilizar a cinza, que resulta da queima do carvão mineral adicionado ao calcário dolomítico e a areia, gerada pelo reator de leito fluidizado circulante de uma indústria produtora de alumínio localizada na área industrial de São Luís do Maranhão. O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar a melhor utilização desse resíduo sólido industrial em matrizes cimentícias. A investigação experimental inicia com a classificação e caracterização do resíduo in natura, avaliando seu potencial pozolânico. Com os resultados dos ensaios foi possível indicar que o seu melhor uso é como agregado, devido sua característica de não pozolânico. Também, devido a sua composição granulométrica de característica mais fina e sua elevada superfície específica, propõese que a cinza seja adicionado como filler. A etapa seguinte compreende a produção de matrizes compostas de cimento, areia e cinza (utilizada como filler), nessa etapa foram testados vários traços, aferindo suas propriedades mecânicas e eficiência de estabilização da matriz. O traço que melhor respondeu a essas questões foi o 1 : 1,5 : 1,5 (cimento:areia:cinza), pois apresentou bom desempenho mecânico utilizando grande quantidade de resíduo. Definida a matriz, essa foi submetida a ensaios complementares, para então ser aplicada na produção dos blocos prensados. Os blocos apresentaram bom desempenho mecânico e físico. A eficiência da estabilização do resíduo na matriz apresentou bons índices nos extratos solubilizados e até 100% de estabilização por solidificação, porém alguns parâmetros ainda apresentaram resultado acima do estabelecido por norma. Concluise então, que os blocos de cinza volante podem ser utilizados na construção civil, desde que sejam seguidas algumas recomendações quanto a produção e utilização dos mesmos.
The recycling of waste has been the subject of several studies and research, since the environment has undergone many environmental impacts due to the development of the industry worldwide. For that reason, many companies have adopted socalled sustainable marketing strategies, trying to meet a requirement that currently involves the whole society: the sustainable development. And one way to achieve sustainable economic development while minimizing impacts on the environment is the use of generated waste by applying it to different production processes. Therefore, this research proposes the use of ash from burning coal added to the lime and sand, generated by circulating fluidized bed reactor of an industry that produces aluminum located in the industrial area of São Luís, Maranhão. The aim of this study is to evaluate the best use of industrial solid waste in cementitious matrices. The experimental investigation starts with the classification and characterization of the waste in nature, evaluating its pozzolanic potential. From the test results it was possible to indicate that its best use is as an aggregate, due to its nonpozzolanic characteristic. Also, due to its small granulometry and high specific surface, it is proposed the ash to be added as a filler. The next step involves the production of matrices composed by cement, sand and ash (used as filler). At this stage various compositions were tested, assessing their mechanical properties and efficiency on the matrix stabilization. The composition that better responded to these questions was 1: 1.5: 1.5 (cement: sand: ash), once it showed good mechanical performance using large amounts of waste. This matrix was subjected to further testing and was subsequently used to produce the compressed blocks. The blocks showed good mechanical and physical performance. The efficiency of waste stabilization in the matrix showed good levels in solubilized extracts and up to 100% stabilization by solidification, but some parameters still showed results above the established by the norm. We conclude that the blocks made using fly ash can be used in construction, since some recommendations regarding their production and use are followed.
The recycling of waste has been the subject of several studies and research, since the environment has undergone many environmental impacts due to the development of the industry worldwide. For that reason, many companies have adopted socalled sustainable marketing strategies, trying to meet a requirement that currently involves the whole society: the sustainable development. And one way to achieve sustainable economic development while minimizing impacts on the environment is the use of generated waste by applying it to different production processes. Therefore, this research proposes the use of ash from burning coal added to the lime and sand, generated by circulating fluidized bed reactor of an industry that produces aluminum located in the industrial area of São Luís, Maranhão. The aim of this study is to evaluate the best use of industrial solid waste in cementitious matrices. The experimental investigation starts with the classification and characterization of the waste in nature, evaluating its pozzolanic potential. From the test results it was possible to indicate that its best use is as an aggregate, due to its nonpozzolanic characteristic. Also, due to its small granulometry and high specific surface, it is proposed the ash to be added as a filler. The next step involves the production of matrices composed by cement, sand and ash (used as filler). At this stage various compositions were tested, assessing their mechanical properties and efficiency on the matrix stabilization. The composition that better responded to these questions was 1: 1.5: 1.5 (cement: sand: ash), once it showed good mechanical performance using large amounts of waste. This matrix was subjected to further testing and was subsequently used to produce the compressed blocks. The blocks showed good mechanical and physical performance. The efficiency of waste stabilization in the matrix showed good levels in solubilized extracts and up to 100% stabilization by solidification, but some parameters still showed results above the established by the norm. We conclude that the blocks made using fly ash can be used in construction, since some recommendations regarding their production and use are followed.
Sustentabilidade, Estabilização/solidificação, Materiais de construção civil, Reciclagem, Resíduo sólido industrial, Sustainability, Solidification/stabilization, Recycling, Industrial solid waste, Building materials