Concreto de alto desempenho: estudo da aderência com a armadura sob ações repetidas
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
A premissa básica para se ter concreto armado é a existência de aderência entre o concreto e o aço. Vários fatores influenciam o comportamento da aderência, o que torna o fenômeno complexo. Em contraste como nível de informações sobre o comportamento da aderência, não existem resultados suficientes quanto à aderência em concreto de alto desempenho (CAD) e o efeito da adição repetida no comportamento da ligação aço-concreto. Neste contexto, o objetivo principal deste trabalho foi analisar a aderência em CAD sob ação repetida. Foram realizados ensaio das quatro barras e arrancamento e desenvolvido método de instrumentação interna de barras. Foram analisadas duas séries de ensaios de arrancamento, que diferiam no grau de confinamento máximo da amplitude. Outro ponto que teve especial atenção foi a distribuição de tensões de aderência. Verificou-se que o comportamento da aderência em CAD é qualitativamente o mesmo de concretos usuais. Entretanto, devido à natureza frágil do CAD, mesmo em concreto confinado, a pintura dos modelos foi por fendilhamento. Quanto à distribuição de tensões de aderência, a aplicação de um carregamento repetido prévio não afeta a distribuição de tensões, alterando somente a ordem de grandeza das tensões alcançadas durante o andamento do ensaio.
The basic premise for having reinforced concrete is the existence of bond between concrete and steel. Various factors influence the behaviour of the bond, which makes the phenomenon complex. In contrast with the level of information about the behaviour of the bond, there are insufficient results concerning bond in High Performance Concrete (HPC) and the effect of repeated action on the behaviour of the steel-concrete ligation. In this context, the main objective of this work was to analyse the bond in HPC under repeated action. Controlled tests were carried out, four bars and pullout and a method of internal instrumentation of the bars was developed. Two series of pull-out test were analysed, which differed in the degree of bar confinement. In reference to repeated action, the number of cycles and the level of maximum load of amplitude were analysed. Another aspect which had special attention was the distribution of bond stress. It was verified that the behaviour of the bond in HPC is qualitatively the same as normal concrete. However, due to the brittle nature of HPC, even in confined concrete, the failures of the models were by splitting. In reference to the distribution of bond stress, the application of a previously repeated load does not affect the distribution of stress, altering only the order of magnitude of the reached stress during the testing.
The basic premise for having reinforced concrete is the existence of bond between concrete and steel. Various factors influence the behaviour of the bond, which makes the phenomenon complex. In contrast with the level of information about the behaviour of the bond, there are insufficient results concerning bond in High Performance Concrete (HPC) and the effect of repeated action on the behaviour of the steel-concrete ligation. In this context, the main objective of this work was to analyse the bond in HPC under repeated action. Controlled tests were carried out, four bars and pullout and a method of internal instrumentation of the bars was developed. Two series of pull-out test were analysed, which differed in the degree of bar confinement. In reference to repeated action, the number of cycles and the level of maximum load of amplitude were analysed. Another aspect which had special attention was the distribution of bond stress. It was verified that the behaviour of the bond in HPC is qualitatively the same as normal concrete. However, due to the brittle nature of HPC, even in confined concrete, the failures of the models were by splitting. In reference to the distribution of bond stress, the application of a previously repeated load does not affect the distribution of stress, altering only the order of magnitude of the reached stress during the testing.
Ação repetida, Aderência, Concreto armado, Concreto de alto desempenho, Bond, High performance concrete, Reinforced concrete, Repeated action