Influência da quantidade e disposição de dados na modelação de terrenos aplicada a batimetria de reservatórios. Estudos de caso: UHE Três Irmãos - SP e UHE Chavantes - SP
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Visando garantir a disponibilidade hídrica em seus diferentes usos são construídos reservatórios, estes sempre associados a problemas de perda de volume de armazenamento devido ao processo de assoreamento. A atualização destes dados, bem como a quantificação do assoreamento geralmente é feita através de Levantamento Batimétrico. Apesar da grande importância do tema não é observado na literatura um método padronizado para a realização de estudos batimétricos, autores e organizações apresentam métodos dispares quanto à quantidade e disposição dos dados. Deste modo, a presente pesquisa buscou elencar os métodos apresentados na literatura e analisá-los quanto a precisão obtida no cálculo de volume do reservatório, utilizando como estudo de caso o reservatório da UHE Três Irmãos (SP). Observou-se que os MDTs gerados pelos métodos não representavam com fidelidade trechos estreitos do reservatório (braços) bem como o talvegue. Foi então proposto um método para a determinação do espaçamento entre seções bem como uma rotina para geração de MDT considerando características do talvegue. O método proposto para determinação do espaçamento entre seções se mostrou capaz de representar com relativa boa precisão trechos dos braços (diferença máxima encontrada de 5,01%) e apresentou tempo de coleta de dados de 60% do método mais preciso apresentado na literatura. A rotina de geração de MDT proporcionou em média melhora de aproximadamente 30% na qualidade dos dados de volume calculados. Por meio da aplicação dos métodos desenvolvidos na UHE Chavantes foi calculado um assoreamento de 3,91%, de acordo com os resultados, sem a utilização das rotina de geração de MDT desenvolvida cálculo do volume do reservatório seria subestimado em 1,61%, superestimando o cálculo do assoreamento.
Water reservoirs are built with the main purpose of guaranteeing water supply, however, their volume always decreases due the sedimentation processes. Bathymetric surveys can be deployed to assess the current volumetric capacity of a given reservoir and to estimate and quantify the sedimentation process. Although Bathymetric surveys are considered to be a key factor when analyzing and assessing properties of a given reservoir, a standard method for its deployment is yet to be defined. Authors and research groups presents different methods about the sampling rate as well as the choice of adequate spots for data collection. The overall goal of this research was to identify and analyze the different methods deployed in previous published literature analyzing the accuracy of the volume data provided by these different methods. Três Irmãos reservoir (São Paulo) was used as a case study where methods were compared. It was pointed out that the DEMs obtained were unable to accurately represent narrower reservoirs areas (tributaries) and the thalweg. Therefore was proposed a new method for determining the distance among survey sections as well as a routine for DEM generation takes into account the thalweg characteristics. Results revealed that the data pulled out was able to represent with accuracy the tributary areas (maximum difference was 5.01%). In addition, a reduced data collection time was observed (60%) when compared against the most accurate method found in published literature. The proposed technique for DEM generation indicated approximately 30% of quality improvement in the data calculated for the reservoir volume. The developed method was applied on a bathymetric survey conducted on the Chavantes reservoir (São Paulo). The loss of reservoir capacity assessed was 3.19%. According to results, a bathymetric survey which does not deploy the new method proposed would underestimate the reservoir\'s volume by 1.61% and overestimate the sedimentation process.
Water reservoirs are built with the main purpose of guaranteeing water supply, however, their volume always decreases due the sedimentation processes. Bathymetric surveys can be deployed to assess the current volumetric capacity of a given reservoir and to estimate and quantify the sedimentation process. Although Bathymetric surveys are considered to be a key factor when analyzing and assessing properties of a given reservoir, a standard method for its deployment is yet to be defined. Authors and research groups presents different methods about the sampling rate as well as the choice of adequate spots for data collection. The overall goal of this research was to identify and analyze the different methods deployed in previous published literature analyzing the accuracy of the volume data provided by these different methods. Três Irmãos reservoir (São Paulo) was used as a case study where methods were compared. It was pointed out that the DEMs obtained were unable to accurately represent narrower reservoirs areas (tributaries) and the thalweg. Therefore was proposed a new method for determining the distance among survey sections as well as a routine for DEM generation takes into account the thalweg characteristics. Results revealed that the data pulled out was able to represent with accuracy the tributary areas (maximum difference was 5.01%). In addition, a reduced data collection time was observed (60%) when compared against the most accurate method found in published literature. The proposed technique for DEM generation indicated approximately 30% of quality improvement in the data calculated for the reservoir volume. The developed method was applied on a bathymetric survey conducted on the Chavantes reservoir (São Paulo). The loss of reservoir capacity assessed was 3.19%. According to results, a bathymetric survey which does not deploy the new method proposed would underestimate the reservoir\'s volume by 1.61% and overestimate the sedimentation process.
Assoreamento, Batimetria, Modelação de terrenos, Sedimentologia, Bathymetry, Sedimentation, Sedimentology, Terrain modeling