Sistema automático para obtenção de parâmetros do tráfego veicular a partir de imagens de vídeo usando OpenCV
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Esta pesquisa apresenta um sistema automático para extrair dados de tráfego veicular a partir do pós-processamento de vídeos. Os parâmetros macroscópicos e microscópicos do tráfego são derivados do diagrama espaço-tempo, que é obtido pelo processamento das imagens de tráfego. A pesquisa fundamentou-se nos conceitos de Visão Computacional, programação em linguagem C++ e a biblioteca OpenCV para o desenvolvimento do sistema. Para a detecção dos veículos, duas etapas foram propostas: modelagem do background e segmentação dos veículos. Uma imagem sem objetos (background) pode ser determinada a partir das imagens do vídeo através de vários modelos estatísticos disponíveis na literatura especializada. A avaliação de seis modelos estatísticos indicou o Scoreboard (combinação de média e moda) como o melhor método de geração do background atualizado, por apresentar eficiente tempo de processamento de 18 ms/frame e 95,7% de taxa de exatidão. A segunda etapa investigou seis métodos de segmentação, desde a subtração de fundo até métodos de segmentação por textura. Dentre os descritores de textura, é apresentado o LFP, que generaliza os demais descritores. Da análise do desempenho desses métodos em vídeos coletados em campo, conclui-se que o tradicional método Background Subtraction foi o mais adequado, por apresentar o melhor tempo de processamento (34,4 ms/frame) e a melhor taxa de acertos totais com 95,1% de média. Definido o método de segmentação, foi desenvolvido um método para se definir as trajetórias dos veículos a partir do diagrama espaço-tempo. Comparando-se os parâmetros de tráfego obtidos pelo sistema proposto com medidas obtidas em campo, a estimativa da velocidade obteve uma taxa de acerto de 92,7%, comparado com medidas de velocidade feitas por um radar; por outro lado, a estimativa da taxa de fluxo de tráfego foi prejudicada por falhas na identificação da trajetória do veículo, apresentando valores ora acima, ora abaixo dos obtidos nas coletas manuais.
This research presents an automatic system to collect vehicular traffic data from video post-processing. The macroscopic and microscopic traffic parameters are derived from a space-time diagram, which is obtained by traffic image processing. The research was based on the concepts of Computer Vision, programming in C++, and OpenCV library to develop the system. Vehicle detection was divided in two steps: background modeling and vehicle segmentation. A background image can be determined from the video sequence through several statistical models available in literature. The evaluation of six statistical models indicated Scoreboard (combining mean and mode) as the best method to obtain an updated background, achieving a processing time of 18 ms/frame and 95.7% accuracy rate. The second step investigated six segmentation methods, from background subtraction to texture segmentation. Among texture descriptors, LFP is presented, which generalizes other descriptors. Video images collected on highways were used to analyze the performance of these methods. The traditional background subtraction method was found to be the best, achieving a processing time of 34.4 ms/frame and 95.1% accuracy rate. Once the segmentation process was chosen, a method to determine vehicle trajectories from the space-time diagram was developed. Comparing the traffic parameters obtained by the proposed system to data collected in the field, the estimates for speed were found to be very good, with 92.7% accuracy, when compared with radar-measured speeds. On the other hand, flow rate estimates were affected by failures to identify vehicle trajectories, which produced values above or below manually collected data.
This research presents an automatic system to collect vehicular traffic data from video post-processing. The macroscopic and microscopic traffic parameters are derived from a space-time diagram, which is obtained by traffic image processing. The research was based on the concepts of Computer Vision, programming in C++, and OpenCV library to develop the system. Vehicle detection was divided in two steps: background modeling and vehicle segmentation. A background image can be determined from the video sequence through several statistical models available in literature. The evaluation of six statistical models indicated Scoreboard (combining mean and mode) as the best method to obtain an updated background, achieving a processing time of 18 ms/frame and 95.7% accuracy rate. The second step investigated six segmentation methods, from background subtraction to texture segmentation. Among texture descriptors, LFP is presented, which generalizes other descriptors. Video images collected on highways were used to analyze the performance of these methods. The traditional background subtraction method was found to be the best, achieving a processing time of 34.4 ms/frame and 95.1% accuracy rate. Once the segmentation process was chosen, a method to determine vehicle trajectories from the space-time diagram was developed. Comparing the traffic parameters obtained by the proposed system to data collected in the field, the estimates for speed were found to be very good, with 92.7% accuracy, when compared with radar-measured speeds. On the other hand, flow rate estimates were affected by failures to identify vehicle trajectories, which produced values above or below manually collected data.
Segmentação, Tráfego veicular, Diagrama espaço-tempo, Linguagem C++, Modelagem do background, OpenCV, Texturas, Textures, Space-time diagram, Segmentation, Background modeling, OpenCV, C++ language, Traffic surveillance