Digestão anaeróbia da vinhaça da cana de açúcar em reator acidogênico de leito fixo seguido de reator metanogênico de manta de lodo
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
A aplicação da digestão anaeróbia aparece como opção para processamento da vinhaça, visto que por meio deste processo é possível aliar a recuperação de energia (hidrogênio e metano) ao enquadramento ambiental deste resíduo sem interferir em suas qualidades como biofertilizante. Nesse sentido, este trabalho avaliou a aplicação da digestão anaeróbia da vinhaça em sistema combinado acidogênico e metanogênico. Inicialmente, avaliou-se a influência de materiais suportes (argila expandida, carvão vegetal, cerâmica porosa e polietileno de baixa densidade) na produção de hidrogênio, em reatores de leito empacotado (APBR) operados em condição mesofílica (25°C) (Etapa 1). De uma forma geral, apenas traços de hidrogênio foram observados nos reatores preenchidos com partículas de carvão vegetal e cerâmica porosa (2 - 7,9 mL-H2.d-1.L-1 reator). Por outro lado, os valores para a produção volumétrica de hidrogênio (PVH) nos reatores com argila expandida e polietileno de baixa densidade foram dez vezes superior (74,3 - 84,2 mL-H2.d-1.L-1 reator), todavia, estatisticamente iguais. O critério de seleção do material suporte ocorreu com base em relatos na literatura que indicaram rebaixamento do leito e entupimento da saída de reatores APBR preenchidos com argila expandida. Portanto, o polietileno de baixa densidade foi escolhido como melhor opção dentre os suportes avaliados. Não obstante, a baixa relação C/N da vinhaça associada à microaeração do sistema (presença de microrganismos anóxicos) afetou severamente os reatores APBR com diferentes materiais suportes, levando-os à falência. Na segunda etapa, adotou-se a operação dos APBR preenchidos com polietileno de baixa densidade, em condição termofílica (55°C) a fim de diminuir o rendimento da biomassa acidogênica e a solubilidade do oxigênio. Adicionalmente, foi avaliada influência da Carga Orgânica Volumétrica aplicada (COVa - 36,4 - 108,6 kg- DQO.m-3.d-1), por meio da variação do Tempo de Detenção Hidráulica (TDH - 8 - 24 h). Produção contínua de hidrogênio foi observada em todos os reatores operados em condição termofílica (Etapa 2). Nessa etapa, estabeleceu-se a condição ótima de operação com COVa de 84,2 kg-DQO.m-3.d-1 e TDH de 10 h, resultando em PVH de valor 575,3 mL-H2.d-1.L-1 reator e rendimento de hidrogênio (Y1H2) de 1,4 mol-H2.mol-1 carboidratos totais. Na Etapa III, essas condições foram impostas na operação do APBR, resultando em aumento de 18,2% e 14,2% nos valores de PVH e Y1H2, respectivamente, em relação aos dados obtidos na Etapa II. Em paralelo, foram operados dois reatores metanogênicos do tipo manta de lodo (UASB), compondo um sistema único (UASB) e um sistema combinado (APBR/UASB). A produção de energia no sistema combinado foi 25,7% superior ao observado no sistema único. A eficiência de remoção da matéria orgânica total e solúvel aumentou de 60,7 ± 0,3% e 72,6% ± 1,2% no sistema único e 74,6 ± 0,3% e 96,1 ± 1,7% no sistema combinado, respectivamente, sob COVa de 25 kg-DQO.m-3.d-1 (calculada para os sistemas metanogênicos).
Anaerobic digestion application appears as an option for sugar cane vinasse processing, since via this process it is possible to combine the energy recovery (hydrogen and methane) to the environmental framework of this residue without interfering in their qualities as biofertilizer. In this sense, this study evaluated the application of anaerobic digestion of vinasse in two-stage system (acidogenic and methanogenic). Initially, it was evaluated the influence of support material (expanded clay, charcoal, porous ceramics, and low-density polyethylene) on hydrogen production in acidogenic packed bed reactors (APBR) operated under mesophilic condition (25°C) (Phase 1). In general, only traces of hydrogen were observed in APBR filled with charcoal and porous ceramics particles (2 - 7.9 mL-H2.d-1.L-1 reactor). On the other hand, in APBR with expanded clay and low-density polyethylene as support, the values for volumetric hydrogen production (VHP) were ten times higher (74.3 - 84.2 mL-H2.d-1.L-1 reactor), however, statistically equal. The selection criteria of support material was based on reports in the literature that indicated bed lowering and clogging in APBR outlet with expanded clay as support. Therefore, the low-density polyethylene was chosen as the best support among those evaluated. Nevertheless, the low C/N ratio of vinasse associated to microaeration condition in the systems (presence of microorganisms anoxic) severely affected the APBR with different support materials, leading them to bankruptcy. In the second phase, it was adopted the operation of APBR filled with low density polyethylene in thermophilic conditions (55°C) in order to reduce the acidogenic biomass yield and oxygen solubility. Moreover, it was evaluated the influence of organic loading rate (OLR - 36.4 to 108.6 kg-COD.m-3.d-1) by hydraulic retention time varying (HRT - 8 - 24 h). Continuous hydrogen production was observed in all reactors operated at 55°C (Phase 2). In this phase, it was established the optimum condition of operation, OLR of 84.2 kg-COD.m-3.d-1 and HRT of 10 h, resulting in values for PVH and hydrogen yield (Y1H2) of 575.3 mL-H2.d-1.L-1 reactor and 1.4 mol-H2.mol-1 total carbohydrates, respectively. In Phase III, these conditions were imposed on the operation of the APBR, resulting in an increase of 18.2% and 14.2% in the values of PVH and Y1H2, respectively, compared to the data obtained in Phase II. In parallel, two methanogenic reactors were operated (Up-flow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket UASB type), which composed a single stage system (UASB) and a two-stage system (APBR/UASB). The energy production in the two-stage system was 25.7% higher compared to the single stage system. The values for total and soluble organic matter removal were 60.7 ± 0.3% and 72.6 ± 1.2% to single stage system and 74.6 ± 0.3% and 96.1 ± 1.7% to two-stage system, respectively, at OLR of 25 kg-COD.m-3.d-1 (calculated for the methanogenic reactors).
Anaerobic digestion application appears as an option for sugar cane vinasse processing, since via this process it is possible to combine the energy recovery (hydrogen and methane) to the environmental framework of this residue without interfering in their qualities as biofertilizer. In this sense, this study evaluated the application of anaerobic digestion of vinasse in two-stage system (acidogenic and methanogenic). Initially, it was evaluated the influence of support material (expanded clay, charcoal, porous ceramics, and low-density polyethylene) on hydrogen production in acidogenic packed bed reactors (APBR) operated under mesophilic condition (25°C) (Phase 1). In general, only traces of hydrogen were observed in APBR filled with charcoal and porous ceramics particles (2 - 7.9 mL-H2.d-1.L-1 reactor). On the other hand, in APBR with expanded clay and low-density polyethylene as support, the values for volumetric hydrogen production (VHP) were ten times higher (74.3 - 84.2 mL-H2.d-1.L-1 reactor), however, statistically equal. The selection criteria of support material was based on reports in the literature that indicated bed lowering and clogging in APBR outlet with expanded clay as support. Therefore, the low-density polyethylene was chosen as the best support among those evaluated. Nevertheless, the low C/N ratio of vinasse associated to microaeration condition in the systems (presence of microorganisms anoxic) severely affected the APBR with different support materials, leading them to bankruptcy. In the second phase, it was adopted the operation of APBR filled with low density polyethylene in thermophilic conditions (55°C) in order to reduce the acidogenic biomass yield and oxygen solubility. Moreover, it was evaluated the influence of organic loading rate (OLR - 36.4 to 108.6 kg-COD.m-3.d-1) by hydraulic retention time varying (HRT - 8 - 24 h). Continuous hydrogen production was observed in all reactors operated at 55°C (Phase 2). In this phase, it was established the optimum condition of operation, OLR of 84.2 kg-COD.m-3.d-1 and HRT of 10 h, resulting in values for PVH and hydrogen yield (Y1H2) of 575.3 mL-H2.d-1.L-1 reactor and 1.4 mol-H2.mol-1 total carbohydrates, respectively. In Phase III, these conditions were imposed on the operation of the APBR, resulting in an increase of 18.2% and 14.2% in the values of PVH and Y1H2, respectively, compared to the data obtained in Phase II. In parallel, two methanogenic reactors were operated (Up-flow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket UASB type), which composed a single stage system (UASB) and a two-stage system (APBR/UASB). The energy production in the two-stage system was 25.7% higher compared to the single stage system. The values for total and soluble organic matter removal were 60.7 ± 0.3% and 72.6 ± 1.2% to single stage system and 74.6 ± 0.3% and 96.1 ± 1.7% to two-stage system, respectively, at OLR of 25 kg-COD.m-3.d-1 (calculated for the methanogenic reactors).
Vinhaça da cana de açúcar, Sistema único vs. Sistema combinado, Produção de metano, Produção de hidrogênio, Pirosequenciamento-454, Methane production, Single stage vs. Two stage, Hydrogen production, Sugar cane vinasse, 454-pyrosequencing