Estudo da fluência em vigas de concreto reforçado com fibras de aço, com aplicação de conceitos da mecânica da fratura
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Embora sejam reconhecidas diversas vantagens na adição de fibras curtas de aço ao concreto (CRFA), em especial o ganho de tenacidade, pouco se sabe a respeito da fluência desses materiais compostos. Este trabalho teve como objetivo principal investigar o potencial e as dificuldades inerentes de um método de avaliação experimental da fluência pelo ensaio de vigas, como possível alternativa aos ensaios de compressão axial já consagrados. Ao mesmo tempo, considerando a nova tendência de exploração de compósitos híbridos - formados por fibras de diferentes características, de modo a obter respostas adequadas aos processos de micro e macrofissuração - tomou-se como objeto de estudo experimental um conjunto de modelos e corpos-de-prova de CRFA comum e de CRFA híbrido, este formado pela combinação de fibras de aço de diferentes comprimentos, umas mais longas e outras mais curtas. Para caracterização dos materiais, foram efetuados ensaios para determinação das principais propriedades mecânicas de interesse em distintas idades. As proporções da mistura adotada neste programa experimental foram baseadas em dados de estudos anteriores, que suscitaram investigações mais detalhadas. Entretanto, neste particular programa de ensaios, a adição das fibras, principalmente as mais curtas, acarretou maior teor de ar incorporado ao compósito, o que penalizou o seu desempenho em alguns aspectos. Os resultados desses ensaios demonstraram pouca influência das fibras sobre as propriedades de resistência à compressão, módulo de elasticidade e resistência à tração por compressão diametral. Quanto à fluência, o desempenho do CRFA e do compósito híbrido foi inferior ao da matriz. Por outro lado, notou-se maior restrição à retração do concreto com a adição de fibras. Na análise dos resultados experimentais, o estudo das flechas diferidas foi efetuado pelas correspondentes deformações, para interpretação do fenômeno por meio das curvas de fluência específica. O ajuste de resultados experimentais para curvas de fluência específica demonstrou que a fluência em vigas, apesar de apresentar - comparativamente aos modelos teóricos fundamentados em ensaios de compressão - maior taxa inicial, maiores coeficientes de fluência e estabilização aparentemente mais rápida, pode ser representada por modelos teóricos semelhantes aos usuais. As curvas de tendência determinadas para a matriz foram comparadas com aquelas derivadas de expressões dadas por normas técnicas (NBR 6118:2003 e ACI209:1982), assim como com as obtidas em simulações numéricas efetuadas como software DIANA®. A fluência também foi avaliada experimentalmente em vigas entalhadas, submetidas apenas à ação do peso-próprio, sendo estes ensaios também simulados por meio de modelagem numérica e aplicação de conceitos da mecânica da fratura. Os resultados analisados permitem dizer que há possibilidade de avaliar a fluência pela metodologia estudada, o que oferece um método alternativo para avaliação experimental da fluência. Nesta pesquisa, avaliou-se também a alteração de rigidez das vigas ensaiadas em decorrência dos efeitos do tempo, por meio de ensaios dinâmicos de vibração livre, segundo a ASTM C-215:1991a.
Despite of the well known advantages of steel fiber addition to concrete (SFRC), especially the toughness improvement, only a few number of studies has been developed about creep on these composites. The main purpose of this research is to investigate the feasibility and inherent difficulties related to a particular creep evaluation method. This method is based on beam test results and their analysis by fracture mechanics theory. It is intended to become an alternative method instead of the usual creep analysis of axial compression test results. At the same time, looking at the development of hybrid composites - made of distinct kind of fibers to obtain the best responses for micro and macrocracking - an experimental program was performed. Specimens molded with plain concrete, ordinary SFRC and hybrid SFRC were tested in flexure, the last one made of an association of short and large steel fibers. Characterization tests were performed to obtain the main mechanical properties of these materials at several ages. The mixture proportions were based in previous studies, where good performance characteristics were observed in hybrid composites. Nevertheless, in this particular test series, the addition of shorter steel fibers resulted in high air contents, what probably caused the decrease of the composite\'s performance in some aspects. The test results displayed low influence of the fiber addition on mechanical properties such compression strength, modulus of elasticity and tensile strength. Creep performance showed to be worse in the SFRC and hybrid composites than in plain concrete matrix. However, the reinforcement with steel fibers improved the shrinkage restrain. The analysis of the long-term beam deflections was made by finding the corresponding strains in the sections. Afterwards, specific creep functions were obtained by regression methods. The experimental creep functions were compared to the existing ones in literature and design codes. Despite of some differences, such as higher initial creep rate, higher creep coefficients and faster stabilization, it may be concluded that these functions represented quite well the phenomenon. Also experimental functions for plain concrete showed good results when compared to creep prediction model given by design codes, such as the Brazilian NBR 6118:2003 and ACI 209:1982. Comparison with numerical modeling results also gave satisfactory results. Creep in flexure was also evaluated by means of notched beam tests, where the sustained load was performed only by the beam self-weight. The test results were analyzed by numerical modeling and application of fracture mechanic concepts. The overall results showed the feasibility of creep assessing by the beam test method, which can be, after further detailed test series, a good alternative method instead of axial compression tests. Also dynamic free vibration tests were performed, according to ASTM C-215:1991 recommendations, to investigate the beam stiffness loss due to long term loading effects. These tests showed that modal analysis can be a helpful method in the tests, since it does not introduce damages in the test specimens.
Despite of the well known advantages of steel fiber addition to concrete (SFRC), especially the toughness improvement, only a few number of studies has been developed about creep on these composites. The main purpose of this research is to investigate the feasibility and inherent difficulties related to a particular creep evaluation method. This method is based on beam test results and their analysis by fracture mechanics theory. It is intended to become an alternative method instead of the usual creep analysis of axial compression test results. At the same time, looking at the development of hybrid composites - made of distinct kind of fibers to obtain the best responses for micro and macrocracking - an experimental program was performed. Specimens molded with plain concrete, ordinary SFRC and hybrid SFRC were tested in flexure, the last one made of an association of short and large steel fibers. Characterization tests were performed to obtain the main mechanical properties of these materials at several ages. The mixture proportions were based in previous studies, where good performance characteristics were observed in hybrid composites. Nevertheless, in this particular test series, the addition of shorter steel fibers resulted in high air contents, what probably caused the decrease of the composite\'s performance in some aspects. The test results displayed low influence of the fiber addition on mechanical properties such compression strength, modulus of elasticity and tensile strength. Creep performance showed to be worse in the SFRC and hybrid composites than in plain concrete matrix. However, the reinforcement with steel fibers improved the shrinkage restrain. The analysis of the long-term beam deflections was made by finding the corresponding strains in the sections. Afterwards, specific creep functions were obtained by regression methods. The experimental creep functions were compared to the existing ones in literature and design codes. Despite of some differences, such as higher initial creep rate, higher creep coefficients and faster stabilization, it may be concluded that these functions represented quite well the phenomenon. Also experimental functions for plain concrete showed good results when compared to creep prediction model given by design codes, such as the Brazilian NBR 6118:2003 and ACI 209:1982. Comparison with numerical modeling results also gave satisfactory results. Creep in flexure was also evaluated by means of notched beam tests, where the sustained load was performed only by the beam self-weight. The test results were analyzed by numerical modeling and application of fracture mechanic concepts. The overall results showed the feasibility of creep assessing by the beam test method, which can be, after further detailed test series, a good alternative method instead of axial compression tests. Also dynamic free vibration tests were performed, according to ASTM C-215:1991 recommendations, to investigate the beam stiffness loss due to long term loading effects. These tests showed that modal analysis can be a helpful method in the tests, since it does not introduce damages in the test specimens.
Concreto reforçado com fibras de aço, Mecânica da fratura, Fluência, Flexão, Flechas diferidas, Flexure, Fracture mechanics, Long-term deflection, Creep, Steel fiber reinforced concrete