Aspectos da arquitetura orgânica de Frank Lloyd Wright na arquitetura paulista: a obra de José Leite de Carvalho e Silva
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Estudos anteriores já destacaram a influência do organicismo na arquitetura brasileira, com ênfase na arquitetura paulista. Porém, a maioria dessas pesquisas aborda arquitetos atuantes na cidade de São Paulo. O objetivo desta dissertação é investigar a influência do organicismo wrightiano na obra do arquiteto José Leite de Carvalho e Silva, que atua no interior do estado de São Paulo, principalmente na região de Campinas. Neste trabalho, procurou-se, inicialmente, expor os princípios da arquitetura orgânica de Frank Lloyd Wright, destacando os principais aspectos de sua carreira e obra. A partir dessa compreensão, procurou-se estabelecer os possíveis vínculos com a arquitetura brasileira e montar um quadro geral da arquitetura moderna paulista, destacando arquitetos cujas obras expressavam um pensamento projetual diferenciado nas décadas de 1940, 1950 e 1960. Esse período abrange também os anos de graduação, na FAU-USP, do arquiteto Carvalho e Silva, que se formou em 1956, e o começo de sua vida profissional. Em seguida, apresenta-se a obra deste arquiteto, descrevendo e analisando algumas residências selecionadas. Apesar de ter sido observada a influência da arquitetura orgânica de Frank Lloyd Wright nas obras estudadas, é importante ressaltar que outros fatores como as condições locais, a experiência profissional individual e as obras de outros arquitetos importantes também atuaram na definição de uma arquitetura própria de todos os arquitetos citados nesta pesquisa.
Previous studies have already highlighted the influence of organicism in Brazilian architecture, with emphasis on architecture from Sao Paulo. But the majority of research focuses on architects working in the city of Sao Paulo. The goal of this dissertation is to investigate the influence of Frank Lloyd Wright\'s organicism in the work of the architect Jose Leite de Carvalho e Silva, who works in the state of Sao Paulo, mainly in the region of Campinas. In this work, one tried, initially, to explain the principles of organic architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright, highlighting the main aspects of his career and work. From that understanding, one sought to establish the possible links with the Brazilian architecture showing a general framework of modern architecture of Sao Paulo, highlighting architects whose works expressed a different projetual thought in the decades of 1940, 1950 and 1960. This period also covers the years of graduation, at FAU-USP, of the architect Carvalho e Silva, who graduated in 1956, and the beginning of his professional life. Then it presents the work of this architect, describing and analyzing some selected households. Although it is observed the influence of Frank Lloyd Wright\'s organic architecture in the works studied, it is important to note that other factors such as local conditions, individual work experience and works of other important architects also contributes on defining a personal characteristic architecture of all the architects cited in this research.
Previous studies have already highlighted the influence of organicism in Brazilian architecture, with emphasis on architecture from Sao Paulo. But the majority of research focuses on architects working in the city of Sao Paulo. The goal of this dissertation is to investigate the influence of Frank Lloyd Wright\'s organicism in the work of the architect Jose Leite de Carvalho e Silva, who works in the state of Sao Paulo, mainly in the region of Campinas. In this work, one tried, initially, to explain the principles of organic architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright, highlighting the main aspects of his career and work. From that understanding, one sought to establish the possible links with the Brazilian architecture showing a general framework of modern architecture of Sao Paulo, highlighting architects whose works expressed a different projetual thought in the decades of 1940, 1950 and 1960. This period also covers the years of graduation, at FAU-USP, of the architect Carvalho e Silva, who graduated in 1956, and the beginning of his professional life. Then it presents the work of this architect, describing and analyzing some selected households. Although it is observed the influence of Frank Lloyd Wright\'s organic architecture in the works studied, it is important to note that other factors such as local conditions, individual work experience and works of other important architects also contributes on defining a personal characteristic architecture of all the architects cited in this research.
Arquitetura paulista, José Leite de Carvalho e Silva, Organicismo, Architecture in São Paulo, José Leite de Carvalho e Silva, Organicism