Estratégias de controle não-convencional para uma plataforma de Stewart acionada hidraulicamente
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Este trabalho apresenta técnicas de projeto de controle neural e controle difuso para uma plataforma de Stewart acionada hidraulicamente. O modelo dinâmico não linear da plataforma de Stewart com seis graus de liberdade foi desenvolvido no ambiente de sistemas multicorpos ADAMS. Este pacote comercial foi usado para economizar tempo e esforço na modelagem de um sistema mecânico complexo e na programação para obter a resposta no tempo do sistema. A plataforma de Stewart é um manipulador paralelo com alta relação força-peso e acuracidade de posicionamento comparada a manipuladores seriais convencionais. As desvantagens dos mecanismos seriais é que cada articulação suporta o peso da articulação seguinte e mais o objeto a ser manipulado. A plataforma de Stewart tem recebido recentemente considerável interesse de pesquisadores dado o sucesso de suas aplicações e potencial vantagens sobre os manipuladores convencionais. Uma aplicação bastante popular da plataforma de Stewart é o simulador de vôo onde a plataforma executa movimento com acelerações similares àquelas de uma aeronave. Embora muitas pesquisas na literatura tenham dedicado amplo esforço para cinemática, dinâmica e projeto mecânico de manipuladores baseados em plataforma de Stewart, pouca atenção tem sido dada ao problema de controle deste tipo de manipulador. Um esquema de controle difuso e de redes neurais foi adotado para lidar com as não linearidades, distúrbios e incertezas dos parâmetros, e precisão necessária no posicionamento e orientação da plataforma. Redes neurais artificiais e lógica difusa fornecem um paradigma computacional característico e tem demonstrado resultado para uma faixa de problemas práticos onde a técnica computacional convencional não tem sucesso. Em particular, a habilidade do controle neural e do controle difuso para representar mapeamento não linear encoraja o estudo de controle neural e difuso para representar problemas de controle não linear. Resultados de simulação são apresentados, mostrando que as técnicas propostas podem ser usadas na plataforma de Stewart.
This work presents a neural and fuzzy control design technique for a hydraulically driven Stewart platform. The non-linear dynamic model of a Stewart platform with six degrees of freedom was developed in the multibody systems environment ADAMS. This commercial package was used to save time and effort in modelling the complex mechanical system and in the programming to get the time response of the system. The Stewart platform is a parallel manipulator with high force-to-weight ratio and position accuracy compared to conventional serial manipulators. The disadvantage of serial mechanisms is that each link has to support the weigth of all the following links in addition to the object to be supported. The Stewart platform has recently received considerable research interest due to its successful applications and potential advantages over the conventional manipulators. A quite popular application of the Stewart platform is the flight simulator where the platform performs motion with accelerations similar to those of an airplane. Although much of the research in the literature has devoted extensive effort to the kinematics, dynamics and mechanisms design of the Stewart platform-based manipulators, little attention has been paid to the control problem of this type of manipulators. A fuzzy and neural network control scheme was adopted to deal with the nonlinealities, disturbances and uncertainties of the parameters, and required precision in position and orientation the platform. Artificial neural networks and fuzzy logic provide a distinctive computational paradigm and have proven to be effective for a range of practical problems where conventional computation techniques have not succeeded. In particular, the ability of neural and fuzzy control techniques to represent non-linear mappings encourages the study of these techniques to be used for controling complex non-linear control problems. Simulations results are presented, showing that the proposed technique can be used in a Stewart platform.
This work presents a neural and fuzzy control design technique for a hydraulically driven Stewart platform. The non-linear dynamic model of a Stewart platform with six degrees of freedom was developed in the multibody systems environment ADAMS. This commercial package was used to save time and effort in modelling the complex mechanical system and in the programming to get the time response of the system. The Stewart platform is a parallel manipulator with high force-to-weight ratio and position accuracy compared to conventional serial manipulators. The disadvantage of serial mechanisms is that each link has to support the weigth of all the following links in addition to the object to be supported. The Stewart platform has recently received considerable research interest due to its successful applications and potential advantages over the conventional manipulators. A quite popular application of the Stewart platform is the flight simulator where the platform performs motion with accelerations similar to those of an airplane. Although much of the research in the literature has devoted extensive effort to the kinematics, dynamics and mechanisms design of the Stewart platform-based manipulators, little attention has been paid to the control problem of this type of manipulators. A fuzzy and neural network control scheme was adopted to deal with the nonlinealities, disturbances and uncertainties of the parameters, and required precision in position and orientation the platform. Artificial neural networks and fuzzy logic provide a distinctive computational paradigm and have proven to be effective for a range of practical problems where conventional computation techniques have not succeeded. In particular, the ability of neural and fuzzy control techniques to represent non-linear mappings encourages the study of these techniques to be used for controling complex non-linear control problems. Simulations results are presented, showing that the proposed technique can be used in a Stewart platform.
Controle difuso, Sistema hidráulico, Servoválvula, Plataforma de Stewart, Controle neural, Neural control, Hydraulic system, Servovalve, Fuzzy control, Stewart platform