Avaliação da efetividade de esquemas de pagamentos por serviços ambientais hídricos: proposta metodológica
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
O pagamento por serviços ambientais (PSA) é um instrumento econômico baseado na transferência de benefícios em troca de práticas conservacionistas que assegurem ou aumentem a prestação de serviços ambientais. O instrumento vem ganhando força como estratégia de conservação e restauração de ambientes naturais e, embora bastante pesquisado nos últimos anos, ainda não há um sistema de avaliação que apresente resultados de forma rápida e transmita segurança aos atores envolvidos. Diante dessa lacuna, este trabalho tem como objetivo propor um modelo de avaliação da efetividade de esquemas de pagamentos por serviços ambientais hídricos localizados na Mata Atlântica que tenham como foco a conservação de vegetação nativa em propriedades rurais privadas. A estrutura de avaliação foi construída a partir do referencial teórico, por meio de revisão bibliográfica sistemática. Para verificar o funcionamento do modelo elaborado, aplicou-se a estrutura em cinco casos de PSA hídricos localizados na Mata Atlântica. Os resultados mostraram que o modelo construído é robusto, pois apresenta clareza sobre os tipos de dados que utiliza e sobre a maneira como é feito o julgamento; flexível – pois pode ser aplicado também em outros tipos de esquemas de PSA com as devidas adequações, e de aplicação relativamente simples, permitindo o uso de dados secundários. Quanto à avaliação do PSA observou-se que os esquemas estudados não atendem todas as condições indicadas pela literatura acadêmica como importantes para o êxito do instrumento. Até mesmo as condições fundamentais para o êxito do PSA mais citadas no referencial teórico como: gestão participativa com estabelecimento de relações de confiança e compreensão do contexto para verificar se o PSA é a melhor solução para o problema local não são efetivamente empregadas. Tais resultados também são observados nos casos de PSA internacionais de acordo com a literatura internacional. Pode-se concluir que o modelo de avaliação proposto gera informações úteis e confiáveis acerca do desenvolvimento dos esquemas de PSA hídricos, além disso, identifica os problemas de modo que as partes interessadas possam ter um panorama da situação do esquema. Os resultados da aplicação do modelo de avaliação nos casos estudados na Mata Atlântica mostram que tais esquemas apresentam problemas que dificultam o alcance dos objetivos a que se propõem principalmente no que diz respeito a custo-efetividade e relação custo-benefício, gestão participativa e adicionalidade.
Payment for environmental services (PES) - is an economic instrument based on the transfer of benefits in exchange for conservation practices to ensure or enhance the provision of environmental services. The instrument has been gaining strength as a conservation strategy and restoration of natural environments and although widely researched in recent years still presents difficulties due to the lack of an evaluation system that gives results quickly and transmits security to the actors involved. Given this gap this paper aims to propose a model of evaluation of the effectiveness of water for environmental services payment schemes located in the Atlantic Forest that focus on the conservation of native vegetation on private farms. The evaluation framework was built from the theoretical framework, through a systematic literature review, looking up which important conditions for the success of the PES. To check the operation of the elaborate model we apply the structure in six cases of water PES located in the Atlantic Forest. The results showed that the constructed model is robust, as it has clarity on the types of data you use and the way it is done the trial, flexible, it can also be applied to other types of PES schemes with the necessary adjustments, and relatively simple application, allowing the use of secondary data. As for the evaluation of PES it was observed that the studied schemes do not meet all conditions set by the academic literature as important to the success of the instrument. Even the basic conditions for the success of PES most mentioned in theoretical as participatory management with the establishment of trusts and understanding of the context to see if the PES is the best solution to the local problem is not effectively used. Such results are also observed in cases of International PES. We can conclude that the proposed evaluation model generates useful and reliable information about the development of water PES schemes also identifies problems so that interested parties may have an overview of the layout of the situation. The results of the implementation of the evaluation model in the cases studied in the Atlantic Forest showed that such schemes present problems that hinder the achievement of objectives that mainly propose regarding the costeffectiveness and cost-effective, participatory management and additionality.
Payment for environmental services (PES) - is an economic instrument based on the transfer of benefits in exchange for conservation practices to ensure or enhance the provision of environmental services. The instrument has been gaining strength as a conservation strategy and restoration of natural environments and although widely researched in recent years still presents difficulties due to the lack of an evaluation system that gives results quickly and transmits security to the actors involved. Given this gap this paper aims to propose a model of evaluation of the effectiveness of water for environmental services payment schemes located in the Atlantic Forest that focus on the conservation of native vegetation on private farms. The evaluation framework was built from the theoretical framework, through a systematic literature review, looking up which important conditions for the success of the PES. To check the operation of the elaborate model we apply the structure in six cases of water PES located in the Atlantic Forest. The results showed that the constructed model is robust, as it has clarity on the types of data you use and the way it is done the trial, flexible, it can also be applied to other types of PES schemes with the necessary adjustments, and relatively simple application, allowing the use of secondary data. As for the evaluation of PES it was observed that the studied schemes do not meet all conditions set by the academic literature as important to the success of the instrument. Even the basic conditions for the success of PES most mentioned in theoretical as participatory management with the establishment of trusts and understanding of the context to see if the PES is the best solution to the local problem is not effectively used. Such results are also observed in cases of International PES. We can conclude that the proposed evaluation model generates useful and reliable information about the development of water PES schemes also identifies problems so that interested parties may have an overview of the layout of the situation. The results of the implementation of the evaluation model in the cases studied in the Atlantic Forest showed that such schemes present problems that hinder the achievement of objectives that mainly propose regarding the costeffectiveness and cost-effective, participatory management and additionality.
Conservação da natureza, Propriedade rural, Política ambiental, Serviços ecossistêmicos, Instrumentos econômicos, Environmental policy, Ecosystem services, Economic instruments, Rural property, Nature conservation