Proposta de método para a criação da visão no gerenciamento ágil de projetos de desenvolvimento de produtos
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
A visão do produto é uma descrição sucinta, metafórica e desafiadora, que emerge em uma equipe de projeto e que serve como alinhamento frente ao produto obtido no final do desenvolvimento. Há tempos é tida como fator crítico de sucesso em áreas como desenvolvimento de produto, planejamento estratégico e gerenciamento ágil de projetos. Os teóricos dessas áreas propõem definições para visão do produto e métodos para concebê-la. As definições se mostram parciais de cada área e possuem limitações como, por exemplo, alto nível de abstração o que dificulta a operacionalização do conceito. Já os métodos propostos não são capazes de sistematizar o envolvimento do cliente no processo. A pesquisa utilizou uma revisão bibliográfica sistemática na busca de métodos para visão do produto e uma exploratória para as definições de visão. As revisões embasaram a criação de um modelo conceitual de visão de produto com o intuito de definir melhor o conceito e a proposta de método desta tese. Como a definição proposta congrega as características da visão, ela serve também como medida para a avaliação da visão gerada pelo método proposto. Avaliou-se o método com a aplicação em três estudos de caso, cujos dados foram analisados qualitativamente, pelo Índice de Concordância, e pelo Coeficiente de Correlação Intraclasse. Os resultados indicaram que o método proposto foi considerado de fácil aplicação e bem documentado. Os usuários também se mostraram inclinados para reutilizar e recomendar o método e, além disso, concordaram que ele foi útil na sistematização do envolvimento do cliente. Os resultados do Coeficiente de Concordância Intraclasse mostraram que o método conseguiu operacionalizar praticamente todas as propriedades da visão, exceto as propriedades clara, concisa e flexível. Estudos detalhados sobre a influência de uma propriedade na outra e seu real impacto na visão propriamente dita devem ser conduzidos. A contribuição do trabalho não se concentra somente na proposição do método, mas também no modelo conceitual que define melhor o conceito e serve como medida para avaliar visões geradas por métodos com o mesmo intuito do proposto neste trabalho.
The product vision is a concise, metaphorical and challenging description that emerges in a project team and serves as alignment with the product obtained at the end of development. It is seen as a critical succees factor in areas like new poduct development, strategic planning and agile project management. Theorists from these areas propose definitions and methods to conceive it. However partial definitions are shown in each area and have limitations, eg, high level of abstraction which makes difficult to operationalize the concept. Otherwise, the proposed methods are not able to systematize the customer engagement process. Moreover the proposed methods are unable to systematize the customer involvement in the process. This research used a systematic and exploratory literature review to search product vision´s definitions and methods. The reviews based the creation of a conceptual model of product vision in order to better define the concept and the proposed method of this thesis. The proposed definition encompasses the vision characteristics and therefore it also serves as a measure for evaluation of visions generated by the proposed method. It was evaluated by applying the method in three-case studies, that the data were analyzed qualitatively, by Within-Group Interrater Agreement and by Intraclass Correlation Coefficient. The results indicated that the proposed method was considered easy to use and well documented. The users were also inclined to reuse and recommend the method and, moreover, they agreed that it was useful to systematize the customer involvement. The results of the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient showed that the method was able to generate almost all properties of vision, except the properties \"clear\", \"concise\" and \"flexible\". More detailed studies about the influence of a property in another and their real impact on the view itself should be conducted. The contribution of this work focuses not only on the proposition of the method, but also the conceptual model that best defines the concept and serves as a measure to evaluate visions generated by methods like the one proposed in this thesis.
The product vision is a concise, metaphorical and challenging description that emerges in a project team and serves as alignment with the product obtained at the end of development. It is seen as a critical succees factor in areas like new poduct development, strategic planning and agile project management. Theorists from these areas propose definitions and methods to conceive it. However partial definitions are shown in each area and have limitations, eg, high level of abstraction which makes difficult to operationalize the concept. Otherwise, the proposed methods are not able to systematize the customer engagement process. Moreover the proposed methods are unable to systematize the customer involvement in the process. This research used a systematic and exploratory literature review to search product vision´s definitions and methods. The reviews based the creation of a conceptual model of product vision in order to better define the concept and the proposed method of this thesis. The proposed definition encompasses the vision characteristics and therefore it also serves as a measure for evaluation of visions generated by the proposed method. It was evaluated by applying the method in three-case studies, that the data were analyzed qualitatively, by Within-Group Interrater Agreement and by Intraclass Correlation Coefficient. The results indicated that the proposed method was considered easy to use and well documented. The users were also inclined to reuse and recommend the method and, moreover, they agreed that it was useful to systematize the customer involvement. The results of the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient showed that the method was able to generate almost all properties of vision, except the properties \"clear\", \"concise\" and \"flexible\". More detailed studies about the influence of a property in another and their real impact on the view itself should be conducted. The contribution of this work focuses not only on the proposition of the method, but also the conceptual model that best defines the concept and serves as a measure to evaluate visions generated by methods like the one proposed in this thesis.
Envolvimento do cliente, Gerenciamento ágil de projetos, Propriedades da visão, Visão do produto, Agile project management, Customer involvement, Product vision, Vision properties