Interferência do tratamento térmico T6 em juntas soldadas a laser de compósito de liga de alumínio AA356 reforçado com partículas de carbeto de silício
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Este trabalho versa sobre a caracterização de uma junta soldada em cheio (bead-onplate) de liga AA356 reforçada com partículas de SiC, soldada por um Laser de fibra de alta potência. A soldagem foi realizada em duas amostras com diferentes condições térmicas, tratadas termicamente T6 (solubilização e envelhecimento) antes da soldagem (amostra A) e após a soldagem (amostra B). Nas amostras A e B foram realizadas as análises de materialográfia via Microscopia Óptica de luz reflexiva (M.O) e Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (MEV), também foram realizadas análises microquímica por Energia Dispersiva de Raios-X (EDX), ensaio mecânico de microdureza e difração de Raios-X. Os corpos de prova submetidos ao ensaio de tenacidade em Flexão três pontos tinham condições térmicas iguais a da amostra A, pois essa condição térmica é a condição que normalmente o Compósito de Matriz Metálica (CMM) exibe em serviço. A inspeção materialográfica por M.O identificou a interferência do tratamento térmico T6 realizado na amostra A, fazendo que fosse possível identificar a baixa proporção das partículas de Si na matriz, conforme análise se aproximava da zona fundida (ZF), e a presença de uma estrutura metaestável com a presença dendritas na ZF, aos quais foram diretamente correlacionados com os resultados da microdureza. A amostra B exibiu uma microestrutura bem homogênea em relação à amostra A, em termos de dispersão das partículas de Si e presença de dendritas na ZF. A fratográfia por MEV em modo de imageamento por elétrons secundários, permitiu analisar as superfícies de fratura do compósito em estudo (AA356+SiC), fraturado após o ensaio de tenacidade em Flexão três pontos, identificando a presença de muitos dimples que formavam uma estrutura alveolar, conhecida como uma estrutura típica de um regime dúctil. Por meio desta técnica, também foi possível detectar os principais mecanismos de tenacificação nos CMM, tais como: trincamento, descolamento ou destacamento das partículas de SiC, e o crescimento e coalescência de dimples na estrutura da matriz, os quais foram identificados e correlacionados com o desempenho mecânico dos corpos de prova analisados. A microanálise química por EDS permitiu o mapeamento dos elementos químicos presentes nas regiões do Metal Base (MB) e na Zona Termicamente Afetada (ZTA) do CMM. Por meio desta técnica, foi possível identificar a presença das partículas de Si e SiC, os elementos químicos presentes nas regiões dendriticas, os elementos fragilizantes presentes na microestrutura do CMM, tais: como Fe, Cr e Mn, e a presença de carbeto de Aluminio-Silício (Al4SiC4) presentes nas ZF, em forma de agulhas. A microanálise química foi realizada tanto nas regiões das juntas soldadas quanto nas superfícies de fraturas provenientes do ensaio de tenacidade em Flexão três pontos.
This work focuses on the characterization of a joint welded bead-on-plate of SiC particulate-reinforced A356-alloy welded by high power fiber laser. The welding was achieved in two samples with different conditions, both with T6 applied, before (sample A) and after (sample B) the welding process respectively. Samples A and B were performed materialographic analysis by Optic Microscopy of light reflected (O.M) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), were also performed chemical microanalysis by energy dispersive X-ray , mechanical testing microhardness and X-ray diffraction. Specimens submitted to the three point bending toughness test present a thermal condition similar to sample A, because this thermal condition is the condition that normally the Metal Matrix Composite (MMC) exhibits in service. The inspection metallographic by (O.M) identified heat treatment T6 interference in the sample A, and though this is it was possible to identify low proportion of Si particles in the matrix, while the analysis was approaching fused zone, and the presence of a metastable structure with formation of dendrites in the fused zone, were which promptly correlated with results of microhardness. The sample B exhibited more homogenous a microstructure in terms of dispersion of Si particles. SEM fractography in secondary electron imaging mode allowed to analyze fracture surface of MMC, identifying the presence of more microvoids creating an alveolar structure typical of an ductile regime. Through this technique, it also was possible to detect main toughening mechanisms for MMC, such as, cracking, debonding and growth and coalescence dimples in the structure the of matrix which were identified and correlated with performance of specimens analyzed. EDS micro-chemical analysis allowed to map chemistry elements present in various regions of CMM, such as, Base Metal (BM), heat affected zone (HAZ) and Fused Zone (FZ). Through this technique, it was possible to identify and quantify the presence of Si and SiC particles, the elements present in the dendrites and presence of embrittlement elements in the microsctructure of MMC, such as, Fe,Cr and Mn and presence of needle-shapped Aluminium-Silicon carbides (Al4SiC4) in the FZ of sample A. Chemical microanalyses were performed both in regions of welded joints and in surface of fracture from the three points bending toughness test.
This work focuses on the characterization of a joint welded bead-on-plate of SiC particulate-reinforced A356-alloy welded by high power fiber laser. The welding was achieved in two samples with different conditions, both with T6 applied, before (sample A) and after (sample B) the welding process respectively. Samples A and B were performed materialographic analysis by Optic Microscopy of light reflected (O.M) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), were also performed chemical microanalysis by energy dispersive X-ray , mechanical testing microhardness and X-ray diffraction. Specimens submitted to the three point bending toughness test present a thermal condition similar to sample A, because this thermal condition is the condition that normally the Metal Matrix Composite (MMC) exhibits in service. The inspection metallographic by (O.M) identified heat treatment T6 interference in the sample A, and though this is it was possible to identify low proportion of Si particles in the matrix, while the analysis was approaching fused zone, and the presence of a metastable structure with formation of dendrites in the fused zone, were which promptly correlated with results of microhardness. The sample B exhibited more homogenous a microstructure in terms of dispersion of Si particles. SEM fractography in secondary electron imaging mode allowed to analyze fracture surface of MMC, identifying the presence of more microvoids creating an alveolar structure typical of an ductile regime. Through this technique, it also was possible to detect main toughening mechanisms for MMC, such as, cracking, debonding and growth and coalescence dimples in the structure the of matrix which were identified and correlated with performance of specimens analyzed. EDS micro-chemical analysis allowed to map chemistry elements present in various regions of CMM, such as, Base Metal (BM), heat affected zone (HAZ) and Fused Zone (FZ). Through this technique, it was possible to identify and quantify the presence of Si and SiC particles, the elements present in the dendrites and presence of embrittlement elements in the microsctructure of MMC, such as, Fe,Cr and Mn and presence of needle-shapped Aluminium-Silicon carbides (Al4SiC4) in the FZ of sample A. Chemical microanalyses were performed both in regions of welded joints and in surface of fracture from the three points bending toughness test.
Caracterização mecânica microestrutural e fratográfica, Compósito de matriz metálica, Soldagem a laser, Laser welding, Mechanical microstructural and fractographic characterization, Metal matrix composite