Seleção de tecnologias de tratamento de água para pequenas e médias comunidades brasileiras considerando aspectos ambientais
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
As estações de tratamento de água - ETAs são fundamentais para a melhoria do saneamento ambiental de um país. No Brasil, a avaliação dos impactos ambientais negativos em ETAs se limita normalmente aos resíduos gerados no tratamento da água. As alterações ambientais decorrentes da construção e operação são desconsideradas na escolha das tecnologias, fato que podem prejudicar o alcance da sustentabilidade ambiental. O trabalho desenvolveu um método baseado na adaptação do Método Battelle-Columbus visando a seleção das tecnologias de tratamento de água e dos seus resíduos conforme o critério de impacto ambiental mínimo. O método é válido para comunidades brasileiras de pequeno e médio porte, as quais podem ser beneficiadas com vazões de projeto das ETAs entre 10 L/s e 100 L/s. As combinações dos processos e operações de tratamento nas ETAs e estações de tratamento dos resíduos- ETRs- para cinco diferentes vazões de projeto (10, 20, 40, 70 e 100 L/s) possibilitaram a avaliação de 205 projetos - 180 projetos extraídos de Sabogal Paz (2007; 2010) e 25 elaborados nesta pesquisa com o filtro ascendente em areia grossa na ETA de dupla filtração (DF2). Apenas os impactos ambientais negativos foram considerados na avaliação ambiental. A estimativa da magnitude de cada aspecto ambiental foi baseada nos quantitativos referentes à construção (requerimentos de área, concreto, chapa de aço, meio filtrante e camada suporte) e operação (consumo de energia elétrica e produtos químicos, geração de resíduos líquidos e sólidos) das ETAs e ETRs. Os resultados foram condizentes com a literatura, pois as ETAs menos robustas apresentaram um menor potencial de degradação e as tecnologias com maior área de implantação e consumo de energia elétrica foram mais impactantes. De fácil interpretação, o método é uma ferramenta que auxilia na tomada de decisão das ETAs a serem instaladas nos municípios brasileiros e que contribui para a mudança na abordagem normalmente adotada na seleção das tecnologias de tratamento de água. Com a questão ambiental como parte integrante do processo de escolha, uma visão mais abrangente e sustentável é alcançada para o setor de saneamento no país.
The water treatment plants (WTPs) are fundamental for the improvement of the environmental sanitation in a country. In Brazil, the negative environmental impacts assessment is usually limited in to the sludge produced in water treatment processes. Environmental impacts that occur during construction and operation of water treatment plants are not considered in the selection of technologies, what might prejudice the achievement of environmental sustainability. This research has developed a method based on the adaptation of the Method Battelle-Columbus to select the technologies for water treatment and sludge, according to the minimum environmental impact criteria. The method is effective for small and medium Brazilian communities of the country that can benefit with project flows that uses project flows of WTP between 10 and 100 L/s. Combinations of treatment processes and operations in WTPs and in waste treatment plants, for five different project flows (10, 20, 40, 70 and 100 L/s) enabled the evaluation of 205 projects- 180 projects according to Sabogal Paz (2007, 2010) and 25 projects were elaborated in this research with coarse sand upflow filter on the WTP of double filtration (DF2). Only the negative environmental impacts have been considered in the environmental assessment. The estimation of the magnitude of each environmental aspect was based on quantitative concerning the construction (area requirements, concrete, steel, filter media and support layer) and operation (electric energy consumption and chemicals, liquid and solid residue generation) of WTPs and waste treatment plants. The results were consistent with the literature because the less robust WTPs had a lower potential of degradation and the technologies with greater implantation area and electric energy consumption were more impactful. Easy to be interpreted, the method is a tool that can assist in decision making of WTPs to be installed in Brazilian municipalities and contributes to the change in the approach usually adopted in the technologies selection. On the integration of environmental issues as part of the selection process, a more comprehensive and sustainable solution is achieved to the sanitation sector in the country.
The water treatment plants (WTPs) are fundamental for the improvement of the environmental sanitation in a country. In Brazil, the negative environmental impacts assessment is usually limited in to the sludge produced in water treatment processes. Environmental impacts that occur during construction and operation of water treatment plants are not considered in the selection of technologies, what might prejudice the achievement of environmental sustainability. This research has developed a method based on the adaptation of the Method Battelle-Columbus to select the technologies for water treatment and sludge, according to the minimum environmental impact criteria. The method is effective for small and medium Brazilian communities of the country that can benefit with project flows that uses project flows of WTP between 10 and 100 L/s. Combinations of treatment processes and operations in WTPs and in waste treatment plants, for five different project flows (10, 20, 40, 70 and 100 L/s) enabled the evaluation of 205 projects- 180 projects according to Sabogal Paz (2007, 2010) and 25 projects were elaborated in this research with coarse sand upflow filter on the WTP of double filtration (DF2). Only the negative environmental impacts have been considered in the environmental assessment. The estimation of the magnitude of each environmental aspect was based on quantitative concerning the construction (area requirements, concrete, steel, filter media and support layer) and operation (electric energy consumption and chemicals, liquid and solid residue generation) of WTPs and waste treatment plants. The results were consistent with the literature because the less robust WTPs had a lower potential of degradation and the technologies with greater implantation area and electric energy consumption were more impactful. Easy to be interpreted, the method is a tool that can assist in decision making of WTPs to be installed in Brazilian municipalities and contributes to the change in the approach usually adopted in the technologies selection. On the integration of environmental issues as part of the selection process, a more comprehensive and sustainable solution is achieved to the sanitation sector in the country.
Impacto ambiental, Seleção de tecnologia, Tratamento de água, Environmental impact, Technology selection, Water treatment