Fazendas paulistas: arquitetura rural no ciclo cafeeiro
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Analisa a arquitetura rural do atual Estado de São Paulo durante o ciclo cafeeiro entre 1800 e a década de 1940, período marcado por grandes transformações na história brasileira. O enfoque é dado ao núcleo rural da fazenda cafeeira, investigando questões como: critérios para a escolha do sítio a ser implantado; o agenciamento e as inter-relações entre as edificações; a arquitetura e o uso dos diversos edifícios que o compõem; além de suas mudanças no tempo e no espaço. O estudo se vale de levantamentos inéditos (métrico e fotográfico), da leitura de estudos correlatos, entrevistas, coleta de dados em arquivos, bibliotecas entre outros, produzindo um amplo conjunto de informações a respeito de fazendas da região paulista.
The present thesis examines Sao Paulo\'s rural architecture during the coffee export cycle, nearly from 1800 to 1940, a period marked by large changes in brazilian history. The focal point is the rural nucleus of the coffee plantation analyzed by a chain of research questions. Such as, criteria for the choice of the site to be deployed, the organization and hierarchical arrange of the buildings, its architectural shape and use manners, taking into account the gradual changes that took place within the chosen time span. The investigation makes use of inedited photographical data and in site metrics survey, in addition to the review of parallel studies, interviews, data collection on archives and libraries in a way to produce a wide range of information about farms within the current borders of Sao Paulo state.
The present thesis examines Sao Paulo\'s rural architecture during the coffee export cycle, nearly from 1800 to 1940, a period marked by large changes in brazilian history. The focal point is the rural nucleus of the coffee plantation analyzed by a chain of research questions. Such as, criteria for the choice of the site to be deployed, the organization and hierarchical arrange of the buildings, its architectural shape and use manners, taking into account the gradual changes that took place within the chosen time span. The investigation makes use of inedited photographical data and in site metrics survey, in addition to the review of parallel studies, interviews, data collection on archives and libraries in a way to produce a wide range of information about farms within the current borders of Sao Paulo state.
Arquitetura paulista, Arquitetura rural, Fazendas de café, História da arquitetura - Brasil, Coffee farms, History of architecture - Brazil, Rural architecture, Sao Paulo's architecture