Projeto e manufatura de membranas cerâmicas via prensagem isostática para separação de emulsões óleo vegetal/água por microfiltração tangencial
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Esta tese descreve o projeto e manufatura de membranas cerâmicas para separação de emulsões óleo/água. A escolha correta do material para a fabricação de membranas é importante para processos cujo desempenho depende da afinidade entre o meio poroso e o fluido. As condições de manufatura são também importantes, pois determinam a morfologia da membrana, que influencia fortemente as propriedades de transporte e conseqüentemente, a eficiência da membrana. Tendo isso em vista, este trabalho teve como objetivo desenvolver membranas cerâmicas tubulares (porosas e densas) por prensagem isostática, aplicáveis em processos de microfiltração para a separação de emulsões óleo-água. Para tanto, foi realizado um controle rigoroso do tamanho e distribuição dos poros através do uso da sacarose como agente porogênico. Suspensões de alumina e zircônia com sacarose de diferentes dimensões foram preparadas. Após esse processo a barbotina foi seca e granulada para obtenção do pó usado na conformação das membranas porosas ou como suporte das membranas densas. Para a manufatura das membranas densas, uma fina camada da suspensão foi depositada no núcleo do molde que foi preenchido com o pó (de alumina ou zircônia) e então submetido à co-prensagem (isostática) para obter simultaneamente o suporte e o filme de zircônia. Posteriormente, as membranas (porosas e densas) sofreram um tratamento térmico (para queima parcial da sacarose) e foram sinterizadas (a 1500°C). As membranas foram caracterizadas por MEV, porosimetria por intrusão de mercúrio, medidas de peso por imersão (para obtenção da porosidade e densidade aparente), ensaios de permeabilidade ao ar e à água. A caracterização morfológica das membranas constatou a formação de membranas porosas de alumina e de zircônia e de membranas densas: uma integral (\'ZR\'\'O IND.2\'/\'ZR\'\'O IND.2\') e outra composta (\'ZR\'\'O IND.2\'/\'AL IND.2\'\'O IND.3\'). A análise de porosimetria por intrusão de mercúrio apresentou tamanho médio de poros de 1,8 \'mü\'m para as membranas porosas e de 0,01-0,03 \'mü\'m e 1,8 \'mü\'m para as membranas densas, respectivamente para camada seletiva e suporte. Todas as membranas obtiveram porosidade total de aproximadamente 50%, que é considerada uma porosidade satisfatória. Os ensaios de permeabilidade ao ar demonstraram que as membranas de zircônia obtiveram maior permeabilidade do que as membranas de alumina. Já os ensaios de permeação de água, na condição de fluxo tangencial, mostraram que as membranas porosas apresentaram maior fluxo transmembrana do que as membranas densas, na mesma velocidade de escoamento. As membranas densas e porosas foram testadas na separação óleo-água e a maioria apresentou bom desempenho no processo de microfiltração e alta rejeição da fase óleo (entre 98 e 99%). Dentre essas membranas, a membrana densa composta (sinterizada a 1400°C) foi a que obteve melhor desempenho, pois apresentou fluxo permeado de aproximadamente 230 L/h.\'M POT.2\' e coeficiente de rejeição médio de 99,77%, os quais são valores desejáveis para a aplicação de membranas em processos industriais.
This thesis describes the project and manufacture of ceramic membranes for separation of oil/water emulsions. The selection of raw material for the manufacture of membranes is fundamental in processes whose performance depends on the affinity between the porous medium and the fluid. The manufacturing conditions are also important as they determine the membrane\'s morphology. Such morphology strongly influences the transport properties hence the membrane\'s performance. In this context, this work aims to develop tubular ceramic membranes (porous and asymmetric) by isostatic pressing which will be applicable to microfiltration processes for the oil-water emulsions separation. For such a purpose, a rigorous control was realized on the distribution and size of pores by use of the sucrose as porogenic agent. Suspensions of zirconia and alumina with sucrose of different dimensions were prepared. After that process, the slurry was dried and granulated to obtain the dust used in the manufacture of the membranes. For the manufacture of the supported zirconia membranes, a thin layer of suspension was deposited onto the nucleus of the mould, which was filled with the dust (of alumina or zirconia) and then, it was subjected to co-pressing (isostatic) to obtain the support and the zirconia top-layer, simultaneously. Next, the porous and supported membranes underwent a thermal treatment (for a partial burning of sucrose) and were sintered (until 1500°C). They were characterized by SEM, porosimetry by mercury intrusion, measurements of weight by immersion (for the determination of the apparent porosity and density) and water and air permeability tests. The morphologic characterization of membranes identified the formation of zirconia and alumina porous membranes, an asymmetric \'ZR\'\'O IND.2\' membrane (zirconia top-layer on the porous zirconia support) and a supported \'ZR\'\'O IND.2\'/\'AL IND.2\'\'O IND.3\' composite membrane. The results of porosimetry analysis by mercury intrusion presented a mean pore size of 1,8 \'mü\'m for the porous membranes and for the other membranes, 0,01-0,03 \'mü\'m and 1,8 \'mü\'m, respectively, for the top-layer and support. All membranes achieved a total porosity of about 50%, which is considered a satisfactory porosity. The air permeability tests showed that the zirconia membranes achieved higher permeability than the alumina membranes. Otherwise, the water permeation tests in cross-flow condition showed that the porous membranes (of alumina and zirconia) presented higher transmembrane flow than the asymmetric \'ZR\'\'O IND.2\' and supported \'ZR\'\'O IND.2\'/\'AL IND.2\'\'O IND.3\' composite membranes in the same flow average velocity. Such membranes were applied to oil-water emulsions separation and the most they presented good performance in the microfiltration process and high rejection of oil phase (between 98 and 99%). Among those membranes, the zirconia supported membrane (sintered until 1400°C) obtained the most performance because it showed transmembrana flow of about 230 L/h.\'M POT.2\' e rejection coefficient of 99,77%, which are appreciable values for the application of membranes in industrial processes.
This thesis describes the project and manufacture of ceramic membranes for separation of oil/water emulsions. The selection of raw material for the manufacture of membranes is fundamental in processes whose performance depends on the affinity between the porous medium and the fluid. The manufacturing conditions are also important as they determine the membrane\'s morphology. Such morphology strongly influences the transport properties hence the membrane\'s performance. In this context, this work aims to develop tubular ceramic membranes (porous and asymmetric) by isostatic pressing which will be applicable to microfiltration processes for the oil-water emulsions separation. For such a purpose, a rigorous control was realized on the distribution and size of pores by use of the sucrose as porogenic agent. Suspensions of zirconia and alumina with sucrose of different dimensions were prepared. After that process, the slurry was dried and granulated to obtain the dust used in the manufacture of the membranes. For the manufacture of the supported zirconia membranes, a thin layer of suspension was deposited onto the nucleus of the mould, which was filled with the dust (of alumina or zirconia) and then, it was subjected to co-pressing (isostatic) to obtain the support and the zirconia top-layer, simultaneously. Next, the porous and supported membranes underwent a thermal treatment (for a partial burning of sucrose) and were sintered (until 1500°C). They were characterized by SEM, porosimetry by mercury intrusion, measurements of weight by immersion (for the determination of the apparent porosity and density) and water and air permeability tests. The morphologic characterization of membranes identified the formation of zirconia and alumina porous membranes, an asymmetric \'ZR\'\'O IND.2\' membrane (zirconia top-layer on the porous zirconia support) and a supported \'ZR\'\'O IND.2\'/\'AL IND.2\'\'O IND.3\' composite membrane. The results of porosimetry analysis by mercury intrusion presented a mean pore size of 1,8 \'mü\'m for the porous membranes and for the other membranes, 0,01-0,03 \'mü\'m and 1,8 \'mü\'m, respectively, for the top-layer and support. All membranes achieved a total porosity of about 50%, which is considered a satisfactory porosity. The air permeability tests showed that the zirconia membranes achieved higher permeability than the alumina membranes. Otherwise, the water permeation tests in cross-flow condition showed that the porous membranes (of alumina and zirconia) presented higher transmembrane flow than the asymmetric \'ZR\'\'O IND.2\' and supported \'ZR\'\'O IND.2\'/\'AL IND.2\'\'O IND.3\' composite membranes in the same flow average velocity. Such membranes were applied to oil-water emulsions separation and the most they presented good performance in the microfiltration process and high rejection of oil phase (between 98 and 99%). Among those membranes, the zirconia supported membrane (sintered until 1400°C) obtained the most performance because it showed transmembrana flow of about 230 L/h.\'M POT.2\' e rejection coefficient of 99,77%, which are appreciable values for the application of membranes in industrial processes.
Microfiltração, Emulsões, Sacarose, Membranas cerâmicas, Membranas de separação, Prensagem isostática, Separation membranes, Microfiltration, Ceramic membranes, Isostatic pressing, Emulsions, Sucrose