Diagnóstico automático de redes Profibus
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Esta tese propõe a utilização de sistemas inteligentes para, automaticamente, realizar diagnósticos e localizar falhas na instalação e na operação de redes de comunicação industrial que utilizam o protocolo Profibus DP. Para tais tarefas, uma série de análises é realizada a partir dos sinais transmitidos pela camada física, de telegramas transmitidos pela camada de enlace e de funções da camada de usuário do protocolo Profibus DP. Para a análise da camada física, amostras dos sinais elétricos transmitidos são processadas e apresentadas a algumas Redes Neurais Artificiais para que sejam classificadas de acordo com a sua forma de onda. Caso estes sinais apresentem alguma deformação, o sistema indica uma provável causa para o problema, afinal, os problemas das redes Profibus originam padrões específicos e característicos impressos nas formas de onda do sinal digital. Ainda através da análise das amostras dos sinais oriundos da camada física, algumas fontes de problemas são detectadas a partir da análise do nível médio de tensão do sinal que um determinado dispositivo está transmitindo. Tal análise é realizada a partir de um Sistema Especialista. Também utilizando Sistemas Especialistas, os telegramas transmitidos pela camada de enlace deste protocolo são analisados e a partir destes, falhas de configuração são detectadas. Por fim, é proposto um sistema nebuloso responsável por indicar ao usuário um valor próximo ao ideal para a variável de tempo denominada target rotation time. A proposta foi testada e validada a partir de dados obtidos de redes Profibus estabelecidas em laboratório e de alguns dados sintéticos originados por software. Os resultados obtidos foram suficientes para a comprovação da tese de que sistemas computacionais inteligentes podem contribuir de maneira efetiva no diagnóstico de problemas em redes Profibus DP e até mesmo em outros tipos de rede.
This thesis proposes the use of intelligent systems to automatically perform diagnostics and locate faults during the installation and operation of industrial communication networks that use the Profibus DP protocol. For such tasks, some analyzes are performed from the signals transmitted by the physical layer, from telegrams transmitted by the data link layer and from some user layer functions of the Profibus DP protocol. For physical layer analysis, the transmitted electrical signals samples are processed and submitted for some artificial neural networks that classifies each signal according to its waveshape. If these signals have some deformation, the system indicates a probable cause for the problem, after all, the Profibus problems originate specific and characteristic patterns printed on the digital signal waveform. Still analyzing the physical layer signal samples, some problems sources are detected from the signal voltage analysis. Such analysis is performed from an Expert System. Also using expert systems, the data link layer telegrams are analyzed and configuration faults are detected. Finally, it is proposed a fuzzy system responsible for specify a value close to ideal for the target rotation time variable. The proposal has been tested and validated with data from Profibus networks established in laboratory. Besides, some synthetic data were generated by software. The results were sufficient to prove the thesis that intelligent computational systems can contribute effectively to diagnose problems in Profibus DP networks and even in other types of networks.
This thesis proposes the use of intelligent systems to automatically perform diagnostics and locate faults during the installation and operation of industrial communication networks that use the Profibus DP protocol. For such tasks, some analyzes are performed from the signals transmitted by the physical layer, from telegrams transmitted by the data link layer and from some user layer functions of the Profibus DP protocol. For physical layer analysis, the transmitted electrical signals samples are processed and submitted for some artificial neural networks that classifies each signal according to its waveshape. If these signals have some deformation, the system indicates a probable cause for the problem, after all, the Profibus problems originate specific and characteristic patterns printed on the digital signal waveform. Still analyzing the physical layer signal samples, some problems sources are detected from the signal voltage analysis. Such analysis is performed from an Expert System. Also using expert systems, the data link layer telegrams are analyzed and configuration faults are detected. Finally, it is proposed a fuzzy system responsible for specify a value close to ideal for the target rotation time variable. The proposal has been tested and validated with data from Profibus networks established in laboratory. Besides, some synthetic data were generated by software. The results were sufficient to prove the thesis that intelligent computational systems can contribute effectively to diagnose problems in Profibus DP networks and even in other types of networks.
Sistemas inteligentes, Sistemas especialistas, Diagnóstico, Redes neurais artificiais, Profibus, Fuzzy, Profibus, Intelligent systems, Fuzzy, Expert systems, Diagnosis, Artificial neural networks