Microfresamento de aços com grãos ultrafinos
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
A micromanufatura via usinagem apresenta algumas dificuldades, principalmente aquelas relacionadas à formação do cavaco, pois a espessura de corte passa a ter a dimensão do tamanho de grão do material da peça e da microgeometria da aresta de corte. Em operações de microcorte, a microestrutura do material é um fator importante no controle da geração da superfície da peça, mecanismo de formação de cavaco, etc. Este trabalho de pesquisa avaliou o efeito do tamanho ultrafino dos grãos do material da peça sobre os fenômenos inerentes ao corte no microfresamento. As variáveis de usinagem investigadas foram avanço por dente (fz), velocidade de corte (vc), diâmetro da microfresa (dΦ) e raio de aresta de corte (re), visando avaliar o mecanismo de formação do cavaco, acabamento da peça e integridade superficial. Os materiais utilizados nos experimentos foram um aço bifásico (ferrita-perlita) com tamanho de grão ferrítico de 11 µm e outro de microestrutura homogênea de grãos ultrafinos com 0,7 µm, ambos com mesma composição química e baixo-carbono. Dois grupos de ensaios foram propostos: (1) macro e microfresamento e (2) microfresamento de canais. O tipo de usinagem foi o de fresamento de topo, sem emprego de fluido de corte. Os ensaios de usinagem foram executados em centros de usinagem CNC. As ferramentas de corte foram de metal duro com recobrimentos, diâmetro 16 mm na escala macro de usinagem, 200 e 800 µm na escala micro. A adequação da microestrutura do material da peça à redução da escala de usinagem, através do mecanismo de refino de grão, gerou alguns aspectos favoráveis à microusinagem, como melhor acabamento (Ssk≈0 e Sku≈3), formação de cavaco contínuo e menor formação de rebarbas com a redução da espessura de corte (fz≤re), possibilitando aplicações em microfabricação por corte com ferramenta de geometria definida utilizando aços baixo carbono, antes limitadas à estruturas na construção civil e peças obtidas por conformação mecânica.
Micro manufacturing by means of machining presents difficulties, mainly those related to chip formation, since chip thickness become as small as normal material grain size, as well as the cutting edge radius. At such micro cutting operations material microstructure ascends as a very important issue in terms of machining output, i.e. surface roughness, subsurface damages, cutting forces, etc. This research evaluated the effect of the intervention on the metallurgical microstructure of the material on the cutting phenomena inherent in micromachining. The variables investigated were the feed per tooth (ft), cutting speed (vc), micro end-mill diameter (dΦ) and cutting edge radius (re). The materials used in the experiments were a steel two-phase (ferrite-pearlite) with ferritic grain size of 11 µm and similar one with homogeneous microstructure and ultrafine grains (0.7 µm), both low carbon. The mechanism of chip formation, surface finish and surface integrity were investigated and correlated with the studied variables. Two groups of machining experiments were proposed: (1) macro and micro end-milling and (2) microchannels. Overall, the type of machining was the end milling, without using cutting fluid. The machining tests were carried on a CNC machining center. The cutting tools are coated, diameter 16 mm in macro scale of machining, 200 and 800 μm in micro scale. the adequacy of the microstructure of the workpiece material to the reduce the scale of machining generated some favorable aspects to micromachining, such as better finishing (Ssk≈0 e Sku≈3), continuous chip formation and lesser burr formation by reducing the cutting thickness (fz≤re), enabling micromanufacturing applications for low carbon steels, once limited to structures in the civil construction and pieces obtained by mechanical forming.
Micro manufacturing by means of machining presents difficulties, mainly those related to chip formation, since chip thickness become as small as normal material grain size, as well as the cutting edge radius. At such micro cutting operations material microstructure ascends as a very important issue in terms of machining output, i.e. surface roughness, subsurface damages, cutting forces, etc. This research evaluated the effect of the intervention on the metallurgical microstructure of the material on the cutting phenomena inherent in micromachining. The variables investigated were the feed per tooth (ft), cutting speed (vc), micro end-mill diameter (dΦ) and cutting edge radius (re). The materials used in the experiments were a steel two-phase (ferrite-pearlite) with ferritic grain size of 11 µm and similar one with homogeneous microstructure and ultrafine grains (0.7 µm), both low carbon. The mechanism of chip formation, surface finish and surface integrity were investigated and correlated with the studied variables. Two groups of machining experiments were proposed: (1) macro and micro end-milling and (2) microchannels. Overall, the type of machining was the end milling, without using cutting fluid. The machining tests were carried on a CNC machining center. The cutting tools are coated, diameter 16 mm in macro scale of machining, 200 and 800 μm in micro scale. the adequacy of the microstructure of the workpiece material to the reduce the scale of machining generated some favorable aspects to micromachining, such as better finishing (Ssk≈0 e Sku≈3), continuous chip formation and lesser burr formation by reducing the cutting thickness (fz≤re), enabling micromanufacturing applications for low carbon steels, once limited to structures in the civil construction and pieces obtained by mechanical forming.
Microfresamento, Microestrutura, Microcanais, Rebarbas, Integridade superficial, Grãos ultrafinos, Formação do cavaco, Microstructure, Surface integrity, Burrs, Microchannels, Micro end-milling, Chip formation, Ultrafine grained