Comportamento de chumbadores grauteados de ligações viga-pilar parcialmente resistentes a momento fletor
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Neste trabalho estudou-se o comportamento dos chumbadores grauteados, usados em ligações viga-pilar parcialmente resistentes a momento fletor. O foco da pesquisa foi a análise teórica e experimental do mecanismo resistente do chumbador inclinado. O programa experimental englobou 15 modelos, sendo que as variáveis analisados foram: a) diâmetros dos chumbadores, de 16 mm, 20 mm e 25 mm; b) inclinações dos chumbadores, de 0º (chumbador normal à interface), 45º e 60º; c) resistência à compressão do concreto adjacente ao chumbador, sendo usado concreto das classes C35 e C50; d) aplicação de força de compressão normal à interface. Os resultados experimentais indicaram aumentos significativos tanto na capacidade última quanto na rigidez a cisalhamento do chumbador. Foram realizadas simulações numéricas, onde foi verificada a sensibilidade dos resultados aos parâmetros inerentes à interface concreto - almofada de apoio, sendo desenvolvidas expressões para estimar tais parâmetros. Com base na análise experimental e em análises numéricas, foram propostos modelos analíticos que conseguiram representar de forma satisfatória a influência da inclinação e demais parâmetros analisados no mecanismo resistente do chumbador.
This research deals with the behavior of grouted dowels, used in partial moment resistant beam-to-column connections. The focus of the research was the theoretical and experimental analysis of dowels resistant mechanism. The experimental program include 15 models, and its variables analyzed were: a) the dowel diameter of 16 mm, 20 mm and 25 mm; b) the dowel inclination of 0° (dowels perpendicular to the interface), 45° and 60°; c) compressive strength of concrete adjacent to the dowels of classes C35 and C50, d) application of compression load, normal to the interface. Experimental results indicated significant increases in ultimate capacity and the shear stiffness of the dowels. Numerical simulations were carried out which identified the sensitivity of results to the parameters of the interface concrete bearing pad, and developed expressions to estimate such parameters are given. Based on experimental and numerical analysis analytical models have been proposed that could adequately represent the influence of inclination and other parameters in the mechanism resistant dowels.
This research deals with the behavior of grouted dowels, used in partial moment resistant beam-to-column connections. The focus of the research was the theoretical and experimental analysis of dowels resistant mechanism. The experimental program include 15 models, and its variables analyzed were: a) the dowel diameter of 16 mm, 20 mm and 25 mm; b) the dowel inclination of 0° (dowels perpendicular to the interface), 45° and 60°; c) compressive strength of concrete adjacent to the dowels of classes C35 and C50, d) application of compression load, normal to the interface. Experimental results indicated significant increases in ultimate capacity and the shear stiffness of the dowels. Numerical simulations were carried out which identified the sensitivity of results to the parameters of the interface concrete bearing pad, and developed expressions to estimate such parameters are given. Based on experimental and numerical analysis analytical models have been proposed that could adequately represent the influence of inclination and other parameters in the mechanism resistant dowels.
Chumbador grauteado, Concreto pré-moldado, Ligação semi-rígida, Ligação viga-pilar, Beam-column connection, Grouted dowels, Precast concrete, Semi-rigid connection