Análise dos mecanismos resistentes e das similaridades de efeitos da adição de fibras de aço na resistência e na ductilidade à punção de lajes-cogumelo e ao cisalhamento de vigas de concreto.
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Um dos principais problemas das lajes-cogumelo refere-se à ruína por puncionamento da ligação laje-pilar. Esta forma de ruína deve ser evitada, proporcionando-se às lajes as melhores condições para o desenvolvimento de mecanismos de escoamento das armaduras e de ruína por flexão, antes da ocorrência da ruína por cisalhamento. A introdução de fibras de aço em elementos de concreto submetidos a solicitações tangenciais proporciona melhoria de desempenho, seja pelo aumento da capacidade resistente, seja pela alteração da forma de ruína. Pretende-se contribuir com o avanço do conhecimento sobre o assunto, explorando aspectos como a análise das similaridades dos efeitos da adição de fibras de aço na resistência e na ductilidade de lajes-cogumelo à punção, com aqueles que se observam no cisalhamento de vigas prismáticas análogas. Abordam-se os casos de ligações laje-pilar interno sem armadura de punção, variando-se a resistência do concreto, a taxa e o tipo de fibra utilizado. A partir dos resultados experimentais, verificou-se que existe uma similaridade de comportamento estrutural entre esses dois elementos e concluiu-se que é possível utilizar ensaios de cisalhamento em vigas prismáticas para se obter indicadores a serem utilizados nos ensaios de punção de lajes. Foi efetuada uma análise da adaptabilidade de modelos teóricos existentes sobre cisalhamento em vigas e punção em lajes, com vistas à consideração do efeito da adição de fibras de aço ao concreto. Com base nesses modelos, foram estabelecidos critérios quantitativos para avaliação da resistência e da ductilidade das ligações laje-pilar.
One of the main problems of flat slabs concerns the punching shear failure of the slab-column connection. This form of failure must be avoided, providing flat slabs with the best conditions for the development of yielding mechanisms of the flexural reinforcement before the occurrence of shear failure. The addition of steel fibers to concrete elements subjected to tangential stress provides performance improvement, by either the resistant capacity increase or the failure mode alteration. It is intended to contribute to the advance of the subject knowledge, by exploring aspects as the analysis of similarities of the steel fiber addition effects on both strength and ductility of flat slabs to punching shear with those observed in the shear of analogous prismatic beams. The cases approached include internal slab-column connections without shear reinforcement, and the variables investigated included concrete strength, fiber volume and type of steel fiber. From the experimental results, it was possible to verify that there exists a similarity of structural behavior between these two elements and the shear tests in prismatic beams can be used to get indicators to be utilized in punching shear tests of flat slabs. An adaptability analysis of the existing theoretical models on shear in beams and punching shear in flat slabs was carried out in order to consider the steel fibers addition effect on the concrete. Based on these models, quantitative criteria for the evaluation of both strength and ductility of the slab-column connections were established.
One of the main problems of flat slabs concerns the punching shear failure of the slab-column connection. This form of failure must be avoided, providing flat slabs with the best conditions for the development of yielding mechanisms of the flexural reinforcement before the occurrence of shear failure. The addition of steel fibers to concrete elements subjected to tangential stress provides performance improvement, by either the resistant capacity increase or the failure mode alteration. It is intended to contribute to the advance of the subject knowledge, by exploring aspects as the analysis of similarities of the steel fiber addition effects on both strength and ductility of flat slabs to punching shear with those observed in the shear of analogous prismatic beams. The cases approached include internal slab-column connections without shear reinforcement, and the variables investigated included concrete strength, fiber volume and type of steel fiber. From the experimental results, it was possible to verify that there exists a similarity of structural behavior between these two elements and the shear tests in prismatic beams can be used to get indicators to be utilized in punching shear tests of flat slabs. An adaptability analysis of the existing theoretical models on shear in beams and punching shear in flat slabs was carried out in order to consider the steel fibers addition effect on the concrete. Based on these models, quantitative criteria for the evaluation of both strength and ductility of the slab-column connections were established.
cisalhamento, concreto com fibras de aço, modelo teórico, punção, similaridades, steel fibers reinforced concrete, similarities, shear, punching shear, theoretical model