Estudo do comportamento tribológico de aços tratados termoquimicamente lubrificados com biofluidos e óleo mineral
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Tratamentos termoquímicos são processos utilizados pela indústria em componentes de sistemas mecânicos com o intuito de melhorar as suas propriedades superficiais, em especial o desempenho em desgaste. Esses sistemas são utilizados em conjunto com lubrificantes em máquinas e equipamentos dos mais variados tipos. Normalmente os lubrificantes mais usados em função do seu bom desempenho, são de base mineral. Entretanto, há vários estudos propondo o uso de lubrificantes de base vegetal mas pouco se conhece da interação da superfície com esses biofluidos. Sendo assim é importante se identificar como uma superfície tratada ou não, irá interagir com os diferentes tipos de lubrificantes. Dentro deste escopo, este trabalho se propõe a comparar a resposta tribológica de superfícies tratadas termoquimicamente ou não quando lubrificada com biofluidos e com óleos derivados de petróleo. O estudo foi realizado por meio do método \"ball-cratering test\". Como corpos de prova, foram utilizados pastilhas de aço AISI 4140 submetidas aos tratamentos termoquímicos de nitretação e nitrocementação e também sem tratamento além de partilhas de aço LN28 cementadas, como contracorpo foi utilizado uma esfera de aço AISI 52100 adquiridas comercialmente. Três tipos de óleos lubrificantes foram utilizados: óleo mineral, óleo de mamona e óleo de soja epoxidado. Com intuito de analisar os resultados obtidos nestes ensaios, foi calculado o volume desgastado de material nas amostras, e após a realização destes ensaios foi analisada a superfície dos corpos de prova em microscópio óptico, MEV e AFM. Foi medida também a molhabilidade dos lubrificantes nas superfícies estudadas. Os materiais submetidos a tratamento termoquímico apresentaram um melhor desempenho tribológico na maioria dos testes. Assim também, o óleo mineral, que apesar de possuir uma viscosidade inferior aos óleos vegetais utilizados, apresentou um melhor desempenho devido as propriedades inerentes a este tipo de lubrificante.
Thermochemical processes are used in the industry to improve the surface properties of the components of mechanical systems. In such systems lubrication are very important as well. Most common lubricants are mineral oil based but there are several studies analyzing performance of lubricants formulated from vegetable oils. However there are few studies about the interaction between surface and biofluids. It is important to know the behavior of the modified surface by thermochemical treatments interacting with different lubricants. In order to address this subject this study proposed to compare tribological behavior of surfaces modified by thermochemically and not modified when different lubricants are acting in the surface. Lubricants used were vegetable based (castor oil and epoxidized soybean oil) and mineral based (paraffinic oil). Tribological studies were performed by ball cratering test using samples from SAE 4140 submitted to nitriding and nitrocarburizing against AISI 52100 spheres. It was also tested samples from carburized LN 28 steel. Worn volume were calculated and characterization of the crater after test were made using SEM and AFM. Wetting was also measured for the different surface condition and lubricants. Results showed better performance of the modified surfaces using mineral oil as lubricant despite their lower viscosities.
Thermochemical processes are used in the industry to improve the surface properties of the components of mechanical systems. In such systems lubrication are very important as well. Most common lubricants are mineral oil based but there are several studies analyzing performance of lubricants formulated from vegetable oils. However there are few studies about the interaction between surface and biofluids. It is important to know the behavior of the modified surface by thermochemical treatments interacting with different lubricants. In order to address this subject this study proposed to compare tribological behavior of surfaces modified by thermochemically and not modified when different lubricants are acting in the surface. Lubricants used were vegetable based (castor oil and epoxidized soybean oil) and mineral based (paraffinic oil). Tribological studies were performed by ball cratering test using samples from SAE 4140 submitted to nitriding and nitrocarburizing against AISI 52100 spheres. It was also tested samples from carburized LN 28 steel. Worn volume were calculated and characterization of the crater after test were made using SEM and AFM. Wetting was also measured for the different surface condition and lubricants. Results showed better performance of the modified surfaces using mineral oil as lubricant despite their lower viscosities.
Biofluidos, Tratamentos termoquímicos, Tribologia, Biofluid, Thermochemical treatments, Tribology