Regionalização hidrológica de vazões e de cargas difusas de sólidos suspensos totais para o programa ProdutorES de Água e o pagamento de serviços ambientais. Estudo de caso: bacia hidrográfica do rio Benevente, ES
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
O sistema de pagamento por serviços ambientais de uma bacia hidrográfica pode ser economicamente atrativo e ecologicamente importante. Programas como o Produtor de Água compensam economicamente proprietários a montante da bacia que utilizam de manejo adequado do uso do solo, e do reflorestamento, para evitar a erosão hídrica, o aumento de cargas poluidoras difusas, e aumentar a disponibilidade e qualidade de água. Por conseqüência usuários de água, a jusante da bacia, são beneficiados, por exemplo, as estações de tratamento de água. Este trabalho tem como objetivo, a partir de metodologias de pagamentos de serviços ambientais, regionalizar hidrologicamente a quantidade e qualidade de água do rio Benevente para dar subsídios ao programa de produtores de água de sua bacia hidrográfica. O trabalho foi desenvolvido na parte média e alta da bacia hidrográfica do Benevente, localizada ao sul do Estado do Espírito Santo, com área de drenagem de aproximadamente 1260 \'KM POT.2\'. Á área de drenagem do local do estudo é de 825,24 \'KM POT.2\'. Parte da metodologia consistiu no levantamento de dados quantitativos e qualitativos de água ao longo do rio Benevente, nos últimos anos. De posse dos dados de vazão, concentração de SST e da área de drenagem, foram calculadas as cargas específicas difusas de SST, em termos de Kg/ha.ano e as cargas totais difusas em termos de ton/ano. A carga específica média de SST para a bacia foi de 194 Kg/ha.ano, a carga total média de SST foi de 11.238 ton/ano. A metodologia de regionalização hidrológica de cargas de SST por meio de curvas de permanência mostrou que há uma ampla variação de cargas produzidas na bacia sobre diferentes condições hidrológicas. Por exemplo, para uma faixa de permanências de 40% a 60% a variação de produção específica regional de SST foi de 58,54 a 825,14 Kg/ha.ano. A utilização da metodologia das curvas de permanência quali-quantitativas para a proposição de cenários ambientais em vista das mudanças de uso e ocupação do solo, propostos pelos programas de PSA, permitiu estimar o Percentual de Abatimento de Sedimentação (P.A.S) e consequentemente o Percentual de Abatimento de Erosão (P.A.E), na bacia. Encontrou-se um P.A.E de 36,9% entre o cenário atual e o cenário com amento de 20% da área florestal da bacia. Com este resultado estimou-se um total arrecadado na bacia pelo P.S.A de 825.195 R$/ano. Com as metodologias propostas também foi calculada a perda de solo atual da bacia, em relação à estação de amostragem mais a jusante. A taxa estimada foi de 200.123 ton/ano.
Systems of payment for environmental services of a catchment area can be economically attractive and ecologically important. Programs such as Producers of Water economically compensate owners upstream of the basin using the proper management of land use, and reforestation to prevent erosion, increased pollution loads diffuse and increase the availability and quality of water. Consequently water users downstream of the basin, are benefited, for example, sewage water treatment. This paper aims, methodologies from payments for environmental services, regionalization of hydrologically the quantity and quality of water from the river Benevente to aid the program producer of water from its watershed. The study was conducted in the middle and upper catchment of the Benevente, located south of Espírito Santo, with drainage area of approximately 1260 \'KM POT.2\'. The drainage area of the study is 825.24 \'KM POT.2\'. Part of the survey methodology consisted of qualitative and quantitative data of water along the river Benevente in recent years. With these data we calculated the diffuse specific loads of TSS, in terms of Kg/ha.year. The specific load average TSS for the basin was 194 Kg/ha.year, the total load average SST was 11,238 Ton/year. The methodology of regionalization of hydrological loads of TSS through curves of duration showed that there remain a wide range of loads in the basin produced on different hydrological conditions. For example, for a range of stays of 40% to 60% of the variation of specific regional production of TSS was 58.54 to 825.14 Kg/ha.year . Using the methodology of the curves remain qualitative and quantitative for the proposition environmental scenarios in view of land use change and land use, proposed by the PSA program, estimated the rate of reduction on Sedimentation (PAS) and consequently the rate Abatement of Erosion (PAE) in the basin. Found a PAE of 36.9% from the current scenario and the scenario with budget of 20% of the forest area of the basin. With this estimated result a total collected in the basin by the PSA for R$ 825,195/year. With the proposed methodology was also calculated the soil loss on the basin in relation to the sampling station further downstream. The rate was estimated at 200,123 ton/year.
Systems of payment for environmental services of a catchment area can be economically attractive and ecologically important. Programs such as Producers of Water economically compensate owners upstream of the basin using the proper management of land use, and reforestation to prevent erosion, increased pollution loads diffuse and increase the availability and quality of water. Consequently water users downstream of the basin, are benefited, for example, sewage water treatment. This paper aims, methodologies from payments for environmental services, regionalization of hydrologically the quantity and quality of water from the river Benevente to aid the program producer of water from its watershed. The study was conducted in the middle and upper catchment of the Benevente, located south of Espírito Santo, with drainage area of approximately 1260 \'KM POT.2\'. The drainage area of the study is 825.24 \'KM POT.2\'. Part of the survey methodology consisted of qualitative and quantitative data of water along the river Benevente in recent years. With these data we calculated the diffuse specific loads of TSS, in terms of Kg/ha.year. The specific load average TSS for the basin was 194 Kg/ha.year, the total load average SST was 11,238 Ton/year. The methodology of regionalization of hydrological loads of TSS through curves of duration showed that there remain a wide range of loads in the basin produced on different hydrological conditions. For example, for a range of stays of 40% to 60% of the variation of specific regional production of TSS was 58.54 to 825.14 Kg/ha.year . Using the methodology of the curves remain qualitative and quantitative for the proposition environmental scenarios in view of land use change and land use, proposed by the PSA program, estimated the rate of reduction on Sedimentation (PAS) and consequently the rate Abatement of Erosion (PAE) in the basin. Found a PAE of 36.9% from the current scenario and the scenario with budget of 20% of the forest area of the basin. With this estimated result a total collected in the basin by the PSA for R$ 825,195/year. With the proposed methodology was also calculated the soil loss on the basin in relation to the sampling station further downstream. The rate was estimated at 200,123 ton/year.
Cargas poluidoras difusas, Regionalização hidrológica de vazões e cargas poluidoras de SST, Pagamento por serviços ambientais, Erosão hídrica e perda de solo, Rio Benevente, Curvas de permanência quali-quantitativas, Cenários ambientais, Programa produtores de água, Rio Benevente, Regionalization of hydrological flows and pollutant loads, Pollutant loads diffuse Program Water producers, Payment for environmental services, Environmental scenarios, Curves remain qualitative and quantitative, Water erosion and soil loss