Estudo teórico-experimental de pilares mistos compostos por tubos de aço preenchidos com concreto de alta resistência.
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
O emprego de pilares mistos formados por tubos de aço preenchidos com concreto de alta resistência, sobretudo em edifícios altos, é uma tendência em diversos países europeus, americanos e asiáticos. A tais elementos são atribuídas vantagens como: alta resistência e ductilidade, economia de materiais e mão-de-obra, redução das dimensões da seção transversal e melhoria no comportamento dos materiais aço e concreto, devido ao efeito de confinamento. Buscando suprir algumas carências de conhecimento, procura-se obter dados experimentais sobre o comportamento de pilares mistos axialmente comprimidos, possibilitando desta forma avaliar parâmetros como influência da forma da seção transversal e da espessura do perfil tubular no seu comportamento. Foram analisadas seções quadradas, circulares e retangulares, preenchidas por concreto com resistência média de 50MPa. A ruína destes elementos caracterizou-se pelo esmagamento do concreto, ocorrendo posteriormente a flambagem local do perfil em diversos pontos. A capacidade resistente prevista por diversas normas resultou em valores muito próximos dos experimentais, embora várias destas normas não considerem o efeito de confinamento. Os ensaios mostraram que o efeito de confinamento contribui de forma decisiva na melhoria do comportamento dos materiais, sobretudo ductilizando o concreto de alta resistência, entretanto seus efeitos não são significativos no aumento da capacidade resistente da seção mista. Alguns critérios para avaliação da ductilidade à compressão foram adaptados e mostraram bons resultados, possibilitando o cálculo do índice de ductilidade.
The use of concrete filled steel tubes especially in tall buildings is a tendency in several european, american and asian countries. The use of these members has several advantages: high resistance and ductility, saving of materials and labour, reduction of cross section dimensions and improvement in behaviour of the materials steel and concrete due the confinement. The main purpose of this study is provide some experimental results of the behaviour of concrete filled steel tubes concentrically loaded. The main experimental parameters considered were the influence of the cross-section shape and thickness of steel tube. Square, circular and rectangular cross-section shapes infilling with concrete of the 50MPa of strength were analyzed. The failure was characterized for crushing of the concrete and later local buckling of the steel section in several points. The strength capacity predicted for several standards showed good agreement with the experimental failure values although this does not consider the confinement of the concrete. The results of tests showed that the confinement effect contributes for improvement behaviour of materials, especially increasing the ductility of the high strength concrete. However the results showed that the triaxial confinement does not increase the axial capacity of the concrete filled steel tubes. Some methods to estimate the ductility of axially compressed concrete columns were adapted and showed good results permitting the calculation of the ductility index of short columns.
The use of concrete filled steel tubes especially in tall buildings is a tendency in several european, american and asian countries. The use of these members has several advantages: high resistance and ductility, saving of materials and labour, reduction of cross section dimensions and improvement in behaviour of the materials steel and concrete due the confinement. The main purpose of this study is provide some experimental results of the behaviour of concrete filled steel tubes concentrically loaded. The main experimental parameters considered were the influence of the cross-section shape and thickness of steel tube. Square, circular and rectangular cross-section shapes infilling with concrete of the 50MPa of strength were analyzed. The failure was characterized for crushing of the concrete and later local buckling of the steel section in several points. The strength capacity predicted for several standards showed good agreement with the experimental failure values although this does not consider the confinement of the concrete. The results of tests showed that the confinement effect contributes for improvement behaviour of materials, especially increasing the ductility of the high strength concrete. However the results showed that the triaxial confinement does not increase the axial capacity of the concrete filled steel tubes. Some methods to estimate the ductility of axially compressed concrete columns were adapted and showed good results permitting the calculation of the ductility index of short columns.
pilares mistos preenchidos, pilares mistos aço-concreto, concreto de alta resistência, confinamento, ductilidade, estruturas mistas, box columns, high strength concrete, ductility, concrete filled steel tubes, composite columns, tall buildings