A pré-fabricação de dois sistemas de cobertura com madeira de florestas plantadas. Estudos de casos: os assentamentos rurais Pirituba II e Sepé Tiaraju
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Grande parte das moradias brasileiras apresenta coberturas inadequadas, conforme indicação de pesquisa sobre o deficit habitacional. A carpintaria dessas coberturas necessita de mão de obra qualificada e materiais de custos elevados, porém, na maioria dos casos ainda hoje utiliza processo construtivo artesanal. O objetivo deste trabalho é identificar quais as condições necessárias para viabilizar a produção de sistemas de cobertura adotando o processo de préfabricação com madeiras de florestas plantadas, em contextos com precariedades, como nos casos dos assentamentos rurais. Os estudos se concentraram em dois assentamentos rurais; no primeiro, Assentamento Rural Pirituba II no município de Itapeva - SP, foi desenvolvido o sistema de cobertura VLP (vigas laminadas pregadas) e empregado em 35 moradias; no segundo, Assentamento Rural Sepé Tiaraju localizado no município de Serra Azul - SP, foi desenvolvido o sistema de cobertura Painéis pré-fabricados e empregado em 67 moradias. A estratégia adotada para a coleta de dados do produto e do processo aconteceu ao longo da cadeia de produção dos sistemas de cobertura, começando pelo desenvolvimento do projeto, passando pela realidade social do assentamento até a aplicação das propostas em cada assentamento. O desenvolvimento e escolha da proposta elaborada utilizam o processo participativo com envolvimento direto das famílias em todo o processo. Os resultados obtidos permitem concluir que ambos os sistemas de cobertura pré-fabricados atendem às condições necessárias na redução de custos com materais e mão de obra melhorando a qualidade de acabamento dos sistemas de cobertura mesmo trabalhando em situações com precariedade de infraestrutura. A relevância da pesquisa está no fato de agregar valores não comuns às coberturas das habitações rurais possibilitando a replicação dos princípios adotados em situações semelhantes, mesmo que em contextos diferentes, demonstrando que a pré-fabricação com o processo participativo podem ser alternativas viáveis para comunidades organizadas.
There are many Brazilian houses with inadequate roofs, as indicated by research on the housing deficit. The traditional build-up roofs require skilled labor and expensive materials, made in a handmade construction process. The objective of this research is to identify the necessary conditions to enable the production of roof systems by adopting the pre-fabrication with soft-wood from reforestations, to be applied in precarious situations, such as are found in rural settlements. The studies focused on two rural settlements. At the first, in the Pirituba II (Itapeva SP, Brazil), it was designed the roof system NLB (nailed laminated beams) which covered 35 houses. In another context, the Sepé Tiaraju, located in the municipality of Serra Azul SP (Brazil), it was designed the roof system in prefabricated wood panels, applied in 67 houses. The strategy for collecting data about the product and the process occurred throughout the production chain of roofing systems, starting with the participatory design, through the found social reality, to implementation of proposals in each rural settlement. The development and selection of the proposed solutions counted with the direct involvement of the families throughout the process. With the results it is concluded that both prefabricated roof systems meet the conditions of cost reductions of materials and labor, improving the quality of the finish of the roof system, even when working in situations with precarious infrastructure. The relevance of this research is to add not common value to the roof of rural housing, enabling the replication of the principles in similar situations and demonstrating that the prefabrication and participatory design can be viable alternatives to organized communities.
There are many Brazilian houses with inadequate roofs, as indicated by research on the housing deficit. The traditional build-up roofs require skilled labor and expensive materials, made in a handmade construction process. The objective of this research is to identify the necessary conditions to enable the production of roof systems by adopting the pre-fabrication with soft-wood from reforestations, to be applied in precarious situations, such as are found in rural settlements. The studies focused on two rural settlements. At the first, in the Pirituba II (Itapeva SP, Brazil), it was designed the roof system NLB (nailed laminated beams) which covered 35 houses. In another context, the Sepé Tiaraju, located in the municipality of Serra Azul SP (Brazil), it was designed the roof system in prefabricated wood panels, applied in 67 houses. The strategy for collecting data about the product and the process occurred throughout the production chain of roofing systems, starting with the participatory design, through the found social reality, to implementation of proposals in each rural settlement. The development and selection of the proposed solutions counted with the direct involvement of the families throughout the process. With the results it is concluded that both prefabricated roof systems meet the conditions of cost reductions of materials and labor, improving the quality of the finish of the roof system, even when working in situations with precarious infrastructure. The relevance of this research is to add not common value to the roof of rural housing, enabling the replication of the principles in similar situations and demonstrating that the prefabrication and participatory design can be viable alternatives to organized communities.
Assentamento rural, Sistema de cobertura, Processo participativo, Pré-fabricação, Madeiras, Florestas plantadas, Participatory design, Prefabrication, Reforestation, Roof system, Rural settlement, Soft-wood