Ensaio em túnel de vento de dispositivos para redução de ruído em ponta de flape em um modelo 30P30N
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Com o desenvolvimento dos motores turbofan, a contribuição das estruturas hipersustentadoras no ruído total gerado pelas aeronaves tem se tornado mais considerável. Sendo que as estruturas do flape tornaram-se uma das principais fontes de ruído. Dispositivos para redução do nível sonoro nessas regiões são investigados em uma asa MD 30P30N, ensaiada em um túnel de vento adaptado para medições aeroacústicas. A localização das fontes de ruído foi obtida através de uma antena de Beamforming (técnica de identificação de fontes acústicas) com 109 microfones, dos quais 60 deles são de alta freqüência (até 40 kHz). As características aerodinâmicas foram avaliadas através de medidas de pressão na superfície do modelo, e com o mapeamento de vórtice em ponta de flape. Dentre os dispositivos avaliados para redução de ruído, foram testadas chapas porosas de diversos tamanhos. Os sinais dos microfones foram processados com o algoritmo DAMAS2 para obtenção dos espectros do Beamforming em uma região de interesse definida. As configurações com porosidade têm nível de ruído equivalente para freqüências até 2000 Hz. A partir daí, há uma redução de até 6 dB em 3200 Hz em relação ao baseline (tipo de teste aplicado à asa). Os resultados de Beamforming para duas configurações diferentes, baseline e chapa porosa foram apresentados usando uma faixa dinâmica de 12 dB, com pico de 58 dB. Observa-se que houve redução dos níveis de ruído na região selecionada. A perda de pressão total na ponta do flape mostrou que há uma aparente correlação entre o gradiente da pressão total e o nível de ruído. Estudos adicionais são necessários para entender os mecanismos de redução de ruído e assim otimizar a geometria das chapas porosas. No entanto, os resultados apresentados indicam que esses dispositivos são candidatos para aplicação em aeronaves.
With the development of high-bypass turbofan engines, the airframe contribution to the total aircraft noise has become considerable. One of the largest sources of airframe noise is the flap side-edge, which is investigated experimentally in a MD 30P30N wing. Several devices are also tested to reduce the side-edge noise, especially porous plates. Wind tunnel testing is carried out and the position of noise sources and their levels is obtained with a beamforming antenna. It has 112 microphones, in which 60 of them are suitable for acoustic measurements of up to 40 kHz. The aerodynamic characteristics are evaluated with pressure measurements on the model surface, as well as with vortex mapping on the flap side-edge. To evaluate the noise levels, microphone signals were processed with the DAMAS2 algorithm. Beamforming spectra were then obtained considering only the side-edge region. The baseline configuration and those with porous plates were tested and equivalent noise levels were obtained up to 2000 Hz. For higher frequencies, the model with porous plates has a lower noise level, reaching a difference of 6 dB in 3200 Hz, compared to the baseline configuration. Vortex mapping was carried out with a seven hole Pitot probe developed at the University for the measurement of flows with high angularity. The results for the baseline configuration allows to correlate aerodynamic and aeroacoustic data. This helps to design the side-edge region with a low noise level. Additional studies are necessary to understand the mechanisms of noise reduction and to optimize the geometry of the porous plate. However, the presented results indicate that this device is a candidate for application in aircraft, in special by its superior durability compared to the foam generally used for noise attenuation.
With the development of high-bypass turbofan engines, the airframe contribution to the total aircraft noise has become considerable. One of the largest sources of airframe noise is the flap side-edge, which is investigated experimentally in a MD 30P30N wing. Several devices are also tested to reduce the side-edge noise, especially porous plates. Wind tunnel testing is carried out and the position of noise sources and their levels is obtained with a beamforming antenna. It has 112 microphones, in which 60 of them are suitable for acoustic measurements of up to 40 kHz. The aerodynamic characteristics are evaluated with pressure measurements on the model surface, as well as with vortex mapping on the flap side-edge. To evaluate the noise levels, microphone signals were processed with the DAMAS2 algorithm. Beamforming spectra were then obtained considering only the side-edge region. The baseline configuration and those with porous plates were tested and equivalent noise levels were obtained up to 2000 Hz. For higher frequencies, the model with porous plates has a lower noise level, reaching a difference of 6 dB in 3200 Hz, compared to the baseline configuration. Vortex mapping was carried out with a seven hole Pitot probe developed at the University for the measurement of flows with high angularity. The results for the baseline configuration allows to correlate aerodynamic and aeroacoustic data. This helps to design the side-edge region with a low noise level. Additional studies are necessary to understand the mechanisms of noise reduction and to optimize the geometry of the porous plate. However, the presented results indicate that this device is a candidate for application in aircraft, in special by its superior durability compared to the foam generally used for noise attenuation.
Baseline, Beamforming, Flape, Baseline, Beamforming, Flap