Utilização de análises limnológicas, bioensaios de toxicidade e macroinvertebrados bentônicos para o diagnóstico ambiental do reservatório de Salto Grande (Americana, SP)
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a qualidade ambiental do reservatório de Salto Grande (Americana, SP), localizado em área de intensa urbanização e atividade industrial. Utilizou-se, para tanto, análises físicas e químicas na água e no sedimento, bioensaios de toxicidade e estrutura (composição e densidade) da fauna de macroinvertebrados bentônicos em quatro períodos (Maio, Agosto, Novembro de 2000 e Fevereiro de 2001). Pela análise de nutrientes na água constatou-se que as concentrações são elevadas, principalmente do íon amônio e do fosfato total, os quais estiveram acima do limite estabelecido pela resolução CONAMA 20/86 e, com base no Índice do Estado Trófico o sistema caracteriza-se como eutrófico ou hipereutrófico, dependendo do período e da localização das estações amostradas, verificando-se a redução na concentração de nutrientes e conseqüentemente, do estado trófico, no sentido do rio para a barragem. A concentração de nutrientes no sedimento também foi elevada quando comparada a outros reservatórios e a análise granulométrica demonstra que as estações centrais do reservatório possuem sedimento silte-argiloso enquanto as estações marginais e o rio Atibaia apresentam sedimentos arenosos. A análise de metais indica que a água e o sedimento do sistema encontram-se contaminados para todos os metais estudados (Cd, Cu, Cr, Fe, Mg e Mn), exceto para Zn na água e Pb no sedimento. A análise de metais nos organismos bentônicos aponta para uma bioacumulação de Cd, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, e Zn o mesmo não sendo observado para Pb e Cr. Nos bioensaios de toxicidade aguda verificou-se, para Chironomus xanthus, maior toxicidade no rio Atibaia, com 61% de mortalidade em Novembro/2000, enquanto que para Daphnia similis a toxicidade máxima (100% de imobilidade em Agosto/2000) foi registrada nas estações próximas à barragem. A análise da fauna de macroinvertebrados bentônicos demonstra a predominância, nas estações centrais do reservatório (mais profundas), de organismos pertencentes à Classe Oligochaeta e nas estações marginais (zona litorânea) a fauna é mais diversa, sendo composta pela Classe Oligochaeta, Filo Mollusca e Ordem Ephemeroptera (Classe Insecta). A fauna do rio Atibaia é formada, predominantemente, pelas Classes Hirudinea e Oligochaeta. O estágio avançado da eutrofização do reservatório fez com que a fauna de macroinvertebrados fosse reduzida, quando comparada à estudos anteriores, possivelmente devido ao desencadeamento de processos associados ao grande aporte de nutrientes, como a redução na concentração de oxigênio dissolvido ou devido ao aporte contínuo de diversos metais para o sistema e, provavelmente, esteja havendo uma processo de substituição de espécies por organismos da Classe Oligochaeta, como a Família Tubificidae, que são mais tolerantes aos diversos tipos de poluição. Conclui-se que as altas concentrações de nutrientes e metais, com valores fora dos padrões estabelecidos pelos órgãos ambientais, na água e no sedimento do reservatório, relacionam-se com as atividades desenvolvidas na bacia hidrográfica, e indicam os impactos decorrentes desta utilização e seu reflexo nas características físicas, químicas, toxicológicas e biológicas do sistema.
The goal of this work was to asses the environmental quality of Salto Grande reservoir (Americana, SP), located in an urban area with high industrial activities. Physical and chemical analyses were made in water and sediment, toxicity bioassays and structure (composition and density) of benthic organisms in four months (May, August, November 2000 and February 2001). The water nutrients analyses demonstrated high concentrations, mainly of ammonia ion and total phosphate, exceeding the limits from CONAMA 20/86, and based on the Trophic State Index, the reservoir was classified as eutrophic or hipereutrophic, depending on the months and the sampling stations, verified by a reduction on nutrients concentrations and in the trophic state, in the river-dam direction. The nutrients concentrations in the sediment was also elevated when compared with others reservoirs and the grain size composition demonstrated that the central sampling stations had silt-clay composition while the shore sampling stations and the Atibaia river had sand composition. The metals analysis indicates that water and sediment were contaminated by Cd, Cu, Cr, Fe, Mg, e Mn, with exception for Zn in the water and Pb in the sediment. The metals analysis in the benthic organisms indicates a bioaccumulation of Cd, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn and Zn, with exception for Pb and Cr. The acute toxicity bioassays verified, for Chironomus xanthus, higher toxicity in the Atibaia river, with 61% of mortality in November 2000, while for Daphnia similis the maximum toxicity (100% of immobility in August 2000) was observed on the sampling stations near the dam. The analysis of benthic organisms demonstrates the predominance of Oligochaeta, on central sampling stations (with higher profundity), and a higher diversity fauna, mainly by Oligochaeta, Mollusca and Ephemeroptera (Insecta), on the shore sampling stations. The Atibaia river fauna is composed mainly by Hirudinea and Oligochaeta. The higher eutrophication process in the reservoir probably was the cause of the reduction of macroinvertebrates fauna, when compared with studies in the past. The major process of these problems are the elevated input of nutrients, reduction on the dissolved oxygen and the input of metals, resulting in the substitution of the species for Oligochaeta organisms (Tubificidae), which are tolerant to different pollutants. To conclude, the high concentrations in the water and sediment for nutrients and metals, with values that exceed the limits from Environmental Agency, were related to the activities developed in the Watershed, indicating impacts produced by this utilization and its effects on the physical, chemical toxicological and biological characteristics of the system.
The goal of this work was to asses the environmental quality of Salto Grande reservoir (Americana, SP), located in an urban area with high industrial activities. Physical and chemical analyses were made in water and sediment, toxicity bioassays and structure (composition and density) of benthic organisms in four months (May, August, November 2000 and February 2001). The water nutrients analyses demonstrated high concentrations, mainly of ammonia ion and total phosphate, exceeding the limits from CONAMA 20/86, and based on the Trophic State Index, the reservoir was classified as eutrophic or hipereutrophic, depending on the months and the sampling stations, verified by a reduction on nutrients concentrations and in the trophic state, in the river-dam direction. The nutrients concentrations in the sediment was also elevated when compared with others reservoirs and the grain size composition demonstrated that the central sampling stations had silt-clay composition while the shore sampling stations and the Atibaia river had sand composition. The metals analysis indicates that water and sediment were contaminated by Cd, Cu, Cr, Fe, Mg, e Mn, with exception for Zn in the water and Pb in the sediment. The metals analysis in the benthic organisms indicates a bioaccumulation of Cd, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn and Zn, with exception for Pb and Cr. The acute toxicity bioassays verified, for Chironomus xanthus, higher toxicity in the Atibaia river, with 61% of mortality in November 2000, while for Daphnia similis the maximum toxicity (100% of immobility in August 2000) was observed on the sampling stations near the dam. The analysis of benthic organisms demonstrates the predominance of Oligochaeta, on central sampling stations (with higher profundity), and a higher diversity fauna, mainly by Oligochaeta, Mollusca and Ephemeroptera (Insecta), on the shore sampling stations. The Atibaia river fauna is composed mainly by Hirudinea and Oligochaeta. The higher eutrophication process in the reservoir probably was the cause of the reduction of macroinvertebrates fauna, when compared with studies in the past. The major process of these problems are the elevated input of nutrients, reduction on the dissolved oxygen and the input of metals, resulting in the substitution of the species for Oligochaeta organisms (Tubificidae), which are tolerant to different pollutants. To conclude, the high concentrations in the water and sediment for nutrients and metals, with values that exceed the limits from Environmental Agency, were related to the activities developed in the Watershed, indicating impacts produced by this utilization and its effects on the physical, chemical toxicological and biological characteristics of the system.
qualidade de água e sedimento, bioensaios de toxicidade, macroinvertebrados bentônicos, metais, reservatório de Salto Grande, toxicity bioassay, Salto Grande reservoir, benthic macroinvertebrates, metals, water and sediment quality