Análise do gradiente da temperatura e umidade absoluta no entorno da Represa do Lobo
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
A avaliação da interação reservatórios-atmosfera mostra-se limitada a estudos de grandes reservatórios, que visam analisar eventuais alterações na temperatura e umidade; identifica-se, portanto, a necessidade de estender estudos desta natureza a reservatórios menores. Neste contexto, a presente pesquisa buscou avaliar, por meio de um transecto, o gradiente da temperatura e umidade absoluta na margem da Represa do Lobo, localizada em Itirapina-SP, de modo a determinar se a existência da represa altera os valores medidos na estação meteorológica do Centro de Recursos Hídricos e Ecologia Aplicada CRHEA, instalado nas proximidades. O transecto foi montado na área do CRHEA; ao longo dele, foram instalados sensores termopares tipo T para o registro das temperaturas de bulbo seco (Tbs) e bulbo úmido (Tbu), além de quatro dataloggers, para o armazenamento dos dados. A campanha de coleta foi realizada entre os meses de junho e setembro, período com o menor índice pluviométrico no ano, de modo a evitar alterações nos valores da umidade absoluta; os dados. No estudo, foi empregado o conceito de dias típicos experimentais, por apresentarem características semelhantes aos das Normais Climatológicas para a região e época do ano. Os dados foram analisados por meio do teste estatístico de Mann Whitney e gráficos Boxplot. A comparação estatística entre os psicrômetros revelou que a temperatura se manteve constante, com exceção de um gradiente de 1,5°C a 2°C verificado no 3° quartil dos Boxplot entre a Tbs1 e Tbs3. O mesmo ocorreu com a umidade absoluta, que apresentou variação de apenas 0,5 g/m³ entre dois dos psicrômetros. Conclui-se, portanto, que a metodologia utilizada não apontou evidências de que a presença da Represa do Lobo altere os valores da temperatura e umidade absoluta medidos na estação climatológica do CRHEA. Como recomendação para estudos posteriores cita-se a análise das movimentações das massas de ar, mais especificamente das plumas de umidade.
The assessment of the reservoir-atmosphere interaction seems to be limited to case studies of big reservoirs, that seek to analyze occasional alterations on temperature and humidity; one identifies, therefore, the need of extending such studies to smaller water bodies. The goal of this research is to evaluate, by means of a transect, the temperature gradient and absolute humidity at the Represa do Lobo, located between the cities of Itirapina and São Carlos, SP, in order to determine whether the presence of the reservoir exerts influence on the measurements performed at the meteorological station of the Center for Water Resources and Applied Ecology-CRHEA, installed nearby. The transect was installed in the CRHEA area. T-type thermocouple sensors were placed along its length, in order to record dry bulb (Tbs) and wet bulb (Tbu) temperatures; these data were stored in dataloggers. Data collection was conducted between June and September, period with the lowest rainfall in the year, so as to avoid changes in the values of absolute humidity. For data analysis, the concept of typical experimental days was used, because they have similar characteristics to the Normal Climatological for the region and time of the year. Data evaluation was performed using the Mann-Whitney test statistic and Boxplot graphs. The statistical comparison between psychrometers showed that temperature kept constant, except for a temperature gradient of 1.5°C to 2°C in the 3rd quartile of the Boxplot between Tbs1 and Tbs3. The same behavior was observed for absolute humidity: only a slight variation of 0.5 g/m³ was perceived between two psychrometers. It is therefore concluded that the adopted methodology did not point out evidence that the Represa do Lobo alters the values of temperature and absolute humidity measured at the CRHEA meteorological station. Suggestions for future studies include the assessment of air masses, more specifically the humidity plumes.
The assessment of the reservoir-atmosphere interaction seems to be limited to case studies of big reservoirs, that seek to analyze occasional alterations on temperature and humidity; one identifies, therefore, the need of extending such studies to smaller water bodies. The goal of this research is to evaluate, by means of a transect, the temperature gradient and absolute humidity at the Represa do Lobo, located between the cities of Itirapina and São Carlos, SP, in order to determine whether the presence of the reservoir exerts influence on the measurements performed at the meteorological station of the Center for Water Resources and Applied Ecology-CRHEA, installed nearby. The transect was installed in the CRHEA area. T-type thermocouple sensors were placed along its length, in order to record dry bulb (Tbs) and wet bulb (Tbu) temperatures; these data were stored in dataloggers. Data collection was conducted between June and September, period with the lowest rainfall in the year, so as to avoid changes in the values of absolute humidity. For data analysis, the concept of typical experimental days was used, because they have similar characteristics to the Normal Climatological for the region and time of the year. Data evaluation was performed using the Mann-Whitney test statistic and Boxplot graphs. The statistical comparison between psychrometers showed that temperature kept constant, except for a temperature gradient of 1.5°C to 2°C in the 3rd quartile of the Boxplot between Tbs1 and Tbs3. The same behavior was observed for absolute humidity: only a slight variation of 0.5 g/m³ was perceived between two psychrometers. It is therefore concluded that the adopted methodology did not point out evidence that the Represa do Lobo alters the values of temperature and absolute humidity measured at the CRHEA meteorological station. Suggestions for future studies include the assessment of air masses, more specifically the humidity plumes.
Umidade, Transecto, Temperatura, Represa, Micro clima, Gradiente, Micro climate, Humidity, Temperature, Transect, Gradient, Dam