Procedimentos para tornar mais efetivo o uso das redes neurais artificiais em planejamento de transportes.
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
O objetivo deste trabalho é explorar procedimentos alternativos capazes de tornar mais efetiva a aplicação, em planejamento de transportes, de modelos desenvolvidos através de redes neurais artificiais (RNA). Pensar, do ponto de vista prático, que um programa de computador seja imprescindível para a fase de treinamento da rede é aceitável, mas depender deste programa também para estimativas e simulações a partir da rede treinada é muito restritivo. Desta forma, o ideal seria obter instrumentos capazes de reproduzir, fora do software de RNA, o comportamento de redes treinadas, integrando a capacidade de predição das RNAs a outros ambientes e ferramentas. Isto ampliaria os recursos de diferentes ferramentas de planejamento, permitindo, por exemplo, análises de sensibilidade mais simples e diretas. Este trabalho será baseado em um modelo já desenvolvido em outra pesquisa, na qual se treinou uma rede neural artificial para estimar um índice de potencial de viagens para planejamento estratégico de transportes. Trata-se de um caso típico em que, embora a rede treinada conduza a estimativas razoáveis de número de viagens por domicílio a partir de variáveis que caracterizam a mobilidade e a acessibilidade, não se pode realizar outras análises a partir dos resultados sem fazer uso do software em que a rede neural artificial foi treinada e obviamente do arquivo com a rede já treinada. Daí a importância de desenvolver alternativas capazes de tornar mais efetivo o uso desse tipo de modelo. Dentre as alternativas aqui exploradas está a reprodução do modelo de RNA em uma planilha eletrônica, o desenvolvimento de um programa em visual basic, a construção de ábacos e a integração, de forma direta, do modelo de RNA a um sistema de informações geográficas (SIG). Para esse último caso, o modelo em ambiente SIG foi utilizado em uma aplicação na cidade de Bauru, a partir de dados agregados em zonas, onde se simulou alterações nos valores das variáveis de entrada, de forma a avaliar o seu impacto sobre as viagens estimadas em diferentes regiões da cidade. Todas as alternativas exploradas ilustram bem a ampliação das possibilidades de realização de análises de sensibilidade com os modelos de RNA, sobretudo quando combinados com os SIG, particularmente quando a localização dos valores estimados como saída é importante no contexto de análise e tomada de decisão. É importante destacar ainda que, além de permitir a condução de análises de sensibilidade, as alternativas apresentadas neste estudo podem, de certa forma, ajudar aos planejadores e tomadores de decisão a entender a lógica do modelo.
The objective of this work is to explore alternative procedures to make more effective the application of ANN (artificial neural network) models in transportation planning. While the use of a specific computer program for training the networks is acceptable, the requirement of the same dedicated software also for predictions and simulations using the trained network is very restrictive from a practical point of view. An alternative to tackle this problem would be to reproduce the behavior of the trained ANN models out the training package through the integration of their estimation capabilities to other tools and environments. This could extend the resources of different planning tools, allowing, for instance, simpler and direct sensitivity analyses. The present study is based on a model developed in previous research work, in which a particular ANN model has been developed to estimate a Trip Potential Index for transportation planning at a strategic level. This is a typical example of a model able to produce acceptable trip number estimations based on input variables associated to mobility and accessibility. Any further analyses, however, are usually dependent on the use of the same package used for training the network and the file with the trained network. This stresses the importance of developing alternatives to make more effective the use of this sort of model. Among the alternatives explored in this work are: the use of electronic spreadsheets, a computer program written in visual basic, graphs, and the direct integration of the ANN model into a geographic information system (GIS) commercial package. In the last case, the model in a GIS-environment has been used to run an application in the city of Bauru. Using data aggregated at the zonal level, changes in the input variables have been simulated in order to evaluate their impact on the trips estimated for different city regions. All alternatives explored here demonstrate the possibilities offered by the ANN models for sensitivity analyses. This is even more evident in the case of ANN models combined with GIS, particularly when the location of the predicted values is a relevant element in the analysis or decision making context. In addition, the procedures presented here may somehow help planners and decisionmakers in understanding the logic behind the models.
The objective of this work is to explore alternative procedures to make more effective the application of ANN (artificial neural network) models in transportation planning. While the use of a specific computer program for training the networks is acceptable, the requirement of the same dedicated software also for predictions and simulations using the trained network is very restrictive from a practical point of view. An alternative to tackle this problem would be to reproduce the behavior of the trained ANN models out the training package through the integration of their estimation capabilities to other tools and environments. This could extend the resources of different planning tools, allowing, for instance, simpler and direct sensitivity analyses. The present study is based on a model developed in previous research work, in which a particular ANN model has been developed to estimate a Trip Potential Index for transportation planning at a strategic level. This is a typical example of a model able to produce acceptable trip number estimations based on input variables associated to mobility and accessibility. Any further analyses, however, are usually dependent on the use of the same package used for training the network and the file with the trained network. This stresses the importance of developing alternatives to make more effective the use of this sort of model. Among the alternatives explored in this work are: the use of electronic spreadsheets, a computer program written in visual basic, graphs, and the direct integration of the ANN model into a geographic information system (GIS) commercial package. In the last case, the model in a GIS-environment has been used to run an application in the city of Bauru. Using data aggregated at the zonal level, changes in the input variables have been simulated in order to evaluate their impact on the trips estimated for different city regions. All alternatives explored here demonstrate the possibilities offered by the ANN models for sensitivity analyses. This is even more evident in the case of ANN models combined with GIS, particularly when the location of the predicted values is a relevant element in the analysis or decision making context. In addition, the procedures presented here may somehow help planners and decisionmakers in understanding the logic behind the models.
acessibilidade, mobilidade, planjamento estratégico, redes neurais artificiais, accessibility, artificial neural networks, mobility, transportation strategic planning