Contribuição à análise da capacidade de processamento de trens cargueiros em linhas ferroviárias singelas no Brasil
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
O expressivo crescimento do setor ferroviário com o processo de privatizações das operações a partir de 1996, fez com que a modalidade aumentasse sua participação na matriz de transportes brasileira. Porém, essa expansão, obtida essencialmente com a substituição e aumento de locomotivas e vagões, juntamente com a modernização do sistema de controle de tráfego, deverá em breve encontrar limites impostos pela geometria e superestrutura da malha ferroviária. O objetivo da dissertação é analisar como esses fatores afetam a capacidade de processamento de trens através de uma linha ferroviária singela. Para alcançar este objetivo desenvolveu-se um modelo capaz de identificar as características da via que restringem as velocidades e o headway das composições ferroviárias. O modelo proposto permite, através da análise de desempenho em cada um dos arcos de um trecho de linha ferroviária, obter uma medida de desempenho global no trecho e identificar os gargalos. O método adotado para determinar a capacidade do trecho para cenários operacionais alternativos é o da utilização de diagramas espaço-tempo. Os diagramas espaço-tempo são elaborados através de um algoritmo em MatLab que soluciona os conflitos nos cruzamentos para um determinado tempo de cruzamento nas estações e efetua a contagem de pares de trens. O desempenho dos trens em cada um dos arcos, dado de entrada do algoritmo, é adquirido através de um modelo de simulação de desempenho de trens elaborado pela Association of Amerian Railroads (AAR). Como aplicação prática apresenta-se uma análise de capacidade para um dos principais corredores de exportação, um trecho da Brasil Ferrovias S.A. entre as cidades de Santa Fé do Sul e Araraquara no estado de São Paulo. A análise dos resultados mostra que o principal fator limitante da velocidade média no espaço dos trens é a atual condição da superestrutura ferroviária e que, uma vez eliminada esta restrição, a supressão de passagens de nível e a relocação de estações de cruzamento, produzem ganhos expressivos.
The expessive growth of the railway sector due to the privatization of the operations since 1996, is increasing the participation of this mode in the brazilian transport matrix. However, this growth is obtained mainly from the replacement and increase of the rolling stock and the modernization of the traffic control system, and will soon reach some important limits imposed by the railway geometry and superstructure. The thesis objective is to analyze how these factors affect the capacity to process trains through a single track railroad line. To reach this objective, a model that identifies the restrictions that impose limits to the speed and headways of the trains was developed. Through the performance analysis on each arc of a railway segment, the model obtains a global performance measure for the whole segment and identifies the bottlenecks. Time-space graphs are developed to determine the capacity of the segment for different operating scenarios. To build the space-time graphs, solve the conflicts at the crossings for a given time to cross and count the trains per day, an algorithm using the MathLab software was developed. The train performance on each arc is obtained through a simulation model developed by the Association of American Railroads (AAR). As a practical application, a capacity analysis of one of the most important export corridors is presented, a segment of the Brasil Ferrovias S.A. network between the cities of Santa Fé do Sul and Araraquara in the state of São Paulo. The analysis of the results shows that the present railway superstructure condition is the main train average space speed limiting factor and, once this restriction is eliminated, the supression of at grade crossings and the relocation of the crossing stations produce expressive gains.
The expessive growth of the railway sector due to the privatization of the operations since 1996, is increasing the participation of this mode in the brazilian transport matrix. However, this growth is obtained mainly from the replacement and increase of the rolling stock and the modernization of the traffic control system, and will soon reach some important limits imposed by the railway geometry and superstructure. The thesis objective is to analyze how these factors affect the capacity to process trains through a single track railroad line. To reach this objective, a model that identifies the restrictions that impose limits to the speed and headways of the trains was developed. Through the performance analysis on each arc of a railway segment, the model obtains a global performance measure for the whole segment and identifies the bottlenecks. Time-space graphs are developed to determine the capacity of the segment for different operating scenarios. To build the space-time graphs, solve the conflicts at the crossings for a given time to cross and count the trains per day, an algorithm using the MathLab software was developed. The train performance on each arc is obtained through a simulation model developed by the Association of American Railroads (AAR). As a practical application, a capacity analysis of one of the most important export corridors is presented, a segment of the Brasil Ferrovias S.A. network between the cities of Santa Fé do Sul and Araraquara in the state of São Paulo. The analysis of the results shows that the present railway superstructure condition is the main train average space speed limiting factor and, once this restriction is eliminated, the supression of at grade crossings and the relocation of the crossing stations produce expressive gains.
capacidade de tráfego, transporte ferroviário, simulação, ferrovia singela, desempenho do trem, rail transport, single track railway, traffic capacity, train performance, simulation