Estudo da estabilização com cal de um solo laterítico e um solo não laterítico
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar o comportamento de dois solos estabilizados com cal hidratada (CH-III), um solo laterítico (LG´) e outro não laterítico (NG´), coletados de um mesmo local na cidade de Dois Córregos-SP. Para tanto, foram realizados os procedimentos de dosagem de Solo-Cal do Método do pH (ASTM D 6276-99a), que resultou nos teores de 4% de cal, para o solo LG´ e de 6%, para o solo NG´. No programa experimental foram avaliadas as propriedades mecânicas (RCS e RT) originais e após imersão para diferentes dias de cura (0, 7, 28 e 60 dias), após as primeiras constatações, foram realizados complementarmente ensaios mecânicos (módulo de resiliência, MR, e deformação permanente, DP) e de imagens por microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) também para tempos de cura diferentes. Os resultados dos ensaios permitiram verificar que (i) a parcela mais importante do ganho de resistência (RCS e RT) devido à adição de cal aconteceu nos primeiros sete dias de cura e após os 28 dias, há uma tendência de estabilização do ganho de resistência, contudo, nenhuma das misturas superou as RCS e RT do solo original; (ii) os resultados dos ensaios de RCS e RT em corpos de prova após imersão só foram possíveis nas misturas solo-cal (a partir de 7 dias) indicando que parcela dessas resistências são atribuídas à cimentação desenvolvida entre o solo e a cal; (iii) os resultados de MR mostraram algum ganho de rigidez dos materiais, o que levou à redução na deformação (DP) em 67% para as mistura com solo LG´ e cal e 52% para as com solo NG´ e cal; (iv) as análises das imagens de MEV mostraram mudanças texturais dos materiais, indicando a ocorrência de reações imediatas da cal com os dois tipos de solo, entretanto, não foram obtidas imagens compatíveis com estruturas que evidenciassem reações pozolânicas. Os resultados desta pesquisa levantam questões sobre o método de dosagem e a possibilidade da cal estar carbonatada. Essas questões evidenciam a necessidade de se desenvolver uma normalização dos métodos de dosagem e avaliação das misturas solo-cal adequados para aplicação aos solos tropicais.
The objective of this study was to analyze the behavior of a lateritic (LG´) and a non-lateritic (NG´) soils stabilized with hydrated lime (CH-III). The soils were collected at the same location, nearby the town of Dois Córregos-SP. Thus, the pH method to estimate the soillime proportion (ASTM D 6276-99a) was performed, which resulted in the content of 4% lime for the LG\' soil, and 6% for the NG\' soil. The laboratory tests have assessed the original and immersed mechanical properties (UCS and TS) at different curing periods (0, 7, 28 and 60 days). Complementary tests such as resilient modulus (MR), permanent deformations (DP) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were also performed at different curing periods. The results have shown that (i) the major part of strength improvement (UCS and TS) due to addition of lime has taken place in the first seven days of curing and, after 28 days, the improvements tend to stabilize; however, none of the admixtures have surpassed UCS and TS values of original soil; (ii) UCS and TS results of specimens after immersion were only obtained in the soil-lime admixtures (after 7 days of curing), this indicates that a portion of these strengths are attributed to cementation developed between soil and lime; (iii) the MR results have presented some stiffness improvement in the materials, which has resulted in reductions of the permanent deformation (DP), about 67% for LG\' soil admixtures and 52% for NG\' soil admixtures; (iv) the analyses of SEM images have shown textural changes in the materials, which depict the occurrence of immediate reactions of the lime for both types of soil, however it was not possible to obtain images presenting structures that could distinguish pozzolanic reactions. The research\'s results lead to questions about the dosage method and the possibility of lime carbonation. These questions highlight the need of developing standards for a soil-lime design method and an admixture assessment applicable to tropical soils.
The objective of this study was to analyze the behavior of a lateritic (LG´) and a non-lateritic (NG´) soils stabilized with hydrated lime (CH-III). The soils were collected at the same location, nearby the town of Dois Córregos-SP. Thus, the pH method to estimate the soillime proportion (ASTM D 6276-99a) was performed, which resulted in the content of 4% lime for the LG\' soil, and 6% for the NG\' soil. The laboratory tests have assessed the original and immersed mechanical properties (UCS and TS) at different curing periods (0, 7, 28 and 60 days). Complementary tests such as resilient modulus (MR), permanent deformations (DP) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were also performed at different curing periods. The results have shown that (i) the major part of strength improvement (UCS and TS) due to addition of lime has taken place in the first seven days of curing and, after 28 days, the improvements tend to stabilize; however, none of the admixtures have surpassed UCS and TS values of original soil; (ii) UCS and TS results of specimens after immersion were only obtained in the soil-lime admixtures (after 7 days of curing), this indicates that a portion of these strengths are attributed to cementation developed between soil and lime; (iii) the MR results have presented some stiffness improvement in the materials, which has resulted in reductions of the permanent deformation (DP), about 67% for LG\' soil admixtures and 52% for NG\' soil admixtures; (iv) the analyses of SEM images have shown textural changes in the materials, which depict the occurrence of immediate reactions of the lime for both types of soil, however it was not possible to obtain images presenting structures that could distinguish pozzolanic reactions. The research\'s results lead to questions about the dosage method and the possibility of lime carbonation. These questions highlight the need of developing standards for a soil-lime design method and an admixture assessment applicable to tropical soils.
Deformação permanente, Dosagem de solo-cal, Microscopia eletrônica de varredura, Propriedades mecânicas, Solos tropicais, Mechanical properties, Permanent deformation, Scanning electron microscopy, Tropical soils