Tenacidade à fratura dinâmica de ligas de titânio (Ti6AI4V) e de aço inoxidável (PH15-5)
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
O presente trabalho visou determinar a tenacidade à fratura dinâmica, KID, primeiramente pelos conceitos da Mecânica da Fratura Elástica Linear (MFEL) e posteriormente pela Mecânica da Fratura Elasto-Plástica (MFEP), JID, em materiais que em operação podem estar sujeitos a impactos em diferentes temperaturas. Os materiais estudados, de uso na indústria aeronáutica, foram uma liga de titânio Ti6Al4V (norma SAE AMS 4911), na condição recozida e uma liga de aço inoxidável PH 15-5 (norma SAE AMS 5659), na condição H1000. Os corpos de prova pré-trincados e entalhados foram retirados nas orientações L-T e L-S, a fim de que fossem determinadas e comparadas a relação tenacidade/densidade ou tenacidade específica dos materiais estudados. Em seguida os corpos de prova foram ensaiados sob condições de carga dinâmica em uma máquina de ensaio Charpy instrumentado, marca Instron-Wolpert PW30, conforme a norma ASTM-E23, com velocidade de carregamento de 5,52 m/s e nas temperaturas de 23 e 400ºC. Os valores das tenacidades, posteriormente comparados e correlacionados, foram obtidos de acordo com as expressões matemáticas mencionadas na literatura. A razão entre as energias estimadas de iniciação (Ei) e de propagação (Ep), (Ei/Ep), foi obtida a partir dos gráficos de carga-deslocamento x tempo. A determinação e caracterização dos aspectos macro e microscópicos da fratura foram realizadas através de microscopia ótica e de varredura. Em seguida, confrontaram-se os valores e os aspectos preponderantes dos mecanismos de fratura apresentados por cada material.
The present work aimed to evaluate the dynamic fracture toughness, KID, firstly using the Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics parameter, (LEFM), and secondly using the Elasto-Plastic Fracture Mechanics (EPFM), JID. The materials used in this work are from aeronautic grade and are subjected to in service impact loads and temperature variation. The materials are a titanium alloy Ti6Al4V (standard SAE AMS 4911), in the annealed condition and a PH 15-5 stainless steel (standard SAE AMS 5659), H1000 condition. Both precracked and notched specimens were taken in the L-T and L-S directions, for the evaluation and comparison of the toughness/density ratio, i. e., the specific dynamic fracture toughness of the materials studied. Therefore, the specimens were tested under dynamic load using an Instron-Wolpert PW30 Instrumented Charpy Equipment, following the ASTM-E23 standard, with load speed of 5,52 m/s at 23 and 400ºC. The fracture toughness values were compared using mathematical expression from literature. The ration between the initiation (Ei) and propagation (Ep) energies, (Ei/Ep), was obtained from the load-displacement x time. The characterization of the macro and microscopic aspects of the fracture mechanisms were carried out using optical microscope and scan electronic microscope. The fracture toughness values and the fractographic observations were correlated and compared for the two materials studied.
The present work aimed to evaluate the dynamic fracture toughness, KID, firstly using the Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics parameter, (LEFM), and secondly using the Elasto-Plastic Fracture Mechanics (EPFM), JID. The materials used in this work are from aeronautic grade and are subjected to in service impact loads and temperature variation. The materials are a titanium alloy Ti6Al4V (standard SAE AMS 4911), in the annealed condition and a PH 15-5 stainless steel (standard SAE AMS 5659), H1000 condition. Both precracked and notched specimens were taken in the L-T and L-S directions, for the evaluation and comparison of the toughness/density ratio, i. e., the specific dynamic fracture toughness of the materials studied. Therefore, the specimens were tested under dynamic load using an Instron-Wolpert PW30 Instrumented Charpy Equipment, following the ASTM-E23 standard, with load speed of 5,52 m/s at 23 and 400ºC. The fracture toughness values were compared using mathematical expression from literature. The ration between the initiation (Ei) and propagation (Ep) energies, (Ei/Ep), was obtained from the load-displacement x time. The characterization of the macro and microscopic aspects of the fracture mechanisms were carried out using optical microscope and scan electronic microscope. The fracture toughness values and the fractographic observations were correlated and compared for the two materials studied.
Aço inoxidável PH15-5, Ensaio de impacto Charpy instrumentado, Liga de titânio Ti6Al4V, Tenacidade à fratura dinâmica, Charpy instrumented impact test, Dynamic fracture toughness, Stainless steel alloy (PH15-5), Titanium alloy (Ti6Al4V)