Localização de faltas em linhas de transmissão utilizando a teoria de ondas viajantes e transformada Wavelet
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Este trabalho traz a aplicação da transformada wavelet (TW) para analisar os transitórios de alta freqüência em um sistema de transmissão causados por uma falta sustentada, com o objetivo de se determinar a precisa localização da mesma. A TW, ferramenta matemática empregada neste trabalho, é uma transformação linear muito parecida com a transformada de Fourier, com uma importante diferença: ela permite a localização no tempo de diferentes componentes de freqüência de um dado sinal. Esta localização permite a detecção no tempo da ocorrência de distúrbios abruptos, tais como os transitórios ocasionados por situações de faltas. Os sinais de ondas viajantes geradas pela ocorrência da falta aparecem como distúrbios superpostos aos sinais de freqüência fundamental que são registrados pelos relés. Processando-se estes sinais pelo emprego da TW, esta pode revelar o tempo de propagação dos sinais analisados entre o ponto de ocorrência do distúrbio e a localização física do relé. Conseqüentemente, dispondo-se do intervalo de tempo entre as ondas sobre uma dada linha de transmissão, a distância do ponto de falta pode então ser facilmente determinada, sendo esta a filosofia adotada neste trabalho. O problema delineado é abordado através da implementação prática de um algoritmo computacional. Nesta implementação, o usuário pode escolher a técnica de localização a ser empregada, utilizando-se de dados registrados em um ou em ambos os terminais da linha, conforme a sua necessidade e/ou disponibilidade dos recursos necessários. Com o objetivo de testar e validar a aplicabilidade do algoritmo de localização de faltas, utilizou-se de dados de sinais faltosos obtidos através de simulações do software ATP (Altenative Transients Program), levando-se em conta vários tipos de falta em diferentes localizações ao longo da linha, com diferentes ângulos de incidência, resistências de falta, freqüência de amostragem do sinal, etc. Também foi verificada a influência do acoplamento mútuo em caso de circuitos duplos de transmissão. Os resultados alcançados pelo algoritmo são promissores e demonstram uma ótima precisão e aplicabilidade do método proposto.
This work presents a wavelet transform (WT) application to analyze the high frequency transients in a transmission line caused by a fault, with the purpose of determining its accurate location. The WT is very similar to Fourier Transform (FT), with an important difference: it allows the time determination of different frequency components of a signal. This skill allows the detection of the time of the disturbance occurrence, such as fault transients. The traveling waves generated by the fault occurrence appear as superimposed disturbances on the power frequency signals recorded by the relay. By processing these signals using the WT, the propagation time between the fault point and the relay location can be determined. Consequently, the distance of the fault point can be easily calculated. The delineated problem is boarded through the practical implementation of a computational algorithm. In this implementation, the user can choose the location technique to be employee, using data registered in one or both the terminals of the line, according to the necessity and/or availability of the data. In order to evaluate the applicability of the proposed scheme, the simulation of the transmission line in a faulty condition was utilized. This work makes use of a digital simulator of a faulted EHV (Extra High Voltage) transmission lines known as Alternative Transients Program (ATP). A typical transmission line from CESP (Companhia Energética de São Paulo) were utilized. The simulated data obtained was very close to that found in practice. This study takes into account single phase to ground faults, phase-to-phase faults, phase-phase to ground and three phase faults. The data set was composed of various fault situations considering different fault locations, fault resistances and fault inception angles. The influence of the sampled rate used was also verified as well as the mutual coupling in case of double transmission circuits. The test results reached for the algorithm are promising and demonstrate a highly satisfactory degree of accuracy and applicability of the proposed method.
This work presents a wavelet transform (WT) application to analyze the high frequency transients in a transmission line caused by a fault, with the purpose of determining its accurate location. The WT is very similar to Fourier Transform (FT), with an important difference: it allows the time determination of different frequency components of a signal. This skill allows the detection of the time of the disturbance occurrence, such as fault transients. The traveling waves generated by the fault occurrence appear as superimposed disturbances on the power frequency signals recorded by the relay. By processing these signals using the WT, the propagation time between the fault point and the relay location can be determined. Consequently, the distance of the fault point can be easily calculated. The delineated problem is boarded through the practical implementation of a computational algorithm. In this implementation, the user can choose the location technique to be employee, using data registered in one or both the terminals of the line, according to the necessity and/or availability of the data. In order to evaluate the applicability of the proposed scheme, the simulation of the transmission line in a faulty condition was utilized. This work makes use of a digital simulator of a faulted EHV (Extra High Voltage) transmission lines known as Alternative Transients Program (ATP). A typical transmission line from CESP (Companhia Energética de São Paulo) were utilized. The simulated data obtained was very close to that found in practice. This study takes into account single phase to ground faults, phase-to-phase faults, phase-phase to ground and three phase faults. The data set was composed of various fault situations considering different fault locations, fault resistances and fault inception angles. The influence of the sampled rate used was also verified as well as the mutual coupling in case of double transmission circuits. The test results reached for the algorithm are promising and demonstrate a highly satisfactory degree of accuracy and applicability of the proposed method.
sistemas elétricos de potência, linhas de transmissão, localização de faltas, ondas viajantes, transformada wavelet, traveling waves, transmission lines, fault location, power system, wavelet transform